US Intelligence Essay

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How has terrorist act basically altered the construction. mission. capablenesss. and analytic demands of the U. S. Intelligence Community? What alterations have been made to suit these menaces? The construct would human security was basically altered after the incident of 9/11. which made apparent the menace emanating from terrorists. Although terrorist act is a pattern that has been documented since clip immemorial. this happening is basically a turning point in human history as it drastically changed perceptual experiences about traditional security issues.

The international environment became a more complex landscape whose enemies are non any longer based on the traditional state-state struggle. but on scattered and unpredictable groups like terrorists. These terrorists are non based on individual provinces or states but are made up of cells all over the universe ; the motives are huge and oftentimes ideological ; the method of revenge and discourtesy is indiscriminate. This indiscriminate nature of onslaughts is what makes terrorist act genuinely a chilling world in the modern planetary community. Intelligence enlargement has been a necessary effect of this changes in the security environment.

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As the enemy becomes but obscure figures with no definite geographic base and whose members are basically unknown and clandestine. at that place has to be every bit advanced and new responses that would hold the capableness of get bying with these new worlds of security. For case. during the Cold War it was clear and apprehensible that the security concern was the Soviet. whose leaders and people was easy identifiable. Terrorism. holding no known construction or leaders. is a much more hard enemy to pinpoint ; there actions even more hard to foretell.

In the effort to foretell these actions. at that place has to be enlargement and revivals in intelligence operations that would hold the capacity to face the terrorist menace. For case. technological capablenesss of the authorities is really much needed to maintain path of an of all time nomadic and untraceable enemy. The intelligence community has seen monolithic inspection and repair as consequence of this terrorist concern. Technological responses has needfully becomes more sophisticated to foretell terrorists onslaughts whose marks are guiltless and ignorant civilians.

Satellite surveillance and trailing has for a fact became of import intelligence tools in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sophisticated tracking systems and communications equipment have been able to be utilized as arms to counter the menace. Besides. military equipments has been made to be more sophisticated in design and usage. Apart from the technological and military deductions. the intelligence enlargement has impacted on the policies of the state. which has to undertake and debate on issues like wiretapping and security surveillance.

On one manus. there are great frights that these would impact on the privateness and rights of the citizens who may be subjected to such without permission. But on the other manus. it is argued that such stairss can vitally assist the authorities in their trailing of domestic menaces of terrorists. This is in fact one of the quandary that confronts the intelligence community. as new arguments on security-liberty emerges. and the job of the sheer sweep of the job becomes a rough world.

The US Intelligence Community finds a formidable enemy so in terrorists. who have drastically changed the manner security is perceived. Traditionally. it was merely approximately provinces holding military or political struggles. but now. there are outgrowth of non-state histrions who are so more hard to track or to maintain check on. This is what basically threatens national security. the nature of the enemy. whose military capableness or location or members the authorities and armed forces has small cognition of.

It hence pushes the intelligence subdivision of the province to get by and to guarantee that the state is technologically and strategically advanced adequate to face the job. Besides. policies are changed and basic beliefs about privateness has to be reassessed in this battle against terrorist act.


Andrew. Christopher. ( ) . For the President’s Eyes Merely: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush. Coll. Steve. ( ) . Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA. Afghanistan. and Bin Laden. from the Soviet Invasion to September 10. 2001. United S

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