The Graduated Driver License Essay Research Paper

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The Graduated Driver License Essay, Research Paper

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The Graduated Driver License

The Graduated Driver License ( GDL ) is a jurisprudence that is aimed to cut down adolescent driving deceases. This jurisprudence goes into affect July 1, 2001. The new drive jurisprudence is made up of 3 chief limitations. These parts are:

1. For the first six months after issue of an Intermediate Driver? s License, the holder of the licence may non hold any riders in the auto under the age of 20, except for members of the holder? s immediate household.

2. After the first six months, the holder may non hold more than three riders in the auto under the age of 20, except for members of the holder? s immediate household.

3. The holder of an Intermediate Driver? s License may non run a vehicle between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 ante meridiem except when the holder is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or a accredited driver who is at least 25 old ages of age.

These limitations remain on a driver with the Intermediate Driver? s License until they are 18 or if after the first 12 months the holder has non been involved in an car accident and has non committed or been convicted of traffic discourtesies or misdemeanors of the licence limitations. The Graduated Driver License jurisprudence is an violation on civil rights.

Our state has a history of declining the rights of its people. African Americans were non allowed to sit in the forepart of a public coach, they were non allowed to utilize public toilets that were reserved for the White population, and they were non allowed to vote. All of these? Torahs? and policies were placed on them because it was believed that African Americans were a lesser people, they were considered inferior to the Caucasic race.

Our history besides teaches that adult females were one time considered to be less so work forces. They could non have land ; if they had inherited land and red gum

ed, their hubby was instantly given ownership of their lands. All the kids a adult female gave birth to were considered the belongings of their hubbies. It was unacceptable for a adult female to work one time she married and the occupations they were allowed to take were limited to learning or house maintaining of some sort, such as being a amah. What was the logical thinking behind these restrictions being placed on adult females? The bulk of work forces believed that adult female were non capable of managing the duties that work forces held, they did non believe adult female had adequate intelligence to do wise pick so they were non allowed to vote. There have been many books written about African American right to vote and adult female? s right to vote.

This jurisprudence expresses the same thoughts shown to adult female and African Americans in the yesteryear. Once once more the bulk has decided that merely because a individual is under the age of 18 they are non intelligent plenty or responsible adequate to manage driving a auto which 1000000s of Americans have the right to make every twenty-four hours. As with any gender, race, and ethnicity there are ever a few who do non follow Torahs or act in a responsible manor, nevertheless, that is no alibi to decline rights to any group regardless of age. Refusing our rights is non the manner to salvage lives. They should do and implement tougher penalties for those that violate the Torahs that govern drivers of all ages.

If this jurisprudence is passed I predict there will be a new right to vote motion. Teenss can band together to contend the lip service, which is our political right set away by our sires. I am cognizant that we are non allowed to vote until the age of 18 but we can still do it clear to our legislative assembly that although we are immature, we will vote in three short old ages and we will non bury those who voted for the jurisprudence that will take away our freedom. As 1000000s of Woman and African Americans one time did, we will contend for our civil rights!

By Tabitha Smith

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