The Quest Essay Research Paper The QuestIntroductionAdolescence

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The Quest


Adolescence is a period of life in which critical psychological and physiological alterations occur. It is besides the clip when individuality, ? a incorporate sense of ego characterized by attitudes, beliefs, and ways of moving that are truly one? s ain? ( Insel, 1994 ) , signifiers. The theory of Eric Erikson describes the psychological development of individuality as a developmental phase in which? persons are faced with happening out who they are, what they are all about, and where they are traveling in life. ? ( Santrock, 1997 ) During this phase, striplings are seeking to happen an reply to the inquiry? Who am I? ? and doing of import life picks, such as calling, intimate committednesss, or morality. The individuality formation period is really critical and it will impact the person throughout the maturity. ? If adolescent arrives at a positive way to follow in life, so a positive individuality will be achieved ; but if a positive hereafter way is non defined, so individuality confusion reigns. ? ( Santrock, 1997 )


I interviewed a 13 twelvemonth old miss from a good educated household. The interview was done in the privateness of her house in her ain room and took approximately 40 proceedingss. During the interview, the adolescent was asked to reply a list of inquiries and encouraged to utilize as much inside informations as possible. Each reply was carefully recorded and evaluated. The inquiries I asked her targeted cardinal ego facets that build the feeling of individuality. The interview examined the undermentioned facets: function experimentation, self certainty, peer relationships, household relationships, sexual orientation, calling, and leading.


The miss I interviewed had a strong sense of uniqueness-she wants to be different and expresses herself colorfully. I found that visual aspect is really of import, such as acceptance of different manners and? in? hair manners. Girls are really witting of how they look. While acknowledging that visual aspect is important, the adolescent made a point that? keeping a sense of assurance and self-pride is of import for your future. ? Besides, I was informed that it is significant to? seek everything and set your butt here and there. ? It appears that adolescents think they should experiment with smoke, imbibing, sexual activity, and other? grownup? s stuff. ? In add-on, the significance of the? successful? function theoretical account, a male parent in this instance, was emphasized. Furthermore, the adolescent stressed that she considers herself a? really sociable person who likes to blend with different groups. ? She besides feels that she is? the adult female of the 90s? and plans to depend on herself. She besides claimed to possess some leading qualities in her nature, which will go? more and more apparent as she will mature. ? I besides found that it is? important? to hold a sense of way in one? s ain life. Together with that, she indicated that she f

eels that the engagement in the confidant relationship, ? holding a fellow? , means? a large trade? to her. She added that it is of import to hold? person to speak to and make material with. ?


Adolescents are obsessed with their expressions and they are expected to make that because it is through these symbols, have oning the right apparels and holding cool dark glassess, that their individualities are formed. Adolescents are expected to see self-esteem as important ; after all, it plays a large function in their pursuit for individuality. As adolescents begin their pursuits for individuality, they experiment with different functions, assorted societal positions, and self-images ( this is what Erikson would name a hunt for individuality ) . Teenss frequently feel that looking mature will convey acknowledgment and credence, so they begin to prosecute in behaviour associated with grownups, such as smoke, imbibing, and sexual activity. Experimenting with different functions is expected in Erikson phase and holding a function theoretical account is non uncommon. During the early adolescence, a function theoretical account is normally one of the parents. ( Insel, 1994 ) Teenss frequently are really societal at this phase and that is expected because socialisation contributes a batch to a adolescent? s hunt for individuality. Some teens have already developed a strong sense of dignity and it is non uncommon, although it is non needfully expected for them to develop a sense of ego worth at such a immature age. Today, the per centum of teens who engage in sexual activities is increasing every twelvemonth together with the incidents of adolescent gestation and STDs. And this is expected because intimate relationships are a large portion of the hunt for individuality. As teens begin their journey through adolescence, members of the opposite sex go more and more interesting and relationships with people of the opposite sex go more of import than the close friendly relationships earlier made with people of the same sex. The increasing handiness of drugs has made the enticements for a adolescent more widespread. Alcohol, such as beer, among adolescents is perceived as a good thing and associated with merriment, good times, beach parties, and maturity. The quest for individuality is a really difficult journey: it can? do? a individual or? interrupt? a individual.



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Finkel, A. J. , & A ; Kunz, J. R. M. ( 1987 ) . Particular jobs of adolescence. The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide. ( pp723-729 ) . New York: Random House.

Insel, P. M. , Peterson, R. A. , McKay Rollins, L. , & A ; Roth, W. T. ( 1994 ) . Mental wellness. Core Concepts in Health. ( 7th ed. ) . ( pp.36-53 ) . California: Mayfield Printing Company.

Santrock, J. W. ( 1997 ) . Life-span development ( 6th ed. ) . Madison: Brown & A ; Benchmark.

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