The Preparation Of Organic Compounds

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& # 8211 ; Aspirins And Oil Of Wintergreen Essay, Research Paper

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Title of Experiment: The Preparation of Organic Compounds & # 8211 ; Aspirins and Oil of Wintergreen


The intent of this experiment is to fix two organic compounds ( acetylsalicylic acid and oil of pyrola ) and to exemplify the typical organic reactions. Students will besides larn some techniques normally used in organic synthesis and the significance of the footings theoretical output, existent output, and percent output.

Both Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid ) and oil of pyrola ( methyl salicylate ) are normally used organic compounds. Aspirin is normally used as a hurting stand-in or febrility reducing agent, and oil of pyrola is used in rubbing embrocations for sore musculuss and as a flavorer agent.

Aspirin is normally made by responding salicylic acid with acetic anhydride.

C7H6O3 + C4H6O3 & # 174 ; C9H8O4 + C2H4O2

( salicylic acid ) ( acetic anhydride ) ( acetyl salicylic acid: acetylsalicylic acid ) ( acetic acid )

Oil of pyrola is made by responding salicylic acid with methyl alcohol in the presence of sulphuric acid.

C7H6O3 + CH4O & # 174 ; C8H8O4 + H2O

( salicylic acid ) ( methyl alcohol ) ( methyl salicylate: oil of pyrola ) ( H2O )


Preparation of Aspirin

1. Put up a H2O bath and an ice bath.

2. Put 3 gms of salicylic a

Criminal Investigation Command and 4mL of acetic anhydride in 125mL conelike flask.

3. While twirling the flask, add 5 beads of concentrated sulphuric acid to the mixture.

4. Heat the flask in the beaker of boiling H2O for 15 proceedingss or until the solid dissolves.

5. Carefully take the flask with 9 & # 8221 ; tongs from the H2O bath and add 25mL of your ice-cold H2O to the flask.

6. Put the flask in the ice bath until crystallisation appears to be complete.

7. Separate the crystals from the liquid by suction filtration.

8. Rinse the merchandise with ice H2O to reassign all of the solid acetylsalicylic acid onto the filter paper.

9. Draw air through the merchandise for several proceedingss.

10. Transfer the solid from the funnel to a preweighed, labeled, dry paper towel, and let it to dry exhaustively.

11. Make a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid by utilizing a pellet imperativeness.

Preparation of Oil of Wintergreen

1. Put about 0.2 gms of salicylic acid and 2mL of methyl alcohol in a medium sized trial tubing and whirl until the solid dissolves.

2. Add 5 beads of concentrated sulphuric acid.

3. Put the trial tubing in a hot H2O bath at 60 & # 8211 ; 70? C for 15 proceedingss.

4. Remove the trial tubing from the hot H2O bath and allow it chill to room temperature.

5. Cautiously smell the contents of the trial tubing.

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