The Panda Bear Essay Research Paper The

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The Panda Bear Essay, Research Paper

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The Panda Bear ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is a likely the most celebrated endangered animate being in the universe. The Panda lone lives in six little countries located in China. In China they call the Panda & # 8220 ; Da xiong mao & # 8221 ; , which means Elephantine Cat Bear. The Panda was believed to hold charming powers that could guard off natural catastrophes and evil liquors. Hagiographas about the Pandas can be traced back every bit many as 3,000 old ages. They were even kept as pets by Chinese Emperors. A Gallic missionary foremost introduced the Panda to the Western universe in 1869 when he sent a fur to a Museum on Natural History in Paris France.

The aggressively contrastive black and white colour, added to the compact characteristic form of a bear, makes the elephantine coon bear one of the most recognizable animate beings in the universe. The caput, top of the cervix and hindquarters are white, while little spots of pelt around the eyes, the ears, shoulders, front legs, and rear legs are black. When compared with other bears, the caput of the elephantine coon bear is big in relation to its organic structure. The forepart paw has six figures as a consequence of the radial sesamoid, the carpus bone, going extended to organize an awkward, but functional, apposable pollex.

Adult elephantine coon bear scope in organic structure length from approximately 160 to 190 centimetres ( 64 to 76 inches ) . Males are somewhat longer than females, have stronger forelegs, and are 10 to 20 per centum heavier. In the wild males weigh from 85 to 125 kgs ( 190 to 275 lbs ) , while females range between 70 and 100 kgs ( 155 to 220 lbs ) . At birth, cubs weigh merely 85 to 140 gms ( 3 to 5 ounces ) .

Pandas reach sexual adulthood at approximately four-and-a-half to six-and-a-half old ages of age and they mate during the spring, from March to May. Females are in heat for one to three hebdomads, but peak receptivity stopping points for merely a few yearss. Litters of one, two, or on occasion three greenhorns are born in August or September, normally in a hollow tree or cave. Normally, merely one greenhorn is raised. Although greenhorns are normally weaned at approximately nine months of age, they remain with their female parents for up to 18 months.

Most scientists classify elephantine coon bear as bears. Until late, elephantine coon bears were grouped with raccoons and lesser coon bears ( i.e. , the Procyonidae ( raccoon ) household ) . This determination was based chiefly on physiological grounds. In the late 1980 & # 8217 ; s, DNA/serological surveies clearly established that elephantine coon bears are clearly more closely related to bears than raccoons. Some scientists want to put elephantine coon bears in their ain grouping but for most bear research workers, this does non look warranted


Panda Bears eat over 15 different sorts of Bamboo. Because of an inefficient intestinal system the Panda must feed for 12 to 16 hours a twenty-four hours, they can devour 22 to 40 lbs of Bamboo each twenty-four hours. When they eat fresh Bamboo shoots they eat about 84 lbs every twenty-four hours.

The home ground, suited for the bamboo on which it survives, is a cold, moist cone-bearing wood. The lift ranges from 4,000 to 11,000 pess high. In most of the countries in which they still roam wild, they must vie with husbandmans who farm the river vale and the lower inclines of the mountains. The differing assortments of bamboo go through periodic die-offs as portion of their reclamation rhythm. Without the ability to travel into new countries that have non been affected many Pandas will hunger to decease. When die-offs occur the bears that do seek to happen a new topographic point to feed frequently run into husbandmans and poachers.

It is estimated that there are merely about 700 and 1,000 giant coon bears still alive in the natural state. Because they rely on bamboo as their chief nutrient they will stay in danger unless their home ground is expanded.

Except for females accompanied by greenhorns, elephantine coon bears live a lone being. During the genteelness season, several males may vie for entree to a female. Home scopes of females are normally reciprocally sole, although they overlap on occasion, while the place scope of each male may overlap those of several females. Pandas communicate by rubbing an acetic- smelling substance-secreted by secretory organs environing the anogenital area-onto tree short pantss and rocks. They besides scratch trees. Most territorial marker is thought to be done by males. Giant pandas are rather vocal and 11 distinct calls have been identified in the natural state, although the map of each is non understood. In imprisonment, females vocalize during heat every bit good.

Elephantine coon bears are one of merely four bear species who do non hole up. The grounds for this are double. First, the natural nutrient beginning of these bears is non sufficiently high in Calories and protein to let them to set on sufficient fat resources to last a drawn-out period of hibernation. Second, they live in a home ground zone where nutrient is available on a twelvemonth unit of ammunition footing.

Giant pandas are really peaceable and olympian animate beings. The best manner to continue these species is to continue their home grounds and stop poachers. Poachers can sell a coon bear fur for every bit much as $ 100,000. Laws agianst poaching demand to be stricter and better enforces. Panda are really majestics animate beings and if stairss are taken to consevere these animate beings the can be around for future coevalss to bask.

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