Working Women And Family Lifestyles Essay Research

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The issues and concerns of this class are 1s with which I am able to place. Having been married for eight old ages, a on the job adult females and female parent qualifies me to give much penetration to each of the constituents listed in this class. My essay will turn to the followers:

& # 183 ; Past and present position of adult females in the work topographic point

& # 183 ; Balancing calling and household

& # 183 ; Career Choices

& # 183 ; The hereafter of the household

In add-on, I will spread out on the deductions of individual parentage and how it affects adult females & # 8217 ; s callings and raising a household.


Every twenty-four hours in some office, bank, shop, school, or wherever adult females work, person announces an battle or a nuptials. But unlike past coevalss, the proclamation doesn & # 8217 ; t automatically intend the employee is go forthing. She is merely adding a new dimension to herself-marriage. Unlike her predecessor, she will work for a much longer period because she can make up one’s mind when to get down her household. If she decides to hold a household, her leave of absence is disposed to be less than five old ages, because she is a member of the new strain of adult females who attempt to unite the functions of calling adult female, female parent, and married woman into a feasible bundle.

Wifes have been working for a much longer period than most people think. Before the Industrial Revolution, even affluent adult females worked long hours oversing the demands of big households, family retainers, and slaves. Most American households engaged in farming so. Often hubby and married woman worked together in order to do a net income. During the clip of the Revolutionary, adult females worked in the Fieldss ploughing and harvest home, because all males were off contending the war.

By the 18th century, adult females were employed in all businesss working side by side with work forces. This may sound unusual, but, in those yearss, all businesss were based in the place or at a nearby office or workshop. Women and kids helped male household members build successful houses.

The 19th century brought the beginning of a proficient epoch with the centre of economic activity traveling off from the place into mills and offices. Most businesss came to be viewed so as unsuitable for adult females or incompatible with their jobs in the place. Very few occupations remained that were considered appropriate for adult females. As a consequence, most upper and middle-class adult females left the work force. As the American population grew and the labour deficit eased, the chances for adult females became even fewer. By the 19th century, the pattern of paying adult females less for the same occupation done by work forces was well-established.

Merely a glimpse at today & # 8217 ; s classified ads in any newspaper will rebut the statement that a & # 8220 ; adult female & # 8217 ; s topographic point is in the home. & # 8221 ; In the yesteryear, adult females worked largely out of necessity. But now, many adult females work because it is self-fulfilling.

When I was a kid, both my parents worked. During the 18 old ages I lived with my parents, they earned MBA & # 8217 ; s and in my female parent & # 8217 ; s instance a Ph.D. I grew up believing that to be successful, I must travel to college, set up a calling, acquire married and have childs. It ne’er occurred to me to be a homemaker and remain place.

I did travel to college at 18 but dropped out to acquire married at age 20. I worked while my hubby finished school. I wanted to wait to hold kids until I was in my ulterior 20 & # 8217 ; s and hopefully have the opportunity to complete school and set up a calling. Life did non rather work that manner. At 21 the first small, & # 8220 ; surprise & # 8221 ; package of joy came along. So by age 22, I had a twelvemonth old babe and was working full-time. I did non experience right about remaining place. I did non believe I would be respected.

Four old ages subsequently I had another babe miss. I continued to work but non mount any ladders to success partially because my hubby moved every two old ages for his company and partially because I was non focused. I did non cognize what I wanted to be when I grew up and in my bosom I wanted to be place with my babes, for awhile at least. I wanted the chance to foster my instruction before taking a calling way. Money and childhood beliefs of success kept me at work.

I am 32 old ages old now. I am really near to gaining my B.A. grade and I am eventually in a place at work where I feel I can travel frontward.

Looking back, I realize several things. First, being I had ever worked at low paying occupations, and non holding a formal instruction, I should hold dedicated those ten old ages to my kids. I now know the value of giving clip to raising kids which I will discourse subsequently. Now that I am divorced, I see I gained really small by working all that clip. I have to work now and I do bask it really much. However, given the chance to raise my kids full-time, I would.


