The One Truth Of Reality Essay Research

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The One Truth Of Reality Essay, Research Paper

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The One Truth of World

The one individual truth of world is non measured or distinguished & # 8212 ; it is the

ultimate paradox. The journey by which one achieves this truth can be a journey

of increasing realisations of paradoxes, and eventually, freedom from the bubble of

restriction of a head that would comprehend such paradoxes as paradoxes in the

foremost topographic point.

Truth is the same as religious feeling. Of religious perceptual experience. Of clear

perceptual experience. Of freedom of the head. Freedom of the psyche. Freedom of the Heart.

It is ultimate love and empathy. The terminal of battle. Fully cognizing the truth is

to be enlightened. Fully recognizing the truth is holding transcended the

deformations of the Machine ( see The Machine at my web site given below ) . Truth

agencies complete fulfilment and true felicity. Truth is impossible to alter or

destroy & # 8212 ; making so contradicts the really nature of a individual truth from which all

things seen through deformed perceptual experience root. Finding truth ( and therefore

everything that it is ) is the ultimate subconscious end of all fighting. The

hunt for truth, the privation of truth, paradoxically, most frequently leads to illusion

and darkness and hurting. This is the instance for the general religious province of

humanity in the late Twentieth Century.

In this manner, truth, freedom, love, clear perceptual experience, pureness, transcendency, and

enlightenment are all the really same thing. During the journey, one will no uncertainty

see many aspects of truth and see them as separate, distinguished, or portion of a

dichotomy ; but in clip, one will see how they all link up and finally, how

everything is a portion of the same thing, and how comprehending everything in footings

of truth is transcendency of distinguishment and cognizing the truth ; and in this

manner, being enlightened, free, and fulfilled & # 8212 ; achieving the ultimate felicity.

Transcendent of the Measurable

What is perceived tangibly through the primary five senses ( sight, hearing,

touch, gustatory sensation, and odor ) contradicts the nature of truth which is really

transcendent of all distinguishments in the & # 8220 ; more touchable & # 8221 ; environment. When a

individual focuses on what he ( or she ) sees and reacts to it and particularly seeks to

command his environment, he lives in a Manichaean ( or polyistic ) province wherein

lives his battle to happen non-struggle and peace and fulfilment. The semblance

is what is sensed through these five senses and holding perceived this as

something different from something else. Thus, merely, the semblance is

distinguishment & # 8212 ; such things as evil and good, cold and hot, white and black.

When these things are reacted to and conformed to by behaviour in some manner, it

indicates a head in a limited bubble, bound by the semblance of dichotomy & # 8212 ; and in

this manner, non privy to ultimate truth ; and in this manner, non free, subconsciously

lonely, and in the dark & # 8212 ; all, evidently, to changing grades with each individual,

depending on how much, for whatever ground, he focuses on his dichotomy and reacts

to it.

In what I refer to as the & # 8220 ; Mindscape & # 8221 ; , where what is inherently consciousness is

free of the battles of the semblance of a distinguishable ego and self-defense and

fulfilment, there is the plane that is transcendent of perceptual experience based in the

& # 8220 ; touchable & # 8221 ; or more & # 8220 ; physical & # 8221 ; . This topographic point is like an infinite blue sky that is

as boundlessly big as it is little. In perceptual experience of this is a topographic point where

consciousness dwells, a topographic point beyond clip, beyond infinite ; therefore there is no clip,

and no infinite. All world is held in a sweep of nothingness wherein everything

within it touches everything else. Entire cognition is here & # 8212 ; it is the

realisation of one truth, it is what to more addled perceptual experiences might be

referred to as omnipotence, enlightenment ; and when perceived is perceived agencies

to pass on telepathically, to cognize clairvoyantly and prophetically, and to

control and pull strings the assorted touchable ( physical ) and non-tangible

& # 8220 ; distinguishments & # 8221 ; that are the world on the & # 8220 ; ! lower & # 8221 ; planes. To a percipient

focused on the distinguishments, and on the semblances of clip and infinite, such

phenomena of the head appear marvelous ; but they are merely the consequence of some

& # 8220 ; entire religious & # 8221 ; , and mentally-free perceptual experience in an person. ( These things

can be manifested in limited ways by a individual who does non incarnate wholly clear

perceptual experience, but has some sense into it, intuitively, in some manner or another,

through perceptual experience of his ain feelings. )

