Trudeau31A Essay Research Paper Pierre Trudeau former

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Pierre Trudeau, former Prime Minister of Canada, was one time described as & # 8221 ; A French Canadian proud of his individuality and civilization, yet a biting criticof French-Canadian society, determined to destruct its mythology andillusions & # 8221 ; . He has besides been identified as & # 8220 ; A staunch, upholder ofprovincial liberty keeping the justness portfolio in the federalgovernment & # 8221 ; . Such cumulative assessment and observation made by past fellowbureaucrat provides high testimony for the ex-Democratic Socialist. Thiscritique will set up and challenge the premier directives that Trudeau hadadvocated in his ain book written during the old ages 1965 to 1967. Thecompilation of political essays featured in his book trade with the diversecomplexities of societal, cultural and economical issues that werepredominant in Canadian political relations during the mid 1960 & # 8217 ; s. However, throughoutmy readings I was besides able to detect the cardinal rules that Trudeau would recommend in order to set up a strong and productiveinfluence in Canadian politics.Born in 1921, Trudeau entered the universe in a bilingual/bicultural homelocated in the bosom of Montreal, Quebec. His credence into theUniversity of Montreal would tag the beginning of his escapades into theCanadian political spectrum. Early in his life, Trudeau had become somewhatanti-clerical and obsessed Communist political orientations which were consideredradical at the clip. Graduating from esteemed establishments such asHarvard and The School of Economics in England, Turdeau returned to Canadain 1949 and resumed his societal scientific discipline enterprises. At this clip in Quebec, the state was sing enormous cultural and political differenceswith the remainder of the state. The Union Nationale had taken ownership ofpolitical affairs in Quebec and was steadily leveling the socialistessence imposed on the state by the Federal authorities. The currentPrime Minister, Maurice Duplessis, found himself combating a religiousnationalist motion that corrupted the really fabric of political stabilityin Quebec. The Duplessis cabal maintained their conservative approachtowards political reform but failed to rock the bulk of the populationinto relieving with the demands of the Canadian authorities. The citizensof Quebec revered their clerical sector as keeping & # 8216 ; extreme importance & # 8217 ; towards continuing Gallic cultural values and this did non correlate withthe Federal authorities & # 8217 ; s policies and ideals. Francophones were under theimpression that their ain Federal authorities had set out to oppress andassimilate what had remained of their celebrated heritage in order toaccommodate economic and political repose. Trudeau himself had decidedto fall in the nationalist rebellion with his advocation of provincialautonomy. Ultimately, he and other skilled societal scientists attempted tobring down the Duplessis party in 1949, but failed miserably in theirefforts. Duplessis buckled underneath the uninterrupted force per unit area of Frenchpatriotism and was rewarded for his inept idling by winning his fourthconsecutive election in 1956. Although nil of significance had beenaccomplished, Quebec has solidified its impermanent presence in confederationat such a clip. This prompted Trudeau to affect himself in provincialdiplomacy as he would prosecute in several media undertakings that would voice hisdispleasure and disapproval with the on-going cultural quandary in Canada ( this included a syndicated newspaper house, live wireless plans ) . & # 8220 ; If, inthe last analysis, we continually place Catholicism with conservatismand nationalism with stationariness, we will lose by default that which is inplay between all civilizations & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; . By literally promoting a broad, leftist revolution in his state, Trudeau believed that Democracy must comebefore Ideology. Gradually, his temperament would pull many politiciansand advocators of Socialism, and therefore it allowed him to radiate his ideologyonto the public of Quebec. Trudeau makes it clear in his book that duringthe early old ages of the Duplessis authorities, he was a steadfast supporter ofprovincial liberty, but with the antediluvian sequence of events following theconflicts that arouse between Federal and Provincial affairs in Quebec, hehad taken a stance on Federalism that involved security, economicprosperity and centralised authorization. It wasn & # 8217 ; t until 1963 when the newlyappointed Premier of Quebec, Rene Levesque, warned that there must be a newCanada within five old ages or Quebec will discontinue alliance. It was notuntil 1965 that a adult male named Pierre Trudeau entered politics.It is at this point in his anthology that I was able to surmise theradical and irregular political strong beliefs that the soon-to-be PrimeMinister would integrate into Canada. His thesis is focussed aroundpertinent issues which demanded attending at the clip. After he elaborateson the importance of Federalism and how it is associated with Quebec, thereader Begins to construe the declarations he offers and so finds himself

