Women Of The Great Gatsby Essay Research

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The Women of The Great Gatsby

In F. Scott Fitzgerald s novel The Great Gatsby, a chief subject is the contrast between the upper and working social categories. The novel, set in the mid-twentiess displays the contrast between these categories that is still transpirating in the 1890ss. Jay Gatsby, Jordan Baker, Daisy and Tom Buchanan represent persons from the upper category, whereas Myrtle and George Wilson are representative of the working lower category persons in society. We learn about these characters through Nick, a in-between category adult male. In this essay I will concentrate on contrasting the upper category women- Daisy and Jordan- with the working category woman- Myrtle Wilson- and how one becomes emotionally whole through self look.

Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker were both born into households with money. When Daisy married Tom Buchanan, she married into more wealth. Jordan s tennis calling has kept her with money and thereby allows her to populate in the upper category life style. Both adult females are far removed from the world of cognizing what it is like to work and fight to acquire by in life. Both have been able to bask the munificent life style of the upper category without holding had to work for it.

Both Daisy and Jordan are rather flyaway, superficial, and tend to demo no existent emotion towards anyone or anything. If the emotion does demo, by and large it is merely a spark ; the adult females so travel back to the composed universe they belong to. When discoursing the birth of her girl to Nick, Daisy says, And I hope she ll be a fool- that s the best thing a miss can be in this universe, a beautiful small sap. ( Fitzgerald, 21 ) . This remark may besides stand for how Daisy feels about herself. After listening to Daisy for a small while longer, Nick feels the basic falseness of tungsten

chapeau she had said. Daisy and Jordan s chief intent in life consists of looking good to the outside universe.

Myrtle Wilson is the complete antonym of these adult females. She is an expressive, noncompliant, despairing adult female filled with an explosive verve. After get marrieding George Wilson her dreams for an upper category life style are crushed by the world that she will ne’er amount to anything more than a service station keeper s married woman. In Myrtle s effort to catch at the upper category life style she engages in an matter with Tom Buchanan- Daisy s hubby. By mixing with the upper category Myrtle s intense verve was converted into impressive arrogance. Her laughter, her gestures, her averments became more violently affected ( Fitzgerald, 35 ) . By holding the matter Myrtle is able to populate out her phantasies.

Myrtle s crisp character gives her more personality than both Daisy and Jordan. More readers are likely able to understand Myrtle s desires and emotions because she does non try to dissemble or hold a superficial forepart to her feelings. Myrtle expresses her true emotions whereas Daisy and Jordan do non. By showing herself Myrtle is more able to be satisfied than Daisy and Jordan, who take whatever comes to them. In this manner Myrtle can be defined as the more emotionally whole adult female of the three.

Despite ever hankering for better, when Myrtle died she was likely more satisfied with her achievements and realized the costliness of life, more than Daisy and Jordan would of all time see in their life-times. It is up to each person to show themselves and seek out their true naming and bosom s desire. By non seting up foreparts and life in a fantasy life, a individual will stop up being whole.


F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1925.

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