Violence in the Kite Runner Essay

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An act more familiar to some than others. but a common act all the same. We see it mundane and everyplace. from the childs contending in the sandbox to the adult male being shot in the caput no affair where you go. force is an act that no 1 is safe from. But is that a bad thing? Hasn’t that been the norm since twenty-four hours one for worlds? Peoples see the word force and automatically believe that its a negative. that nil good can come from it. Possibly if we look at it in a different position. though. we may be able to organize a better sentiment on the term.

Thankfully. Khaled Hosseini’s work. “The Kite Runner” does the occupation for us. The Kite Runner is a narrative written by force. from Hassan’s colza to Amir’s whipping. about every major point in the narrative is about a violent act. And while at a first glimpse most would presume that the book is merely demoing how violent Afghanistan was. it was really Hosseni seeking to demo something wholly different. If we look at the after consequence of every violent act. we see that it does more than merely hurt another individual. it shapes the lives of the people around it. it can put the cast for how a individual will go. and it can even be the cause of great good.

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A great illustration of this can be found from the most of import scene in the book. Hassan’s colza at the custodies of Assef. This is where we find Amir at his weakest minute. where he genuinely realises that when it came down to the “one concluding chance to make up one’s mind who [ he ] was traveling to be” ( Hosseini 77 ) all he could make is run. The consequence of his actions hit about immediately. he loses his friend. his father’s regard. and his ain morality in a affair of months. Even when he moves to America as a topographic point to bury his wickedness. it pulls itself up whenever the memory is recalled. The pick Amir makes seems to go the expletive of his life. that is. until the terminal of the book when we realize how much it changed him for the better.

Because it was thanks to that event all those old ages ago that forced Amir to expiate for his wickednesss. and with that expiation. he was able to salvage the life of the immature Sorab and go a adult male that his male parent. Baba. would be proud of. Had this violent act ne’er happened Amir might hold ne’er became a adult male that could stand for something. he would hold leached off Hassan until he was an grownup. and by so it would be excessively late to alter. But because Hassan’s colza separated Amir from Hassan. Amir was able to turn and go the adult male he is at the terminal of the narrative.

Another expression into the influences of force can be found in the history of Assef. We know from Assef’s actions that he a adult male who is clearly been shaped by force. in fact. he could about be called a symbol of force itself. as he was the raper of Hassan and his boy. a strong protagonist ( and member ) of the Taliban and its actions. every bit good as the close liquidator of Amir. But. merely like all the other Acts of the Apostless of force in the narrative. Assef’s actions. while cruel and inexcusable. has brought good into the universe every bit good.

This good is found in what is likely the most violent scene in the book where Amir eventually has to confront his ‘sin’ face to face. in the signifier of a battle to the decease versus an grownup Assef. brass brass knuckss and all. It was in this scene that “For the first clip since the winter of 1975. [ Amir ] felt at peace” Assef’s force was the force that would force Amir to eventually be able to accept the errors he has made and make something to do up for them. Had Assef merely thrown him in gaol or non even bothered to be the violent individual he was. so Amir would hold ne’er of had the opportunity to stand up for something for the first clip in his life and eventually put the yesteryear behind him.

The point is. all these Acts of the Apostless of apparently unpointed force are really in fact important facets of the narrative. and if any one of them were to be removed. the happy stoping we see at the terminal of the narrative would non of been able to go on. But thats non the of import portion. The existent lesson to take from this is seen when you compare this to our current lives. Violence. although a negative in the human life. is still a portion of our lives. Every clip a Amir went through an act of force. he grew as a individual. whether it was turning by larning about his true ego. or turning by larning to stand
up for something. force is what made Amir the adult male he was at the terminal of the narrative. force is what saved Sohrab’s life.

And the same things can be found in our normal American lives. When a war breaks out in another state. we as a society learn something from it. When a school is shot down by a deranged gunslinger. we unite together as a state to mourn the loss and do so seek certain that it will ne’er go on once more. What Hosseini was seeking to demo us was non that force is a awful thing that should be avoided and ran from at of all time corner. he was stating us something much different. That force is a portion of life. we can non run from it. we can non conceal from it. we can merely accept it and larn how to turn from it.

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