The Social Structure Of Canterbury Tales Essay

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In the celebrated plants, ? Canterbury Tales, ? Geoffrey Chaucer Tells of

29 pilgrims that are? en path? to Canterbury. On the manner at that place,

the set of pilgrims entertain each other with a series of tall narratives in order

to shorten the trip. Chaucer, ( the host ) introduces the each of the pilgrims

with honest and wholeheartedly descriptions introduce them with their ain

personality. Throughout the prologue, he finds an unusual singularity in their

common lives and traits. Chaucer & # 8217 ; s characters represent an highly wide

cross-section of all parts of society, except for the aristocracy. His narratives

represented the people themselves and touched on all of the societal categories that


Chaucer treats all of the topics as love, wit and decease in poesy. In the

romantic narrative of “ The Knight & # 8217 ; s Tale, ? one can detect that the Knight

tantrums slackly into the blue bloods, besides known as the upper category. In the narrative,

the Knight? s character reflects on the decision, with bravery, accomplishment in

conflict, regard for one & # 8217 ; s Godhead, love for a just lady, all the Markss of gallantry,

which are the ultimate experiences to which a Lord should trust for. The

Knight is established as an admirable but really inactive character. His narrative Tells

that Peoples are ever mutable, and they ever love a victor. As the narratives

develop Chaucer creates more dynamic characters, which express themselves in

“ human ” manner.

? The Miller & # 8217 ; s Tale? is more than merely an entertaining narrative. It contains

a moral to the narrative but is played off within the amusing narrative. The Miller is

reasonably ill-mannered and vulgar, nevertheless diverting at the same clip. His narrative reflects his

personality with his rough and immoral gags. When the Miller speaks, it is

by and large bawdy or eldritch, doing his narrative even more interesting to listen to.

In the Shipman? s Tale, The Cook? s Tale, and The

Miller? s Tale, each narrative is told at the disbursal of a lower category,

tradesperson or an O

utcast from an upper category, educated point of position.

The Wife of Bath begins her Prologue to her narrative by set uping her

authorization on matrimony. She has been married five times, get downing at the age of

12. Although she is ever criticized, the Wife of Bath is one of Chaucer? s

most interesting characters. Her prologue resembles that of an autobiography and

Tells her positions on life and matrimony. She uses her authorization through experience

and justifies her actions by holding done them.

The Wife of Bath & # 8217 ; s tale regards her prologue, because it supports the

subject of laterality of work forces by women- what she strove for with all her hubbies.

Unlike the other narrators, she does non stand for a societal category, nevertheless

she represents all the adult females in the in-between Ages, and power over hubbies.

? The Pardoner? s Tale? represents the category of reverends. The Pardoner

is a adult male who works for the church and relieves people from their wickednesss. He

carries coils that are purportedly written by the Pope and sells them t people

that have committed immoral Acts of the Apostless. Although the Pardoner knows he himself is

perpetrating immoral Acts of the Apostless, he has no purpose to alter himself. His narrative shows the

corruptness of the church and how the reverends were situated in the in-between ages.

In the terminal, the Pardoner still tries to do a sale.

Throughout? Canterbury Tales, ? each of the characters fits into a certain

type or category of individual ; the Knight being a baronial upperclassman, the Miller

being a peasant/tradesman, the Wife of Bath stand foring the women/middle category,

and the Pardoner portraying the Clergyman. Chaucer expresses corruptness,

immorality, honestness, comedy and love. He is besides able to integrate the values

every bit good as the word picture of the belief systems and the bing society

into the action of the Tales. In each of the prologues, Chaucer is able to do

certain that each narrative is presented in the mode and manner of the character that

is stating the narrative which besides reflected his life.

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