The Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-Arms

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The Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-Arms

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Israel People have, on their “ Coat-of-Arms ” , aLion
and aUnicorns
which is shown as awhite Equus caballus
“ rampant ” with onehorn
. The goldLion
“ rampant ” on the left-side is the emblem of the two-tribed “ House of Judah ” and theUnicorns
or white Wild-Ox “ rampant ” on the right-side is the emblem of the ten-tribed “ House of Israel ” , jointly doing the 12-tribed “Kingdom of Israel
“ . TheUnicorns
in Biblical Code-language: –Horn
is the code-word for land.

The British Coat-of-Arms is the Coat-of-Arms of the 12 tribed Kingdom of Israel and Christ their Rightful King

symbolizes a Unique horn – “ One Kingdom, universe without terminal ” – God ‘s Kingdom on Earth –shortly

On the Coat-of-Arms, the belt environing the shield ; with which the people were to arm up their pubess with great strength ; has written on it, “ Honi soit qui mal Y pense ” .

“ Honi soit qui mal Y pense ” is Old Gallic and it is one of God ‘s regulations refering His advice and Divine-Justice and agencies“ Evil be to him who thinks it ”

Under it, in Gallic, is written “ Dieu et Mon Droit ” – “ God and My Right ” – the Birth-Right of Israel ( the British and related-nations ) , given to Ephraim – the Engel-ish.

The Unicorn ( or Wild-ox – the Engel ) has the Crown of Israel around its cervix so that it is non possible to take it. The Crown is chained to the words “ Mon Droit ” , which means “ My Right ” and refers to the Birthright given to Ephraim, which, like the Crown to which it and the Unicorn ( Engel ) is chained, can ne’er be removed from Ephraim – the English.

The history and significance of the Union doodly-squat or Union Flag

The Union Jack is a multinational flag full of historical significance. It represents the brotherhood of different states and the growing of a household of states whose influence extends far beyond the British Isles. This far-reaching influence is still seen today in the incorporation

of the Union Jack in other national flags such as that of Australia. The British flag is called the “ Union Jack ” , an look that needs to be explained.

The British Flag: a Symbol of Unity

The Union Jack is a all right look of integrity every bit good as diverseness. The British flag incorporates the national symbols of three distinguishable states, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In fact its name “ Union Jack ” emphasises the really nature of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a brotherhood of states. The flag is besides known by another name, this excessively, underscoring the thought of brotherhood: the “ Union flag ” , possibly a less common term but a little more precise. The states consisting the British Isles are non inward-looking or stray provinces with an insular outlook ; together they constitute a powerful brotherhood that has spanned centuries. Recent degeneration that gave Scotland its ain Parliament and Wales its ain Assembly has besides emphasised the importance of single national individualities within the brotherhood without impacting the indispensable integrity of Great Britain. On the contrary, it has strengthened it. Recognition of, and regard for national individualities are an indispensable ingredients for effectual brotherhood. The Union Jack symbolises all this: regard for individualism within a closely knit community.

The “ Union Jack ” or “ Union Flag ” is a composite design made up of three different national symbols:

St. George ‘s Cross, the flag of England St. Andrew ‘s Cross, the flag of Scotland

St. Patrick ‘s Cross, the flag of Ireland

The cross represented in each flag is named after the frequenter saint of each state: St. George, frequenter saint of England, St. Andrew, frequenter saint of Scotland and St. Patrick, frequenter saint of Ireland.

The image below renders the thought of the brotherhood of the three flags organizing one incorporate, multinational Flag.

No reference has been made of the Welsh flag. The Welsh firedrake was non incorporated into the Union Flag because Wales had already been united to England when the first version of the Union Flag was designed in 1606. It is, nevertheless, in common usage.

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