Dual Career Couples. The mean immature twosome planning to go on working after matrimony does so for the most selfless grounds. Their employment is a concerted venture which will assist the matrimony financially and socially. There will be no more & # 8220 ; your money & # 8221 ; and & # 8220 ; my money & # 8221 ; . Sharing and decision-making will be common and equal. But as human existences, they are capable to the infirmities of people. One major menace to any matrimony is competition. Competition between twosomes is a natural byproduct of today & # 8217 ; s construct of matrimony as a partnership of peers. While endeavoring for common intimacy and togetherness, immature married & # 8217 ; s are besides fighting for individualism and seeking to develop themselves as individuals. In the book Marriage and Families, writer Essie E. Lee states that one noted sociologist feels that two turning egos will surely be more competitory than a incorporate brace, in which one individual ( normally the married woman ) likely did most of the meeting.

Harmonizing to Marriage and Families, different sorts of competition within a matrimony include:

& # 183 ; Competition for look of growing and individualism.

& # 183 ; Competition for attending

& # 183 ; Competition for power

& # 183 ; Competition for money

& # 183 ; Competition for self-pride

As multiple-income households become standard pattern and work forces and adult females understand more about the demands of each other, hubbies will hold diminishing demand to see adult females & # 8217 ; s want for self-development and fulfillment as a blow to their maleness.

It is of import for adult females every bit good as work forces to be self-sufficing. But there is besides the danger of overemphasising acquiring clear of people who are closest to you. It is impossible to set up familiarity without a batch of clip and experience with each other. A calling married woman may be given to turn out and off and into herself alternatively of turning up. A successful matrimony allows each spouse to turn and permits sharing and realignment of functions as each changes his or her ain construct of ego.

In my matrimony, competition was really high. Since I could non remain at place with my kids, I would hold liked to work on my calling. Once my hubby started mounting the upward ladder and going really successful, I was a resentful that I could non hold the same chances. I was willing to work towards occupation success but did non hold the flexibleness to make so. When the childs got ill, I left work to be with them. When my hubby was transferred, I was discontinuing one company and get downing with another. Besides, my hubby was non supportive of me completing school nor was there the money.

As mentioned antecedently, I believed success in the workplace was the key to happiness and esteem. I saw my hubby acquiring acknowledgment, winning trips and hence, in my book, a better individual and more self-fulfilled.

As I see it, there were several jobs. First, I had no focal point. I was working because I thought I should plus my hubby wanted me to for fiscal grounds. I was torn between experiencing guilty for non being home with my kids and non traveling in front at work. It made me really frustrated. I needed to be more self-asserting and discuss with my hubby how I was experiencing and perchance do terminals run into without working. Second, I feel my hubby could hold been more supportive. His focal point was his occupation. He relied on me to take attention of the place and childs plus convey in a few vaulting horses without ailment. I did make that for a long clip. I am a really proud individual and did non like to neglect or acknowledge I may be neglecting. My discontent to me was a failure. Plus, merely as I was given an chance to travel frontward at a occupation, we were being transferred. I feel he should hold been a small less commanding and more supportive of my ends.

I am all for the adult male in the household being the staff of life victor and main fiscal support for the household. I ne’er felt competition to be better than my hubby. I merely found it extremely hard to non be able to stand out at anything whether calling or household. My parents both worked. However, unlike my hubby and I, they complemented each other really good. First, they were in the same field and worked together for success in their callings. They went back for alumnus surveies together and one ne’er transferred unless the other had a comparable occupation. I remember my pa be givening to my brother and me every bit much as my ma when we were ill. Everything seemed to be shared. That is how I thought my matrimony should be and where my defeats stemmed.

Child Raising Issues. It is the unusual adult female who successfully applies her accomplishments and endowments at place and in the on the job universe. In excessively many instances, the place and kids appear to be neglected. Physical disregard is obvious, but emotional disregard is non excessively clearly defined. In the book Sex, Career, & A ; Family by Michael Fogarty, Rhona Rapaport an Robert Rapaport, many adult females who dislike kids and housekeeping but through pick or fortunes stay home inflict deep emotional harm on their kids. On the other manus, female parents who are happy create happy places and kids, whether they work or non.

Two-career households may hold kids, but they do non construct their whole lives around them. They are non as involved with their households as adult females who stay at place. As referenced in Sexual activity, Career & A ; Family, a survey was done of 15,000 adult females three old ages after their graduation. These adult females had planned callings for themselves. It was found that the career-committed didn & # 8217 ; t want as many kids, on the norm, as the housewifes. They were besides more willing to allow others care for their kids. In two-career places, the babes do non come all at one time at the beginning of the matrimony, but in stages with the married woman & # 8217 ; s work committednesss.