Because every individual is a & # 8220 ; distinguishment & # 8221 ; coming from the upper planes,

including the Mindscape, because all heads are inherently from it, a portion of it,

and really & # 8212 ; it, so every individual has the perceptual experience of this through feeling

and being, through the really elusive feeling in the life of one & # 8217 ; s cells that the

head can comprehend and be one with and respond to as a spider may feel to the

tugging on his web ; and in this instance, the strands of the web & # 8212 ; strands that

hold no length, and do non come and travel in clip & # 8212 ; are the spiritual-essence and

interconnection that runs through all people and all things, therefore supplying

to the elusive percipient information refering all things and all occurrences,

and a connexion with all this, in the same substance.

Religious Influence

Because the head or consciousness is inherently the kernel of the Mindscape,

and because what it is in the lesser planes are the merchandises of the upper planes,

the head basically finally has & # 8220 ; control & # 8221 ; and influence over the lower

planes. This & # 8220 ; power & # 8221 ; merely comes through entire self-awareness, the freedom of the

head from the battles of the organic structure and the confusion of symbolic darkness in

the mind, or what can been referred to as an & # 8220 ; enlightened & # 8221 ; province & # 8212 ; a province of

pure religious fulfilment and freedom ( a province of being in harmoniousness with and as

perceived by the head ) .

In this manner, people have control of and respond to in powerful, deeply-

subconscious ( religious ) ways the things in their environment. In this manner,

everything around a individual is really an extension, and look, or is

perceived as what it is by his head. The complex construction and battle

environing his non-enlightened province makes itself apparent in the environment

and these things can be interpreted symbolically, or interpreted as looks

of a force ( the religious kernel, the upper & # 8220 ; planes & # 8221 ; ) , and therefore the force is

represented through him.

There is the feeling of hurting and religious isolation ( which is isolation from

truth, and therefore a feeling of deep solitariness ( which is really the deficiency of

cognition of ego ) , and without truth & # 8212 ; confusion ) in interaction with an

environment that is an look of people who struggle against their

inherently watery and resistless religious nature and without penetration, make a

universe that is detering to s

piritual freedom and encouraging of more touchable,

fleeting, and unstable fulfilment that is a consequence of confusion ( darkness ) . In

religious freedom, which is truth, which is empathy, engagement in this

environment can be painful this manner in the detection of the disruptive and

unenlightened province of others. It is painful because in the fact of what we each

genuinely are ( the same as beauty ) , without this fact, without the beauty, honestness,

and freedom of this truth, there is the focal point on the relatively fiddling, and

in fright and deficiency of penetration, there is the disheartenment! of truth that would

& # 8220 ; destroy & # 8221 ; semblances through which focal point on the fiddling and touchable exists.

A elusive individual can see symbolically all the things around another individual, and,

cognizing it is an ultimate look of the head, can hold insight into the

other. But this cognition is merely auxiliary cognition to the really direct and

elusive perceptual experience that is religious & # 8220 ; information & # 8221 ; sing another individual, and

which can come in the signifier of a detection of one & # 8217 ; s ain deep feeling sing the

environment. In this manner, all truth about the external is non viewed through the

primary senses, but is felt through the holistic religious sense, and therefore is

perceived clearly from the symbolic & # 8220 ; inside & # 8221 ; of a individual. Therefore, the journey for

enlightenment and consciousness of all things is a journey into one & # 8217 ; s ain feelings,

and in this, a journey to unclutter one & # 8217 ; s perceptual experiences from the deformations and

subjectivism that may be applied in sing something excessively & # 8220 ; mentally & # 8221 ; or on the

premise that cognition about something comes from the exterior of one, and

therefore the erroneous premise that it! come s from something separate from


The Symbolism of Light

As is discussed in The Key to Self-Actualization ( see my web site given below ) ,

comprehending one & # 8217 ; s ain feelings is the nature of religious penetration, since any

individual and anything can be called basically religious & # 8212 ; as its fundamental

nature is transcendent of the semblances of four-dimensional world, and therefore

transcendent of & # 8220 ; normal & # 8221 ; or tangibly-perceived world. The witting head may

identify and visualise such feelings in footings of symbols ( whereas profoundly

subconsciously ( spiritually ) things are even less typical and more incorporate ) .

