The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz As A

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The Populist Party came approximately in the late nineteenth century, at which clip husbandmans were enduring from worsening agricultural monetary values. Many believed that the federal authorities & # 8217 ; s currency policy favored eastern Bankss and industrialists at the disbursal of husbandmans and workers. Delegates from farm and labour groups met at Omaha in 1892 and formed the Populist Party, besides known in some provinces as the People & # 8217 ; s Party. Its platform called for the free mintage of Ag and plentifulness of paper money, among other popular reforms. The Populist presidential campaigner in the 1892 election was James B. Weaver. The Democrat

Party dissolved after the Democrats adopted free mintage of Ag and nominative William J. Bryan for presidential campaigner in 1896, at which clip agricultural insurgence had declined due in portion to lifting farm monetary values. The Fantastic Wizard of Oz helps back up a populist fable by picturing and stand foring different people, things, and occurrences that occurred in the Populist Era.

The Gold Standard is represented through the xanthous brick route. In the late 1890 s, one of the largest concerns of the United States was currency. If the authorities stopped coining Ag and went back to the gilded criterion, so gold would be used to endorse the currency. The citizens demanded gold in exchange for Federal Reserve Banks 1933 because the state was confronting a terrible depression. This caused commercial Bankss and both of the Federal Reserve Bankss to shut down. Fe

deral Reserve Act caused a alteration merely to let the Federal Reserve Banks to keep gold. McKinley supported the Gold Standard Act of 1900 that required all United States paper money to be backed by gold.

Furthermore, the Ag slippers are represented as silver mintage. Most Democrats had back uping the mintage of Ag ( which would hold mildly inflated the currency ) , nevertheless, Cleveland refused to back up this thought, giving the nomination to William Jennings Bryan. He called for limitless mintage of Ag at a rate of 16 parts of Ag to one portion of gold. Bryan besides wanted the authorities to acquire involved in labour work stoppages and more federal power for the Interstate Commerce Commission against the railwaies that earned

public misgiving for their discount and kickback policies for big companies.

The husbandmans of the Midwest are represented by the straw man. The straw man was afraid of fire, merely like the husbandmans of the Midwest. They needed the assistance of H2O when fires occurred or they risked their whole life being ruined. The crow that picked at the straw mans straw could really good be the authorities itself, proposing that the authorities needs to alleviate the husbandmans.

All of the above illustrations prove that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz may be

intended as a populist fable. The whole film gives has several representational values all throughout the film, which may besides supply further cogent evidence that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was intended to be a populist fable.

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