Wilfred Owens Poetry Vs Platoon Essay Research

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Wilfred Owens Poetry Vs Platoon Essay, Research Paper

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1. Within each text the scene plays an of import portion. How make both Stone and Owen convey the scene and the conditions the work forces faced? ( Don? T forget you must mention to specific lines and poetic/film, techniques ) Naturally it is a batch easier to convey the coveted scene of a scene if the medium used involved ocular constructs. However, Wilfred Owens poesy manages to give the reader an highly graphic thought of what the conditions were like for the people whom he describes. Like Oliver Stone, in his film Platoon, Owen uses some really simple constructs to put the scene in his authorship, such as clay, or loud noises, which convey non merely the scene, but besides the temper that goes with it. For illustration, in the verse form Duce et Decorum Est, in the lines

? Gas! Gas! Quick. Boys! ? An rapture of fumbling,

Suiting the gawky helmets on merely in clip?

This excerpt non merely give the reader a clear thought of what is physically go oning in the trenches, but the linguistic communication used and in peculiar, the incoherent shouting in the first line besides implies the confusion of the state of affairs, as if the writer can remember no more than a fuzz of it.

Oliver Stone besides uses techniques to connote confusion, such as when the platoon are attacked in the jungle scenes ; the camera often changes position ( from long-shots to close-ups ) every bit good as focal point, and is frequently jaring all of a sudden as if it is from the position of one of the soldiers running.

The film Platoon besides uses visible radiation against darkness to stand for good and evil, or even at clip to connote the emotion and fright which the characters are experiencing. For illustration, the eerie, bluish visible radiation, which is noticeable in the jungle scene, gives the scene an air of strangeness, which is besides reflected on the emotions of the characters? faces.

Despite these good points, it is clear that Platoon does non hold the realistic scenarios that Wilfred Owen brings Forth in his poesy. This is likely because Owen? s work was written while he was really contending in the First World War, and his verse forms frequently seem as if they are remembrances of the existent events. Oliver Stone on the other manus has served really small clip, if any at all, and the film is no more than a chimeral look of his feelings toward the American attitude of the Vietnam War.

One analogue between the in writing scenes of Platoon and the poetic description shown in Wilfred Owens work can be seen in the changeless conflict against the natural elements that is shown in both illustrations. For illustration in Platoon, the work forces find themselves being stalked by the enemy in a labyrinth like jungle, in humid conditions which would be wholly unfamiliar to the American soldiers. Similarly, the work forces in verse forms such as The Sentry base their warfare in the moisture and boggy trenches of France, which multiplies the trouble of contending. Although these two scenarios are slightly different, they do demo similarities in that the work forces are in a changeless conflict, non merely against the legitimate enemy, but besides against the forces of nature.

2. How make both work forces make usage of symbolism and imagination to convey their thoughts about war? Symbolism is a really powerful tool to utilize when seeking to act upon and capture an audience. It is a technique that is employed in about all types of media and is peculiarly noticeable every bit good as affectional in descriptive plants. Due to the fact that Platoon is directed at a more general audience, the symbolism and imagination illustrations are a batch less elusive than that which is shown in the powerful poesy of Wilfred Owen, which was created to educate people, and non to sell at the box office.

Owens symbolism is frequently so delicate that the reader may non ever consciously recognize it, yet it helps to vastly in making the ambiance of the verse form. For illustration in the verse form Futility, the Sun seems to stand for life, and in The Sentry, visible radiation is used as an assimilation to trust, which can be seen in the transition? ? we heard him cry ; ? I see your visible radiations! ? But ours had long died out. ? These lines are an illustration of the little nature of Owens imagination, as it can be looked upon as if the visible radiation that has died out represents the hope of the group, or as if it is merely the blinded soldier seeking to reassure himself that he can still see.

Overall, Owens unfavorable judgment seems to be a really wide disapprobation of war, whereas Oliver Stone merely attacks the Americans attitudes to

wards the Vietnam War and the combat that occurred between the different groups of Americans. The illustrations of imagination in Platoon show this, as they do non truly associate to the war itself, but the characters in the film. For illustration, Alius seems to expose some strong allusions to Jesus Christ, such as his tragic decease airs with his custodies outstretched similar to the image of Jesus deceasing on the cross.

3. Via which medium is character expressed more vividly? Give elaborate grounds for your answer.One chief contrast between the film Platoon and the verse forms of Wilfred Owen is that Owen does non be given to concentrate on the single characters featured in his verse form. This is partially because it is difficult to have a elaborate apprehension of a character in lone one or two stanzas of poesy, particularly when compared to the length of a characteristic movie. Another major subscriber to the deficiency of description of the characters in Wilfred Owens poesy is that the nature of his unfavorable judgment does non necessitate an in-depth description of the soldiers, but it is the scenes and the events that occurred in the trenches that are more of import.

Oliver Stone & # 8217 ; s film Platoon focuses on the characters and their relationship with each other alternatively of the combat in the war itself, this gives Stone a demand to travel into great item in his description of the characters, which presents a major contrast between the two illustrations.

This means that despite the fact that Oliver Stone does non hold the descriptive endowment shown by Wilfred Owen, his characters are described a batch more vividly. Yet still, Stone & # 8217 ; s descriptions show some obvious defects ; some of the characters in Platoon seem rather crystalline, and at times, even stereotyped, for illustration the differences between Alius and Barnes is a distinguishable conflict between pure good and pure immorality.

From the most blazing point, the characters in Platoon are a batch more accessible, as they are shown in a ocular based medium, and can be judged by what they look like. This makes it easy for viewing audiences to a acquire their ain feeling of the characters ( which may non be at all accurate ) merely by watching a few proceedingss of the movie.

4. Which medium did you happen more accessible in footings of conveying subjects and a message about the war? Although the film Platoon is set in the Vietnam war, it does non look to incorporate any messages straight associating to the moral issues of war, but alternatively it attacks the split-cultured attitudes which were present at the clip. Besides, it can be debated that the film is a really general metaphor for the consistent conflict between good and evil. Wilfred Owen on the other manus, really seldom focuses on general doctrine, and alternatively dressed ores strictly on reprobating those who promote war, and trying to educate those who ignorantly believe that contending for 1s state is baronial.

The subjects that Oliver Stone does present are normally rather relevant and accessible, for illustration the consistent subject of the controversy that goes on between the soldiers when they should be contending the true enemy. However, these seldom comparison to the motivation images and graphic ideas that are brought frontward in Wilfred Owens poesy. A authoritative illustration of the messages that Owen nowadayss can be seen in the verse form Dulce et Decorum Est, which includes the sarcastic use of the Latin phrase & # 8220 ; Dulce et decorousness est ; Pro patria mori & # 8221 ; , which approximately translates to & # 8220 ; It is baronial and weather to decease for 1s state & # 8221 ; .

Owen on occasion delves into philosophical statements, which although nowadays a broader message, are still debating the same issues. Examples of this method can be seen in the poem Futility:

Was it for this the clay grew tall?

-O what made asinine sunraies toil

To interrupt Earth & # 8217 ; s slap at all?

These lines are oppugning whether it was deserving the Sun making the Earth, if it was traveling to take to the devastation of war. This is peculiarly powerful as it uses a direct attack to the reader, as if oppugning for his or her ain sentiment.

Platoons chief message can be seen at the very terminal of the movie, when Chris is reminiscing and sing his experiences in the war. It focuses on the fact that he was invariably contending with other members of the platoon alternatively of the Vietnamese. Yet, although the scenes of Platoon hold a powerful message, it seems clear that the work of Wilfred Owen is far more realistic and relevant when compared to the film.

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