Tool Control

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It is a matter of fact tool control affects safety. Leaving a tool in an aircraft or engine is not just an inconvenience, it is a safety risk. Tool Control provides numerous benefits the most important of which is safety. The primary objective of the tool control program is to improve flight safety by eliminating aircraft accidents, incidents, and associated equipment damage caused by lost or misplaced tools.

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Secondary objectives include the reduction of expenditures for additional out fitting and replacement of missing, defective, or pilfered tools; the reduction of man hours for maintenance task completion; and a general improvement in the quality of aviation maintenance. ATAF is all tools accounted for. During a job an ataf should be had at all times but how many times are you supposed to ataf your tools.

An ataf is performed before the cdi checks your box to be checked out, it is then checked by the cdi so they can check the box out to you to use, before you go out and do your job on the flightline in the hangar etc, when you get out to your job another ataf shal be performed and you yet again make sure you have all of your tools, any work stoppage ie you need to get some rags alcohol smoke break use the head calls for ataf so you dont leave any tools laying about, right when your job is complete you ataf your area make sure u have all your tools and proceed inside, the last ataf is performed right before you turn it in in the shop where you make sure you have all your tools before you hand in your box and sign off your maf. Tool is defined as a generalized term referring to loose and hand tools, portable power tools and special purpose tools. No where in that definition is a tool accounted for itself or put its self away. A lost tool is a disaster waiting to happenen for anyone.

At minimum tool control is a easy and quick way to determine that all tools are accounted for. This can only be done if each tool has a specific place where it is stored that allows for quick identification if the tool is missing. Having an open space where a tool is meant to be is a distinct indicator that all tools are not accounted for. This involves making a designated space for each individual tool. It should be made in such a way as to precisely identify if a tool is missing. If the space is not filled by that tool then again you do not have all your tools accounted for. We use toolboxes with designated spaces for all our tools much like tool shadowing to determine if we have all our tools accounted for.

Etching of our tools is the means of permenantly identifying where each tools specific location is. This provides a way to quickly identify who a tool belongs to when it is found. To mark our tools we etch them with the box number and specific tool number inside that box. Marking tools serves two purposes. First of all, it ensures that if a tool is found it is returned to the owner. Second, it helps assure compliance with missing tool reporting. Third it identifies exactly what specific tool is missing out of a box. It makes everyone become more vigilant in reporting missing tools vs. just going to the closest toolbox for a replacement. What do I do if I am missing a tool?

In all reality I am going to go tell my Corporal or one of the Sergeants but according to the manual I do it this way. First I alert maintainance control of the missing tool, let my desk sergeant know of my missing tool, which in turn he will come help me look in the immediate area for my tool, In that case I then file a missing tool report with control to pro[erly document the incident. An important part of tool control that can easily be overlooked is tool inspection. Tools should be inspected before and after each use to ensure they are in proper working order and no parts are missing. If this is not done, it can be easy for a piece of a tool to be left behind in a work area.

This policy helps ensure that no pieces from a broken tool are left in an aircraft or engine after maintenance is performed. Last night I failed to have a proper and overlooked not having my swipes in my tool box. I had left them on a troop seat when they should have been locked away in my box. It doesnt matter how miniscule the job may be from removing doing a little safety wire to replacing a majore component your ataf is still important on any job you do. A couple nights after I stole tools without asking to complete a job. I panicked into getting this job done to do something right for once and it blew up in my face with more of myself doing something wrong. Anyone who flies on our aircrafts relies on us to always have all our tools accounted for at all times.

Failure to do so puts everyones lives in danger. As a maintainer your most important job is having all your tools accounted for at all times. Its a matter of fact that tool control affects safety. ATAF your fucking tools. In conclusion of the conclusion? Dont lose your tools its the most important job you have its easy as because you ataf your tools at least 5 times during a job and nothing should leave your immediate area. Can you really live with the fact that if you left a tool on that helicopter that the people flying in it are fathers, sons, grandfathers know wouldnt that weigh heavy on your conscious if it was your fault they went down.

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