The Nightmare of Your Dreams Narrative

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The Nightmare of Your Dreams
Once in a very small village lived a little, fifteen-year-old girl named Mandy and her thirty-five- year old mother, Amber. Mandy was the sweetheart of the town, she spoke to everyone and was very polite, unlike her mother who has gained a bad reputation of being the town’s prostitute. Everyone look down on Amber because of her hideous activities and her birthing a child at the age of fifteen, but everyone had no doubt in their mind that Mandy will never fall in her mother’s foot steps.

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One day after Amber came home, very intoxicated, due to her lack of money she earned in her last business encounter, she noticed little Mandy playing with her doll in the flower garden out back, and soon evil curious thoughts began to cross her mind. Amber thought that Mandy was old enough to start helping bring in some fast money to help around the house. Amber also thought that this is the age that she also began interested in the opposite sex and taking playing house to a whole new level. But after that train of thought Amber’s mind went into a dark place and she began to wonder if this is the age that little Mandy is thinking the same thoughts as she did when she was ten. So Amber formulated a plan to see if she was right.

“Hey Mandy, can you come in the house please?” Amber yelled from the backdoor.
Mandy happily ran into the house to see what her mom wanted.
“Yes ma’am?” Mandy asks very curiously because normally when her mom comes home she goes straight to sleep.
“Have you ever wondered what mommy’s job is?” she asked in a knifing way.
“Sometimes I used to wonder, but I was too afraid to ask you so I would ask the neighbors or some of my friends parent to see if you worked in the same place or anything, but all they would do is shake their heads and tell me to keep playing and don’t worry about it. So what do you do?” she asked in an intrigued was.

“Well tomorrow is ‘Bring Your Child to Work Day’, and I was curious to see if you wanted to come and see what mommy does and maybe even help out a
little.” said Amber
“YES!” Mandy is a tone that exceeded excitement.
As the night passed by Mandy could hardly sleep because she was so excited. Finally morning came and before Amber could wake Mandy up, Mandy was already dressed and eating her breakfast. Amber was amazed at how eager she was. Soon Amber was dressed and they were off. And within fifteen minutes they arrived at the biggest hotel in the small town.

“So you work at the hotel?” Mandy asked in a tone of assurance
“ No sweetheart I work with the hotel” stated Amber
Amber and Mandy continue to walk to the hotel, and soon they arrive at the hotel and Amber walks to the front desk to get her room card to her usual room. Right as they turn around and get on the elevator Mandy sees her 11:30. They get on the elevator and ride up to the very top floor. Amber tells Mandy to go into the room and watch television while she wait for the gentleman coming up. She thought that he would be perfect to help with her plan because he was always heavily intoxicated. So in the time that it took him to get of the elevator and walk to her, she had her plan.

The gentleman finally arrives at her and begins to start he “session”. She giggles and flirtatiously pushes him away.
“Wait, hold up a minute” she giggly says, “How would you like to try something different?” Amber says, and she explains her plan.
“As long as I get my money’s worth, than sure” says Larry
Amber guides him into the room and introduces him to Mandy. Mandy is looking very confused. Larry walks in, and is grinning his drunken self away.
“Hey, this is my friend Mr. Larry” she says to Mandy, “ and this is Mandy” she says to Mr. Larry
Mandy speaks to him in a normal pleasant tone, and he winks at her. Amber is gathering something together and straightens up the room as Mr. Larry tries to make small talk with Mandy. Then out of nowhere Mr. Larry rubs his hand up and down Mandy’s thigh. Mandy becomes very frantic and runs to her mother.

Her mother laughs, “Its okay, baby girl, he isn’t going to hurt you.”
Mr. Larry walks into the room and lays on the bed while he mother begins to
walk toward the door, Mandy tries to run to her mom, but Mr. Larry grabs her by the waist with one arms and covers her mouth with the other hand. Amber runs for the door and slams it behind her, and sprints down the hallway to the elevator. As the elevator slowly comes up to her floor she hears a loud shriek, and she felt a slight pleasurable sensations from it but yet a funny feeling in her tummy. Soon the elevator arrives in front of her and she rides it down to the lobby and walks into the bar. She has a few drinks and after about twenty minutes she clumsily walk to the elevator to go to her room. She arrives to the door of her room ready to stick her key in the lock when the sound of the squeaky springs of the bed over powered any possible cry or shriek, so Amber just turned her back to the door and slide down to sit down.

Time passes but slowly but surely, and now it 1:49 p.m., and here comes Mr. Larry walking out the room. Amber falls to her awakening and quickly gets up as Mr. Larry throws a stack of money at her. She counts the money and realizes that there was more money in the stack than normal. The money has finally put Amber’s mind her the most negative gear.

Amber walks into the room and checks on Mandy who has fallen to sleep with tear sitting in each corner of her eyes. Mandy knew she had several more appointments today and she also knew that she wanted to keep making the same amount or even more money that Mr. Larry gave her. So while Mandy slept, Amber called the rest of her appointments to postpone them and separate them a little farther apart for Mandy’s sake. Soon it would be time for the next appointment, so Amber woke Mandy up so she can freshen up.

“Mommy I don’t like ‘Bring Your Child to Work Day’ anymore”, Mandy said in a very dry tone.
“Sometimes I don’t like it either but it helps us keep living where we’re living, and you did a really good job today, I’m so proud of you baby girl. Do you think you can do what you did a few more times?” asked Mandy

“Do I have to?” begged Mandy
“Yes, if you would like to keep our house and your nice clothes”, bragged
Mandy turns over and her mother took that as a yes and begins to freshen her up.
Soon the appointment seemed as if they were back to back for Mandy, all she did was lay there and trying to find something to pleasant to think about. After her third total customer of the day she began to feel light headed. Her mom hadn’t been in the room for the last customer so she didn’t know what was going on. It was a slight break between the third and the last session but now the time has come for the final appointment. As the final customer walks in and sees the girl laying on the bed assuming she was asleep, so he went over to her and he found her to be laying there cold as if she has been laying in a freezer all day, she even had the pale skin. The guy didn’t know what to do so he panicked and ran out of the room. Amber didn’t know what was going on so she ran into the room to find her daughter lifeless.

Days pass and Mandy is buried. No one knew for sure her real cause of death, but everyone assumes she found out what her mother’s job was and couldn’t handle it.
Amber stays in the house for weeks trying to cope with her lost, with lack of sleep.
Mandy’s body may rest in peace now but her soul is in rage and wants revenge, so each night her soul waits until each of the men that took advantage of her goes to sleep and she visits them in their dream. Mandy creates the most pleasurable dream for each man and at each peak of the dreams she creates the peak of her pain to them in their dream. Finally she has done this to each of the men that has inflicted pain onto her but she still felt rage. So one night she want to visit her mom in her dreams, but this time it wasn’t like the others. In the dream Mandy gave her mother so much guilt from the way she felt by what her mother let happen to her. From that point on Amber was basically forced to stay awake and if she so happen to fall asleep she would have a repeat of the same dream that started her endless nights of no sleep.

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