Symbols have deep significance because they are non inactive messages, but the

incarnation of intending that may as yet be beyond the perceptual experience ( understanding )

of the person. Thus symbols keep some facet of truth, whether it is

perceived or identified or non.

Since truth is the equivalent of freedom and fulfilment, and we all seek truth

on our deepest degree, there can be the semblance of truth, or the semblance of

counsel to truth. It can be said that we all seek visible radiation, because we all seek

truth, so there can be roads to false fulfilment and false spiritual

enlightenment by following a light that does non take to the ultimate visible radiation, or

the ultimate truth.

One of these symbols is the Moon & # 8212 ; the indirect visible radiation of the Sun which has the

semblance of being a beginning of visible radiation by itself, and which bents in a cloak of

darkness ( the dark sky ) . Seeking fulfilment through physical comfort,

physical repletion, mollification in the battle of hurting and pleasance, the

calming of the touchable ( illusional ) senses, or a false terminal to confusion

( symbolically, a wall, or a barrier & # 8212 ; which will function to barricade out non merely

the apparently eternal darkness of dark, but the light that may perforate it as

good ) , means following the feeling or the motive that is symbolized by

moonshine. Developing a dependance ( or a construction of perceptual experience and wont ) on

moonshine, so, is ephemeral and finally painful since it is a sort of

false beginning of light & # 8212 ; as it is merely an indirect look of the existent beginning

of visible radiation.

There is another false visible radiation, but more subtly so, that comes in the from of

xanthous visible radiation & # 8230 ; this is the illusional colour of sunshine as frequently seen from an

observer on Earth partly filtered through the ambiance. Symbolically, this

is warm and comfy, it is the beginning of booming life, and it is symbolic

of the well-lit universe, therefore the universe with a greater sense of truth than that of

the moonshine. But it, excessively, is a false visible radiation & # 8230 ; for the feelings that are

appeased through sunshine are still dependent on comprehending the universe in footings

of differentiations. It is loving life and being afraid of decease. It is loving

heat and being afraid of cold. It is loving cheery skies and being

uncomfortable under inevitable clouds and rain. And many other things.

To stop the battle for what a individual seems to desire, as opposed to what he seeks

in his deepest degree ( and therefore is the true beginning for all his more witting

seeking ) , a individual must exceed moonshine and sunshine and happen the existent visible radiation

& # 8211 ; the white visible radiation. This is a feeling of transcendency of the battle against

the environment ( a feeling of pure freedom, and pure truth ) and other things

which seem separate, but are the same, as partly listed above. White visible radiation is,

tangibly, all ocular visible radiation without filter or the repression of any portion of the

visible radiation. It is pure visible radiation. All the different colourss are so semblances of existent

visible radiation, as they come from but do non incarnate the white visible radiation. Moonlight, sunshine,

the grey from clouds, the Ag of rain & # 8212 ; they all come from the white visible radiation,

but they are lone portion of the image. This is besides deeply symbolic of the

true nature of enlightenment and entire consciousness that is free of the

differentiations between things and aware of their ultimate beginning in the

transcendent planes, including the Mindscape.

The Journey

The journey is the procedure of the growing of consciousness and penetration into ultimate

truth. Finally, this means awareness beyond simple rational facts, but an

consciousness of one & # 8217 ; s truest ego, and therefore an consciousness into the truest nature of

everything. Mentally, this can be perceived, merely as feelings can be perceived.

To experience free of the battle of hurting and pleasance is to experience the currents of the

one & # 8217 ; s full being, and in this know oneself ; and in this, cognize the truth ; and

in this, be genuinely free ; and given an terminal to the pursuit for ego there is an terminal

to the deepest solitariness ( which finally is confusion sing oneself ) and

the greatest sense of fulfilment.

The end, so, should be to happen and subject oneself wholly to, like H2O,

the feelings that may be perceived ( visualized or seen ) by the head as white

visible radiation. This is a journey through the labyrinth of walls that are a consequence of the

fighting of the mind in the thick of the darkness and confusion. The easiest

manner to happen the manner out of a labyrinth is to lift above ( transcend ) it and, seeing

the visible radiation of the universe beyond, happen a way taking to the issue.

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