This Is The Dark Time My Love Essay

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The rubric of the verse form is dry “Dark” clip is symbolic of confusion. sorrow or pandemonium. The denomination “my love” . piques this darkness with hope as though the talker were showing concern or fondness for another individual. The talker is a nationalist and there is a sense of urgency as he expresses concern about events taking topographic point around him. The temper of the verse form is “gloomy” . The ambiance is a drab one and there is besides a feeling of apprehension. The Speakers’ tone is both affair of fact and reflective. The subjects include: Oppression

The Scourge of War and Deferred Dreams

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In the first stanza. the land is over run by “brown beetles” . this a metaphor for the marauding soldiers. Jointly in this Stanza. Nature is in an revelatory province: For eg. “A Sun is reflecting but can non be seen and flowers are wrestling. ”

In stanza 2. the poet uses a mixture of metaphor and oxymoron to qualify the hideous occurrences. The poet contrasts the incongruousness of war and the joy the war traders find in it. Everyday events that conveying joy and exhilaration. For eg. Festivals and Carnivals are contrasting with War and Suffering. The thought of “Season” in this stanza suggests a period or clip of moral darkness.

In line 8. when men’s faces are “strained or anxious” this suggests that they who are traveling through the war are disquieted and burdened by an result that is beyond their control

In stanza 3. the poet poses a inquiry ; Once once more the dark dark is described as a period of immorality or moral darkness.

In line 10. the image of boots on the grass. convey an image of a defenseless people being crushed by a superior military force.

We are besides left with the image of the environment being plundered by an existent encroacher.

In lines 11 – 12 we are told that the enemy ; s purpose is to destruct the aspirations of the slumberer. In other words the infringing enemy has diverted a society that is either sick – prepared or powerless to move. The thought of being asleep here besides suggests the thought of being defenseless

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