Untitled Essay Research Paper The Emergence of

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The Emergence of Nationalism By the terminal of the Middle Ages in the14th century, a new belief of patriotism appeared in Europe. Simultaneously, the feudal system was crumpling. The Hundred Year War helped develop patriotism, because the common man had become more of a necessity in conflict, therefore doing the aristocracy a less important force. The provincials rebellions, due to many economic and societal jobs of the twenty-four hours, weakened the feudal system by giving more power to the common mans, which in bend reduced the spread between the rich and the hapless. Besides, the common mans fring religion in the church, because of the coruption in it made them turn from from the church, and towards their new found state. The hundred twelvemonth was a major cause that led the chauvinistic motion. While contending the war soldiers, who many were common mans, started to go more and more of import. The common mans were used as footsoliders and were a really effectice force when tought how to utilize the new weaponary that came approximately during this clip. The long bow was a deathly which the pesants used, it would destruct the enemines knights, by killing their Equus caballuss beneath them. Besides during the war the provincial became really loyal to thier King, and they began to believe that they were one as a whole. With the thought as they are a whole, they developed the thought of they were a state. This is personified by the missive that Joan of Arc, a Gallic common man wrote to the male monarch of England and other aristocracy. In this missive she mentions that she wants the English out of her state of France, and that she is willing usage force to acquire them out. This was a common man speaking to the King of England as if they were peers. The thought of patriotism implied in the missive and fundamentally says that, we French are ill of the English in France and we want you out and are willing to travel to war to drive you out. War besides cost the king a batch of money. So the male monarch had to travel to the pesants to acquire financess for the war. When he needed more money to contend the wars he taxed the lower category. As the wars went on the provincials were taxed more and more, which finally led to the provincials revolting. The feudal system, which was what everything in Europe was based on, started to fall in when the provincials started to revolt. There were many factors which caused the provincials to revolt. One major factor was revenue enhancement. In England entirely, the provincials had to pay four new revenue enhancements in a five twelvemonth span. As the aristocracy and the male monarch got richer, the hapless got poorer. The lower categories were over worked and paid meager rewards. The provincials decided that they wouldn & # 8217 ; Ts take it any longer. The provincials began to assail the revenue enhancement aggregators, who happened to be aristocracy. They blamed this job on the aristocracy, and all this clip they still loved their male monarch. They thought that he had nil to make with it. With the rebellions the provincials bit by bit rece

ived more power and regard from the aristocracy and the male monarch, and they were besides get downing to be feared because they were the bulk of the population. The rebellions led to the enpowerment of the common adult male. With this new found power and esteem the spread between the rich and the hapless became less. And the feudal system began to crumple even more. With the prostration of the feudal system, the people turned to thought of patriotism more and more. With the people turning to patriotism, they turned off from the church. The church had one time been the most powerful facet in all of Europe. The church had control of everything. The people loved the church because it was their direct connexion with God, and it was one of the lower categories merely signifier of entertianment. Once jobs in the church began to originate, the people backed off from the church, with no 1 to turn to. So they ended up turning to their male monarch. There were many lending factors to why the people turned off from the church. One is that during the Black Plague the church refused to carry through the sacraments. The people became outraged, they had given so much money to the church and now they refused to carry through a loved 1s sacraments. Besides people started to listen and travel to people like Catherine of Sienna, who was a saint and purportedly stigmatic. She tried to make full the nothingness which the church had left. And people started to listen to work forces like John Wyclif. John Wyclif who was a sermonizer at Oxford University, and said that the priesthood should non be have any authorization over the people. He besides stated that the church is corrupt and that no mortal adult male can execute miracles, God entirely can merely make that. With that people started to free religion and the church began to fall in, and the people looked for leading and found thier male monarch, and with that thought of a state is formed. With the new thought of the state formed, future history is greatly affected. More wars are fought for the improvement of the state. States are formed within the states. And with the states come the enlargement of the states with settlements. And more wars are fought. Peoples finally gain more rights and freedom. More wars are once more fought to protect peoples freedom and for the states own national intrest. All of this stems from the formation of patriotism and the state. There were many factors that led to the formation of patriotism. War and the thought of us, non them helped to set up the foundation of patriotism. The thought that you are contending for your King and your state. Besides the revolting provincial were a conducive factor to destroying of the old thought of the feudal system, which led manner for the chauvinistic motion to turn. Finally the people fring their religion in the church and turning to the male monarch for new leading. All of these factors contributed to the rise of the new thought of patriotism and the state. 1


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