Thermodynamics Lab Essay

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The intent of this lab is to find the individuality of an unknown metal. and to turn out whether the Torahs of thermodynamics hold when finding this individuality. Using the accepted specific heat of H2O ( 4186 J/kg · oC ) . heat flow between two different sets of H2O though the conductivity of an unknown metal can supply utile informations in finding the individuality. The heat transportations can be calculated to come close the specific heat of the unknown metal.

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When heat is transferred to an object. the temperature of the object additions. When heat is removed from an object. the temperature of the object lessenings. The relationship between the heat ( Q ) that is transferred and the alteration in temperature ( DT ) is: q = mCDT = megahertz · ( Tf – Ti ) .

After the specific heat of the metal is found. it can so be compared to cognize specific heat values of assorted metals. which in bend will let for a likely individuality of the unknown metal to originate.


The individuality of the unknown metal is aluminum. This can be inferred from the unknown metal’s visual aspect. which resembles aluminum it its colour. light weight. and lustre. The Torahs of thermodynamics will keep when finding the unknown metal. The Torahs of thermodynamics must use in order for heat flow to happen during the experimentation.


The stuffs used in the lab were two calorimeters ( insulated. Styrofoam containers ) . an unknown metal in the form of a broad horseshoe. two thermometers. a balance. H2O. a beaker. and a Bunsen burner.


1. Measure the weight of the Pyrex beaker. and so pour 200 milliliter into the beaker. Weigh the beaker filled with H2O. Record both weights to happen the weight of the H2O by itself. Let this mass of H2O be labeled ‘1’ . Next. pour the H2O into one of the calorimeters and take the temperature of it. This temperature should be the room temperature and the same as the unknown metal’s temperature.

2. Pour 200 milliliter of H2O into the beaker and weigh the beaker filled with H2O. Record the weight. Let this mass of H2O be labeled ‘2’ .

3. Use the Bunsen burner to heat up the 200 milliliter of H2O in the beaker to 75o C. Then pour the hot H2O into the other calorimeter.

4. Set-up the calorimeters by puting the thermometers and the unknown metal in their specific topographic points.

5. Record temperatures of both calorimeters every minute until thermic equilibrium is reached.

6. Clean and return all stuffs and dispose of any waste.


The graph indicates that heat flow did undergo during the experimentation. The cold H2O increased in temperature. while the hot H2O decreased. The two liquids underwent alterations in temperature until they both reached thermic equilibrium. This thermodynamics jurisprudence is called the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. This jurisprudence fundamentally states that two organic structures will of course make thermic equilibrium when in contact. The First Law of Thermodynamics was obeyed every bit good. Merely heat from the heater organic structure went to the colder organic structure. Heat lone travels in one way. from the hot to the cold. as can be seen from the graph.

My hypothesis of the unknown metal being aluminium was right. The consequences of my lab showed that the unknown metal was aluminium. and later it was said that the metal had in fact been aluminum. The lab computations went good. The values were slightly disparate nevertheless. For illustration. the specific heat was found to be 1200 ± 110 J/kg · oC. but the existent specific heat of aluminium is 900 J/kg · oC. This difference can be attributed to the imperfect insularity of the calorimeters. Some heat must hold been lost during the experiment. which may hold caused a deformation in values as a consequence. Besides. the metal was exposed to the outside air. and likely lost some heat to the air. Overall. the lab was a success. The lone betterments I would propose are to hold better dielectrics and more precise instruments. Better insularity would give improved consequences. The metal. which was reassigning the heat. should hold been insulated so that heat could non get away during the heat transportation. More precise instruments would cut down on the uncertainnesss. which so would let for better and more accurate consequences.

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