Will Computers Control Humans In The Future

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Will Computers Control Humans In The Future?

Peoples ever tend to seek the easy manner out looking for something that

would do their lives easier. Machines and tools have given us the ability to

make more in less clip giving us, at the same clip, more comfort. As the

engineering progresss, computing machines become faster and more powerful. These new

machines are enabling us to make more in less clip doing our lives easier. The

increased usage of computing machines in the hereafter, nevertheless, might hold negative consequences

and impact on our lives. In the fresh Nine Tomorrows Isaac Asimov frequently

knock our trust on computing machines by portraying a futuristic universe where

computing machines control worlds.

One of the images which Asimov describes in the book is that worlds might

go excessively dependent on computing machines. In one of the narratives, Profession, Asimov

writes about people being educated by computing machine plans designed to educate

effortlessly a individual. Harmonizing to the Profession narrative people would no longer

read books to larn and better their cognition. Peoples would trust on the

computing machines instead than & # 8220 ; seek to memorise adequate to fit person else who knows & # 8221 ;

( Nine Tomorrows, Profession 55 ) . Peoples would non take to analyze, they would

merely desire to be educated by computing machine tapes. Puting in cognition would take

less clip than reading books and memorising something that would take about no

clip utilizing a computing machine in the futuristic universe that Asimov describes. Worlds

might began to trust on computing machines and let them to command themselves by allowing

computing machines educate people. Computers would get down learning worlds what computing machines

state them without holding any pick of creativeness. Computers would get down to

control humans & # 8217 ; lives and do worlds go excessively dependent on the computing machines.

Another point that is criticized by Asimov is the fact that people might

take their cognition for granted leting computing machines to take over and command

their lives. In a narrative called The Feeling of Power, Asimov portrays how people

started utilizing computing machines to make even simple mathematical computations. Over a

long period of clip people became so dependable on computing machines that they forgot the

simplest generation and division regulations. If person wanted to cipher an

reply they would merely utilize their pocket computing machine to make that ( The Feeling of

Power 77 ) . Peoples became excessively independent from the start doing them bury what

they have learned in the past. Peoples in the narrative The Feeling of Power would

take for granted what they have learned over centuries of acquisition and take

computing machines because of their ability to make their work faster. The deficiency of manual

P >

mathematics, which people chose to bury in the narrative, caused computing machines to be

the 1s to work out simple mathematic jobs for the people taking control of

the worlds by making the work for them ( The Feeling of Power 81-82 ) . The

trust of computing machines went to such an extent that even Humans began to utilize

computing machines in all Fieldss of survey and work leting computing machines to command their

lives by taking over and making everything for them.

Harmonizing to another narrative in the book, Asimov besides describes how

computing machines would be able to foretell chances of an event, hereafter. In the

narrative All the Troubles of the World one large computing machine predicted offense before it

even happened, leting the constabulary to take the individual who was traveling to perpetrate

the offense and release him/her after the danger has passed ( All The Troubles of

The World 144-145 ) . This computing machine, called Multivac, controlled worlds by

stating the governments about who was traveling to perpetrate a offense doing person to

be imprisoned until the danger has passed. It was the computing machine that made the

determination of person & # 8217 ; s freedom or imprisonment and that controlled others to

collar a individual it suspected of perpetrating a offense commanding his/her fate.

The determination of incarcerating person for a offense a individual did non commit was all

in the custodies of a computing machine. It was the computing machine that controlled worlds and their

fate and commanding other worlds who believed in everything that computing machine

told them.

Multivac could non merely predict the hereafter but it besides could reply many

inquiries that would usually abash people if they would hold to inquire person

else about it. Multivac could entree its huge database of millions of pieces

of cognition and happen the best solution for one & # 8217 ; s job ( All The Troubles of

The World 153 ) . All the people believed that Multivac knows the best and

allowed a computing machine to command their lives by following the solutions Multivac

had given them ( All the Troubles of The World 153 ) . Humans followed a

computing machine & # 8217 ; s solution to a job they could non work out themselves leting a

computing machine to take control over their lives non leting them to believe for


In the Nine Tomorrows, Isaac Asimov frequently criticizes our trust on

computing machines. The writer predicts that computing machines will increase their function in the

hereafter while the engineering progresss. Computers will go faster and people

will desire to utilize them more to do their lives easier. Yet, merely like to any

good side there is a bad side. Asimov reflects in his authorship that worlds might

depend on the computing machines so much that they will let them to command their lives.


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