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he dilemma that French Canadians face in Canada. In the wakeof a constitutional referendum, such knowledge can be viewed as ironicallysignificant. A defender of civil rights and freedoms, Trudeau, even as ateenager, was adamantly opposed to supporting any political theory based onethnic tendencies; he makes this clear on an essay in the book entitled:”Quebec and the Constitutional Problem”. He was convinced that not only thedivided jurisdiction of a federal state helped protect the liberty of itscitizens but also that in fact the economic, social and cultural goods ofQuebec can best be achieved with a Canadian federal state. It seemed thatan archetypal Trudeau Federal infrastructure would be one where each levelof government would function on its own jurisdiction. In doing so, Trudeauwould voice his admiration for the Bill of Rights and how he wouldconcentrate on developing a Federal government for the individual. It wasnot until 1962 that Trudeau actually began defending Federalism for what itrepresented to the average labourer, but the fact that Quebec seemed toconvert provincial autonomy into an absolute forced him to reconsider hispolitical stance. Joining the struggling Liberal party in 1965, his onlycoinciding proposition with that of his party was the advocation of an openFederal system. Nonetheless, it marked the beginning of a political careerthat would take him to the heights of power in his dominion. “My political action, or my theory – insomuch as I can be said to haveone – can be expressed very simply: create counter-weights”. The measure ofa man can be traced to his ideological convictions, and in doing so, I haveonly started to realize the prominent role that Trudeau has played inCanadian politics. He was heralded as a radical, somewhat of a usurper anddefinitely a socialist mogul, but what was clear about Trudeau was hisrespect and admiration for liberties of the common man and how they werepreserved from the clutches of Federal policies. This respect would not bereplaced at any cost during his tenure and as he forecasted the ensuingconstitutional dilemma with a very impartial, non-partisan outlook, hewould primarily concentrate on two factors (economic and linguistic) whichoffered practical conclusions without chaotic implications. Trudeauenvisioned himself in power, speculating two choices he would offer toQuebec; full sovereignty or maximized integration into the Americancontinent. But what Trudeau avoided treading upon was the infringement ofstate policies on the individual’s rights and freedoms. Many members of theFederal government believed that Trudeau did not speak on behalf of FrenchCanadians but that he substituted their cultural plight with his owntheories. This generated the following response: “If the party does notagree with my opponents, it can repudiate me; if my constituents do not,they can elect someone else”. Trudeau maintains that he dedicated hisanthology in order for others to understand the problems that FrenchCanadians faced in terms of cultural progress, and I am compelled toconclude that his involvement with the Federal regime may have saved thecountry for twenty years…unfortunately, he was unable to complete theaffirmation of his ideology into the French Canadian scope and thus Canadatoday is contemplating the outcome of another constitutional referendum. His failure to absolve the constitution of any future repercussions withthe masses should not be viewed as a political error, but as an ideologicaltruth which he exhibited since 1965 (the addition of the “notwithstanding”clause). Trudeau’s book covers an immense amount of historical and idealisticcontent. Published in 1965, it is fascinating to read and discover howintently and closely he would follow his ideologies as he would eventuallyascend to the position of Prime Minister. His reliability would bequestionable at the time (based on limited experience as a politician) butthe fact that he had submerged himself into a field which requiredinnovative and pragmatic thought led me to believe that his Federaliststance would eventually be justified in Canadian history. With asuperlative writing style, his use of vocabulary and terminology aided thereader in understanding his convictions. Not even this reader expected sucha barrage of political jargon. Recent events in Canada have somewhat curtailed the ambience dealingwith this critique in respects to the opinions exhibited on behalf of theauthor and reviewer. Trudeau takes obvious pride in his ideologicalperspective of multicultural Canada, and in doing so one might expect apartisan, biased array of resolutions. This, however, is not the case. Thisbook leaves room for educational prowess without any noticeable weaknesses.Federalism and the French Canadians is an insightful, ideological anthologythat could be found especially useful to other politics students who wishto examine the importance of cultural and social values in a countrymissing a stable political doctrine (and perhaps a leader, no less).

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