The Modernization Of America Essay Research Paper

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The Modernization of America

The Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1869. The telephone was invented in 1876. The first practical system for a wireless was developed in 1895. The Wright brothers created a winging machine in 1903. The first gas powered car, the assembly line and the icebox were produced in the early twentieth century. These are all really of import stairss in puting the foundation for the modernisation of America, but I would reason that the first truly modern period in American history would hold to be the 1920s.

The 1920s brought a capitalistic population who, as a state, leaned toward isolationism. In two chief Fieldss, the 1920s modernised American society to reflect the America of the twenty-first century more than any epoch before it. These Fieldss are media and concern.

Along with a new decennary came a new attitude from the media. By 1922 there were 22 magazines in circulation and by the terminal of the 1920s, 40 % of Americans owned a wireless. The first tabloid magazine appeared in 1919. The media that we know today spawned from this growing in the 20s. This new type of mass media permitted the spreading of national tendencies or compulsions, such as flagpole sitting. A twenty-first century equivalent to this type of instead eccentric behaviour of national tendencies could be the Christmas & # 8220 ; Tickle me Elmo & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; Furby & # 8221 ; fad over the last few old ages. The national connexion that the mass media provided besides allowed for manner to go of import and for heroes in the universe of athleticss to emerge.

Ad became a moneymaking concern and targeted in-between category places. The decennary brought a new openness about sex, and the media did non lose the opportunity to take portion in this revolution. The films were really popular and the movie stars who were known for being & # 8220 ; cute and inexperienced person, & # 8221 ; such as & # 8220 ; America & # 8217 ; s Sweetheart, & # 8221 ; Mary Pickford were replaced by stars who were & # 8220 ; sexy, & # 8221 ; like & # 8220 ; coquette, & # 8221 ; Theda Bara.

Ad and the handiness of funding brought about a consumer revolution. The new consumer merchandises appealed to people & # 8217 ; s societal aspirations. Very few of the merchandises were necessities, but finally, take parting in the consumerism civilization be

came a criterion for judging one’s value ; instead than faith, character or societal standing as it had been before the 1920s.

Business is the other chief country that accented the passage to modernisation. Large concern was seen throughout the ulterior half of the nineteenth century, but at that place was a major displacement that changed American concern and employment everlastingly. The 1920s saw more amalgamations than anytime in American history besides the 1980s and 90s. Income per capita increased by one-third which increased the criterion of life for many people, leting more than two-thirds of Americans to hold electricity in their places by 1929 and other modern family points such as rinsing machines, chainss, vacuity cleaners, wassailers and run uping machines.

Efficiency became a chief issue in mills. Henry Ford could bring forth an car in 93 proceedingss as opposed to the 14 hours it took him earlier. This besides allowed him to sell the cars for a mere $ 295, that is, $ 700 less than the cost of the cars in 1908. The handiness of the cars prompted both province and federal authoritiess to pour 1000000s of dollars into constructing new roads. This new industry besides opened up new markets in oil, steel, gum elastic, glass and tools.

The on the job universe was altered by the mean work hebdomad dropping to 45 hours. Paid holidaies were going more regular with 40 % of companies offering them. The addition in free clip led to Americans being & # 8220 ; lost in leisure. & # 8221 ; This caused a whole new epoch in the humanistic disciplines, a new fury for the films, athleticss and manner.

Media and concern both changed drastically in the 1920s. The alterations in these Fieldss altered many other facets of life and unwittingly aided each other in advancing leisure, a new societal mentality, and a consumer revolution. These transmutations marked the terminal of progressivism and though there were efforts to salve it, America ne’er saw it in the same signifier once more. Without a uncertainty the innovations and thoughts that were the really beginning of the modernisation of America started decennaries before the 1920s but the population adopted the thoughts and they became available and widespread in the 20s. Therefore I would see the 1920s as the first truly modern epoch in American history.

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