The environment of two-career places molds the character of kids in a different manner than places where female parents do most of the raising. Mother-child relationships are less emotional. Parents seem to hold more rights, peculiarly rights to privateness and a shared grownup life. Many sociologist feel that wives in two-career households are more interested in a relationship with their hubbies than in the homemaking adult females, who tend to seek their major satisfaction from their kids.

For several grounds, my kids were non the focal point of my life for a couple old ages. First, I had my first kid good before I was emotionally ready. I had merely been free of my parents for a twosome old ages and married merely one. I did non desire the duty a child brings. Second, I wanted to complete school before kids. Third, there was a turning discontent in my matrimony and eventually, working full-time took off from the kids. It wasn & # 8217 ; t until I divorced that my kids became my primary focal point.

Once I divorced, it was natural to plunge into my kids. I was happy for the first clip in a long clip. Several incidences since my divorce have changed the manner I think about raising my kids and the clip I spend with them. Two adult females I met in Phoenix were both stay-at-home moms/wives. Their kids idolized them. Their kids were unagitated. These adult females had clip for all the dramas, carnivals, male child lookouts or the other million activities kids are involved. They were raising their kids, non some day care centre. I remember a peculiar weekend, while traveling through a divorce, my youngest said she wanted to travel to Patty & # 8217 ; s house. Patty was her daycare supplier. I was glad my kid was happy with Patty but sad she found her security at that place and non with me. Sing all these circumstance with other households and within my place, I easy began to alter my thought and concentrate more towards kids. I besides had the chance to take six months off work to be with my kids. This clip was fantastic. My childs loved holding me there when they got place from school. They were ill less. They were better behaved. I became involved in school activities. I truly enjoyed it. I know I could be really content remaining place with them full-time. However, that is non an option.

My occupation is great. It is the first measure towards career promotion I have of all time taken. Do I have the thrust to travel farther? Decidedly. Career promotion is a really exciting chance. However, being a individual parent, I have to be the one

responsible for the childs at all times. It concerns me a small, both for the employer and my kids, how much clip I can give. It is a gimmick 22. I want to set my all into my work and have self-realization that manner, but I don’t want to give any clip with my kids. They are excessively of import to me. At this point, I am taking my occupation one twenty-four hours at a clip and deliberation and mensurating the chances that come along.


I believe a adult female has three security valves, a adult male, a kid, a occupation ; in my codification it stands in that order, yet in existent life the order is reversed. Besides, I believe that merely a adult male with whom I would wish to do a twosome should be able to quiet my torments, my hurts ; but in existent life it & # 8217 ; s my work that does that. I hate to acknowledge all these contradictions in myself.

Re-entry to the Workforce The manner in which the coeval married adult female with a household integrates a work calling into her life is normally by suiting to the & # 8220 ; societal facts & # 8221 ; of life and taking the least nerve-racking options open to her. Though extremely qualified adult females may be assumed to hold a scope of ability and originative potency comparable to work forces and, like work forces, seek to develop a life style in which they can work in their assorted functions expeditiously and fruitfully with some grade of integrating between them and satisfactions deducing from them, the societal supports for adult females are missing. Once the determination is made to hold kids, a monolithic quandary arises.

On the other manus, adult females are seen as fortunate to hold the pick as to whether or non they work, as the household support does non normally depend on the married woman but on the hubby in his function of supplier. On the other manus, her scope of options is in fact badly curtailed by virtuousness of the fact that she is expected to transport duty for familial functions and to subordinate her ain calling aspirations to those of her hubby.

This narrowing of options, coupled with the inclination for environmental establishments to worsen the troubles faced by extremely qualified adult females, creates a state of affairs where the burden is thrown really much on to them as persons to make solutions to their quandary. The easiest way is to fall into the conventional function of homemaker, at least for a clip. Another option is to do irrational picks, do unsuitable work, be exploited in occupations of lower position or involvement than they would command if they were work forces. Another option is for the adult female to disrupt her calling, dunking out and re-entering as household state of affairs and phase allow.

There are intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions of calling aspirations, and the adult females & # 8211 ; though dropping their degree of aspiration when they encounter the troubles originating from the integrating of a calling with traditional domestic functions & # 8211 ; make non change their intrinsic aspirations, i.e. the specific sorts of involvements and values which they seek in work. They wish every bit much as work forces to hold the sort of calling in which they can make an interesting occupation and work comparatively autonomously in relation to supervising. They value the thought of cultivating a repute for utmost competency in whatever line of work they pursue, and experience that the experience of creativeness in work is of import.

