The Vices Of The Clergy Essay Research

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The Frailties Of The Clergy Essay, Research Paper

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The Frailties of the Clergy & # 8230 ;

The period of the Medieval brought to a us a series of great literature. Much of the literature is now lost, due to many old ages of re-telling. The lasting narratives, nevertheless, tell about the life of the epoch. The Medieval period, which lasted from 1100-1500, brought many narratives and heroic poem verse forms. Geoffrey Chaucer, during the period, had created his chef-d’oeuvre, The Canterbury Tales. This verse form illustrates how the Medievel period was a clip of corrupt, power hungry people, that were characters of sloth, greed, and gluttony.

The first wickedness frequently displayed by the characters is sloth. The Oxford Cleric demonstrated this peculiar wickedness throughout the verse form. The Oxford Cleric was guilty of sloth in that? He found no preferment in the church, and he was excessively unworldly to do hunt for secular employment. ? ( 302-304 ) The Oxford Cleric was besides a adult male of sloth due to the fact that, ? Whatever money from his friends he took he spent on acquisition or another book and prayed for them most seriously, returning thanks to them therefore for paying for his acquisition, ? ( 309-312 ) alternatively of reding them to atone for their wickednesss. The Summoner, another character, was besides a adult male of faineant value. ? He would let for merely a quart of vino, Any immature chap to maintain a courtesan, ? ( 665-666 ) demonstrates his sluggardly beliefs. The Summoner had created a manner for himself to be a faineant individual. Alternatively of penalizing people for their wickednesss, he allow them travel in return for some vino.

The characters of the narrative were rather corrupted. Not merely were they slothful, but possibly even worse they were taken much by greed. The Pardoner, a greed hungry character, frequently would make eccentric activities in order to have money. He was a avaricious adult male in the manner that, ? He? d have to prophesy and tune his honey-tongue, And ( good he could ) win Ag from the crowd, That? s why he sang happily and loud, ? ( 731-732 ) he would expe

Nutmeg State to derive money from his sign language. He was besides a greedy adult male due to the fact that, ? He had a cross of metal set with rocks and in a glass a debris of hogs? castanetss, and with these relics, nay clip he found some hapless up-country individual to amaze, ? ( 717-720 ) he sold bogus relics to fulfill his greed. Another greedy character, the Friar, would besides make unusual activities in order to derive money. ? Sweetly he heard his penitents at shrift, with pleasant absolution for a gift, ? ( 225-226 ) alternatively of doing people pay rigorous repentance, he would simple sentence in return for money. This demonstrates how the Friar was overtaken by greed.

The characters portrayed their faineant and greedy values throughout the verse form. In add-on to their already pervert ways, they demonstrated gluttony. The Monk demonstrated gluttony through the fact that, ? Hunting a hare or siting at a fend, was all his merriment, he spared at no disbursal. I saw his arms were garnish at the land, and on his goon to fix at his mentum, he had a wrought-gold cunningly fashioned pin, ? ( 195-200 ) he longed for expensive gold points, alternatively of following the regulations of church. The Summoner was a adult male of great gluttony by the manner? Garlic he loved, and onions excessively, and scallion, and imbibing strong win boulder clay all was hazy, ? ( 650-651 ) he overindulged himself with nutrient and vino. He would imbibe to where, ? he would shout and rant as if brainsick, and wouldn? t speak a word except in Latin, when he was drunk, such tickets as he was rap in, ? ( 652-654 ) alternatively of citing evildoers.

Populating a life of sloth, greed, and gluttony the characters in The Cantebury Tales, demonstrated the values of society during the Medieval period. Through good written classics the Medieval Period was exposed. The period was a clip of great corruptness. Not merely did people move merely for themselves, but they proceeded in juggling others every bit good. The Cantebury Tales, explained much of the period? s behaviour, and taught readers a great trade about the clip.

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