Tom Jones as a Picaresque Novel Essay Sample

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Although Fielding called his novel a ‘comic – heroic poem in prose’ . the name of ‘picaresque’ would be every bit justified. This. of class. does non belie Fielding’s ain claim. for the picaresque is in many ways related to amusing heroic poem. the picaresque novel being epical in range and amusing in nature. By and large talking. the picaresque novel as derived from the Spanish word for ‘rogue’ . picaro. is concerned with the life narrative of a clever and contemplation escapades who proceeds by fast ones and mischief through a series of escapades.

The picaresque fiction which had its beginning in Greek and Latin word literature as in the instance of Odysseus. the hero Homer’s Odyssey who was driven around the known universe by the wrath of the god Poseidon merely as Tom is driven about England by his destiny. Fielding’s great maestro was the Spanish write Cervantes. Cervantes’ Don Quixote had appeared about century earlier. and another novel in the same picaresque tradition. The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane by Alain Lesage had appeared about a decennary before Fielding’s Tom Jones. A picaresque novel has in add-on to a devilish hero. long journeys an episodic construction. and realistic rotter descriptions.

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The fact is Tom himself is a picaresque hero. From the position points of the critics he is the prototype of ‘unheros’ . Brought up as a abandoned infant. he indulges in activities which more frequently than non fall a hair – comprehensiveness kind of existent criminalism. He is ill-famed for crushing up his couples though this justifiable on the land of his unconditioned nature. He is one who trespasses into the district of Square Western in the chase of a quarry.

His adventuresome nature besides reveals itself in his interrupting his arm while seeking to forestall Sophia’s accident on a Equus caballus. But his rapacious sexual appetency would surely entitle him to the rank of a picaresque hero. Even while being enamored of Sophia. and in malice of her reciprocating his love. Tom is guilty of indulging sexually with the game keeper’s girl Molly. His subsequent adventure with Mrs. Waters merely corroborates his crafty nature.

It is important that of all time excluding Tom Jones himself. his confident small Benjamin assumed name Partridge is a extremely amusive character that parallels Sancho Panza in the picaresque Don Quixote. Although Fielding does non province explicitly in Tom Jones as he does in Joseph Andrews that it is written with the Spanish master’s great illustration in head it is impossible for the reader to be unconscious of the proficient and religious relation between the two novels. Small Benjamin is the opposite number of the Don’s squire. Many of their features are one and the same: both are credulous and brace in the extremes. both follow their Masterss in hope of addition. both are ‘homespun’ . both often make perforating remarks on the behavior both of their Masterss and society at big.

Edwin Muir points out that in any instance a narrative centered on a hero had to be kept traveling. and at the same clip. a figure of characters had to be given an alibi or looking. Fictional characters such as Allworthy. the Squire. Tom himself. partridge. Jenny Jones. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Waters keep looking and re-emerging throughout like novel. Partridge reappears every bit small Benjamin and Mrs. Jones as Mrs. Waters.

Journey and assortment of incidents is the basic of the picaresque. The writer repeatedly reminds the readers of the parallel journeys of Tom and Sophia of conveying them excruciatingly near to a meeting and so dividing them once more. One of the chief subjects of the novel is flight and chase and 12 of the 18 books in Tom Jones are concerned with this chase. If it is Sophia who ab initio pursues Tom Jones. later it is Tom who pursues Sophia.

Mr. Western on his portion is besides prosecuting Sophia. The route to London is lettered. as in Thomas Nash’s picaresque novel The unfortunate Traveler. with experiences and incidents of the most varied sorts. Tom Joins a set of soldiers. has a battle with Ensign Northerton. deliverances Mrs. Waters. makes love to her. is woken up by Fitzpatrick at the center of the dark. is amorously pursued by Mrs. Bellaston. is convicted and sentenced to decease on the charge of adult male slaughter. and so on. Rightly has the picaresque novel been called the comedy of manners.

The picaresque novel is basically an episodic novel. the fresh bring a series of heroic escapades which are connected merely by the fact that the events go on to the same individual. Obviously this is an disposed description of Tom’s journey to London – he moves from the set of soldiers to Hazard hill to Upton Inn. to the itinerants to London with one incident holding small or no insouciant relationship to the following. It is interesting to observe that several characters are at best merely tangentially related to Tom’s narrative – Harriet Fitzpatrick. the Millers. and the Nightingale. Some scenes like Partridge at the theater are included for the sheer delightfulness of their temper. Other like lady Hunt’s proposal and the adult male on the hill can merely be referred to as being episodic asides.

The picaresque novel is non strictly a novel of escapades. It has an unconditioned lesson or satirical intent. Besides the picaresque novel is synonymous with low comedy at that. Tom Jones is no exclusion. Certain characters like Square. Thwackum. Squire western and even Tom Jones himself are the beginning of great temper. While Square and Thwackum reveal themselves as mountebanks masquerading as philosophers. the hollowing figure of Squire Western surely belongs to present comedy. They are besides epitome of lip service and dishonesty. Partridge the changeless Sancho Panza drop the balling on the most important issues of Tom’s life. is similarly a ludicrous character.

Tom Jones has several traits of the picaresque tradition. yet unlike the picaresque novel. Tom Jones has a coherent. well-knit and good planned secret plan.

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