William Carlos Williams Artistic Poet Essay Research

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William Carlos Williams: Artistic Poet Essay, Research Paper

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The Artistic Poet

William Carlos Williams is a brilliant creative person. Not merely has he created a chef-d’oeuvre of a verse form, but he has besides cultivated abstract and concrete images to paint a image of his ruddy garden cart. Each word is a brushstroke to this & # 8220 ; still life & # 8221 ; verse form. He has besides taken simple objects, such as a garden cart and a poulet, and turned them into icons of industrialised civilisations. Without these indispensable constituents, society would non be every bit evolved as it is today. Williams uses an experimental construction in his free poetry verse form & # 8220 ; The Red Wheelbarrow & # 8221 ; and efficaciously demonstrates an array of nonliteral linguistic communication. He besides utilizes simplistic images to capture the kernel of childhood, puting and engineering.

Through the usage of nonliteral linguistic communication, such as imagination and verbal music, Williams was able to convey a vivid, realistic perceptual experience of this garden cart with alone spacing and intermissions. The first image we encounter comes in line three with & # 8220 ; a ruddy wheel & # 8221 ; ( 3 ) . As the word & # 8220 ; barrow & # 8221 ; ( 4 ) is added to intensify & # 8220 ; wheel & # 8221 ; ( 3 ) , it becomes apparent that it is a ruddy garden cart. This image has a acquaintance about it in a manner that I can slightly conceive of a scene now. The limpid garden cart workss an intense image in the scene. & # 8220 ; Glazed with rain/water & # 8221 ; ( 5-6 ) transforms the ruddy garden cart to a new semblance with a whole different feel to it. The word & # 8220 ; glazed & # 8221 ; ( 5 ) evokes a painterly image. The ordinary garden cart, now & # 8220 ; glazed with rain & # 8221 ; ( 5 ) , is aglow and moisture. & # 8220 ; Beside the white/chickens & # 8221 ; ( 7-8 ) is possibly the most absorbing image of all. At first thought it seems irrelevant to this abstract & # 8220 ; still life & # 8221 ; verse form, but so it becomes really influential to the scene of the garden cart. Another nonliteral linguistic communication device Williams incorporates meticulously is verbal music. Williams was able to make unusual intermissions in this sentence by spacing. & # 8220 ; A ruddy wheel & # 8221 ; ( 3 ) and & # 8220 ; glazed with rain & # 8221 ; ( 5 ) are all monosyllabic words used to stretch the line, seting an unordinary intermission between the words & # 8220 ; wheel & # 8221 ; ( 3 ) and & # 8220 ; barrow & # 8221 ; ( 4 ) and likewise with & # 8220 ; rain & # 8221 ; ( 5 ) and & # 8220 ; H2O & # 8221 ; ( 6 ) . These intermissions have the consequence of interrupting the image down to its most basic parts. Using the sentence as a painter uses line and

colour, Williams breaks up the words in order to see the object more closely. Following, Williams elaborately tunes the verse form by utilizing vowel rhyme. The first and 2nd stanzas are linked by the long “o” in “so” ( 1 ) and “barrow” ( 4 ) . The long vowels in “glazed in rain” ( 5 ) match the same building of “beside the white” ( 7 ) . In the last stanza, another interesting happening are the sounds “ch” and “enz” in the last word of the verse form that echoes the sounds of the initial line, “so much depends” ( 1 ) . Every individual word and infinite has been put there deliberately.

The simpleness of this verse form is fantastic. Williams takes cardinal objects and transforms them into a work of art. A garden cart was a breakthrough piece of equipment still in usage today. The & # 8220 ; wheel barrow & # 8221 ; ( 3-4 ) , by design, is simple, yet functional. Farm life evolved dramatically due to its innovation. The & # 8220 ; ruddy wheel barrow & # 8221 ; ( 3-4 ) is such a familiar image that anyone can visualize it. The same is true with & # 8220 ; white poulets & # 8221 ; ( 7-8 ) . & # 8220 ; White chickens & # 8221 ; ( 7-8 ) are every bit cardinal as a & # 8220 ; ruddy wheel barrow & # 8221 ; ( 3-4 ) . They both have of import usage on a farm. Merely from those two concrete objects, Williams has painted a image of a farm. A farm is the prototype of the & # 8220 ; simple life. & # 8221 ; This verse form besides radiates a child-like quality that makes me believe of my childhood. Somewhere in this image I can invision a small male child in boggy overalls standing in the background. Another implicit in subject is engineering. We have become so advanced today, but we still rely on the most simple constituents. A farm is dependent on garden carts and most decidedly chickens. This verse form & # 8217 ; s simplistic thoughts are reviewing and convey a new sense of relaxation to life.

From the abstract gap line to the concrete terminal, Williams barraged us with alone and unexpected images and intermissions. He has proven his artistic properties go beyond his composing abilities. & # 8220 ; The Red Wheelbarrow & # 8221 ; will everlastingly be etched in my head. William Carlos Williams is the & # 8220 ; Picasso & # 8221 ; of modern American poesy.


Work Cited

Williams, William Carlos. & # 8220 ; The Red Wheelbarrow. & # 8221 ; The Norton Introduction to Literature.

7th erectile dysfunction. Eds. Jerome Beaty and J. Paul Hunter. New York: W.W. Norton

and Company, Inc. , 1998. 928.

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