Willa Cather Essay Research Paper Willa Catherborn

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Willa Cather Essay, Research Paper

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Willa Cather

born in December of 1873 in Black Creek Valley in Virginia

At the age of 9 moved to Nebraska frontier to fall in grandparents

got her schooling in Nebraska and she attended the University of Nebraska in Lincoln

began her composing calling during college composing short narratives and poesy for the Nebraska State Journal and the Lincoln Courier

After graduating from Nebraska in 1895 she worked as a instructor and journalist in Pittsburgh

She wrote a aggregation of short narratives called The Troll Garden in 1905 which had A Wagner Matinee published in it

This led to her acquiring a occupation redacting and composing for Mc Clure s Magazine in New York City, and she helped the magazine from traveling under

In 1912 she resigned from Mc Clure s Magazine to prosecute composing short narratives and fiction in the quiet Greenwich small town in New York

Much of her authorship is reflected back to her life life in Nebraska, her scenes and values of the narratives come from this part

She believed that your composing must come from experiences before adolescence

Many subjects of her narratives were shown in the strength and bravery of frontier colonists and wrote about the demand for creative persons non to be set back by suppressing influences, which is one of the chief subjects in A Wagner Matinee

Like other authors of her clip, she wrote about disenchantment and s

he was skeptic toward machines and progresss in engineering

she loved music, which is reflected in this narrative with the German composer, Richard, Wagner

She won a Pulitzer award in 1923 for One of Ours, and she is known as one of the great authors of the 20th century

Plants Cited

Anderson, Robert. Willa Cather. Elementss of Literature. Fifth Course. United states: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1993.

Columbia University Press. Cather, Willa Sibert. 2000. . 2 Mar 2001.

University of Nebraska Press. The Willa Cather Archive. 2000. . 1 Mar 2001.

Fictional characters

chief characters are Clark and Aunt Georginia

Clark is Georginia s nephew that she raised after his parent s decease

She lives in Nebraska with his Uncle Howard, where Clark left in order to prosecute the American dream and move to Boston

Clark is shown to be a dynamic character, and his positions of his aunt alteration during the class of the narrative, even though he loves her a batch, he describes her really crudely

Passage get downing on page 519 2nd col. with But Mrs. Springer & # 8230 ;

this is demoing how tough her life is in Nebraska, her outward visual aspect is shown because of the alteration of her life from populating in Boston and traveling to Nebraska where she lives a tough agriculture life with agriculture and small chances for her

Cather besides gives really good descriptions of the character s hands as a consequence of their

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