The Future Of Computer Crime In America

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The Future of Computer Crime in America

Sociology Research Paper

Sociology per. # 2


Sociology Subjects:

Future Society

Social Change

Social and Enviromental Issues

Deviant Behavior


Name: Brandon Robinson

Time period: # 2

The proliferation of place computing machines, and of place computing machines equipped with

modems, has brought about a major transmutation in the manner American society

communicates, interacts, and receives information. All of these alterations being

popularized by the media and the broad increased personal and private sector usage

of the Internet. All of these factors plus the fact of more and more concern

and authorities establishments are leaping to do the usage of these services has

set a much wider scope of information at the finger tips of those, frequently choice

and few persons whom know how to entree, understand and usage these

information beginnings. Often times today this information is of a really sensitive

and private nature on anything from IRS Tax returns, to Top Secret NASA warhead

launch information. Piled on top of that many times the persons accessing

these information beginnings are making so by illegal agencies and are frequently motivated

by aberrant and illegal agencies. It is said that at any given clip the norm

American has his name on an active file in over 550 computing machine information

databases of which about 90 % are on-line, and of the 550 databases the figure

comes no where near to how many clip your personal information is listed in

some database in an unactive file. The & # 8220 ; Average American & # 8221 ; could merely sit in

his/her place making about nil all twenty-four hours long and still hold his/her name go

through over 1,000 computing machines a twenty-four hours.

All of these huge information files all hold the important 1s and zero & # 8217 ; s

of informations that make up your life as you and all others know it. All of these informations

spots, at the custodies 100,000 & # 8217 ; s of people. With small or NO cardinal control or

regulative bureau to supervise the safe handling of your cherished small 1s and

zero & # 8217 ; s of information. As it would look Arson Wells was small late with his

rubric of & # 8220 ; 1984 & # 8243 ; . & # 8220 ; BIG BROTHER & # 8221 ; is INDEED WATCHING, US ALL and as it would look

our BIG BROTHER is alot bigger so Mr. Wells could hold of all time imagined. And that

our BIG BROTHER is EVERYWHERE! The 100,000 & # 8217 ; s of people that do hold this

information make up our modern BIG BROTHER in the signifier of authorities

establishments to private advertisement companies, these people are all the

& # 8220 ; trusted & # 8221 ; 1s who use our information everyday for legal and utile intents

but what about the others who use their accomplishments and and knowledge to derive their

& # 8220 ; ain & # 8221 ; personal and illegal entree to these huge depositaries of information?

These persons popularized and demonized by the media are frequently referr

erectile dysfunction to

as & # 8220 ; Hackers & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; One who obtains unauthorised if non illegal, entree to computing machine

informations systems and or networks. & # 8221 ; or the media definition & # 8220 ; maladjusted also-rans

organizing & # 8220 ; hi-tech street packs that are unsafe to society & # 8221 ; ( Chicago Tribune,

1989 ) Which of all time one is best fitted they are so going a really serious

issue and concern to some in our of all time and invariably altering American Techno

Society. Because of the serious delection by our elective representatives whom

hold valorously one time once more failed to maintain up with the of all time altering times, there

is if any major or clear and easy to understand & # 8220 ; CONSTITUTIONAL & # 8221 ; ( The recent 3

to 1 over bend of the non merely controversial but deemed UNconstituional jurisprudence

culled the Communications Decency Act & # 8221 ; ) Torahs as to the government of the vastly

wild and chartless kingdoms of internet. The flagrant and serious if non

somewhat absurd efforts of our technologically nonreader and ignorant

multitudes of elective functionaries. Sends a clear S.O.S. message to the hereafter

coevalss of America to non merely LOCK you PHYSICAL Doors but besides LOCK and

dual LOCK all or your COMPUTER DOORS every bit good. In order for this society to

evolve expeditiously with our of all time altering engineering rate. We as the multitudes are

traveling to hold to maintain abreast with the current events that are skulking out in

the deepnesss of internet. Before we, as a consequence of our inability to accommodate and

our haughtiness and ignorance, are all merchandises of our ain technological over

indulgence. So to avoid the tragic and stoping hit of our ain ego

manufactured technological suicide and the break-down of our society,

in every touchable facet, as we know of it today.

I believe that in the hereafter we are headed towards you will see our

society divided into Two major parts 1. ) Those whom pose the cognition and

capableness to obtain the knowledge/information i.e.. the & # 8220 ; LITERATE & # 8221 ; and 2. )

Those who don & # 8217 ; t present the accomplishments necessary to obtain that important

knowledge/information, i.e.. the & # 8220 ; ROAD KILL & # 8221 ; Because in the hereafter, the power

construction will non be decided by who has the most guns or missiles or arms

but the powers construction will be made up of small bantam 1s and zero & # 8217 ; s, spots of

informations giving to those whom of all time poses the power of the cognition and the power to

manipulate who has that cognition. The & # 8220 ; rich & # 8221 ; and & # 8220 ; elitist & # 8221 ; will be the

cognition poseurs and givers and the & # 8220 ; hapless & # 8221 ; will be those with the deficiency of

cognition. Knowledge will convey power and wealth and the deficiency of will

bring & # 8230 ; ..well the deficiency of power, wealth and cognition.


1.Thesis by Gordon R. Meyer & # 8220 ; The Social Organization of the Computer

Underground & # 8221 ;

2.2600 Magazine The Hacker Quarterly

3.The Codex Magazine Monthly Security and Technical Update.

4.Secrets of a Super Hacker by the Knightmare

5.Personal Knowledge, Brandon Robinson

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