The purpose finally to return to work is now far more widespread than in the yesteryear among married adult females. Harmonizing to the book Marriage and Families, about 80 % expect to be working when their kids are grown. The early returners are 1s whose committedness to work is a affair of rule. The ulterior returners may non be committed so much to the general thought of adult females & # 8217 ; s callings, but they may acknowledge that they will desire to make something to maintain themselves interested and to experience utile.

Many adult females want to work. Many adult females have to work. Many adult females choose to remain place. However, no affair what a adult females chooses to make, she is different than any other adult female. I say this because I read and see similarities in myself as that with other adult females. Yet, my adulthood, precedences, and lifestyle do these similarities different from other adult females. Harmonizing to surveies, adult females get their greatest satisfaction from work. I excessively feel great satisfaction when I accomplish undertakings at work and have positive feedback. I besides feel great satisfaction when I have spent quality clip with my kids ; when they seem happy and fulfilled. In my matrimony, I felt great satisfaction holding loving weaponries to come place to and person to care and supply for me. This is where fulfilment for adult females differs. It is a affair of demands and precedences.

When I was foremost married, I worked to back up my hubby through school, and, since I did non hold kids yet, for something to make. The seed in the dorsum of my head was completing school and calling promotion. At that point, I did non cognize what calling I wanted. When my first kid came along I took clip off but was back at work within a twelvemonth for fiscal grounds. I settled for less than what I wanted because I was non ready for the extra duty of a higher paying occupation and I did non hold the assurance to prosecute farther. When the following kid came along, I was back to work for fiscal grounds. At that point, work was really dissatisfying because my payroll check went to pay day care and small else. It did non do sense. Now, I work out of necessity because I am individual.

What I have learned throughout the old ages is that my demands have changed. Whether it is because of circumstance or adulthood or a small of both I am non certain. I am glad I worked throughout my matrimony because it has made it easier for me to back up my kids as a individual parent. However, if I had to make it all over once more, I would be place with my kids to do certain their demands were met. They are the individual most of import thing to me. When I was married, they were non. My hubby was most of import, so my kids, so work.

As the old ages passed and I gained adulthood, assurance and experient great emotional emphasis, I now feel I can concentrate on my hereafter. I am satisfied taking little stairss towards career promotion. I do non hold the end of accomplishing tonss of money, a nerve-racking occupation and a good rubric every bit fast as possible. I want to be available to my kids while still supplying them a nice life style. My fulfilment will come when they graduate from high school or college happy and secure. I have twenty old ages after that to plunge caput over heals into a calling. The adult females next door may put different precedences or think I am nuts non to stand out at work quicker when it is offered. Though I admire here for her fortitude, I know what is of import to me and holding that focal point will do me happy and that is all that truly affairs. Gone are the yearss of doing determinations based on what other people think is right for me. It has taken me 14 grownup old ages to calculate that out, and it really good may alter in the hereafter, but for now I know where I am traveling!

Legislation Affecting Womans at Work. Legislation turn toing working adult females is turning each twelvemonth. Many measures are introduced each session covering with kid attention handiness, leaves of absence for dependent attention, affirmatory action and equal chance issues, equal wage for tantamount work, minimal pay, wellness insurance, and occupation preparation. Although some of these measures are ne’er voted into jurisprudence, it is clear that the issues are of all time pressing on the heads of adult females and lawgivers likewise. As with any statute law, clip and force per unit area from particular involvement groups will turn the tide.


Because of the high per centum of divorce rates, individual parenting is the moving ridge of the hereafter. Poverty is the most of import difference between the households headed by adult females and work forces. Although adult females from all sections of life work, the female household caputs finds the ascent to a higher income degree highly hard. The figure of hapless households headed by adult females continues to lift, while that of work forces is steadily falling. For several million of these adult females, the barriers barricading their manner go on to be unequal preparation and instruction for the current occupation market and, in some instances, heavy child-care duties.

The traditional family with the hubby at work and the married woman as housekeeper, married woman, female parent, and household representative in the community will ne’er vanish. But the adult female who assumes more of the male traditional function will make so by pick. Womans who have achieved self-respect and assurance in their abilities have come excessively long a manner toward equality to halt where they are. The job and challenges of the technological epoch are excessively great for the concerned, knowing, ambitious adult female to be content to sit on the out of boundss with her knitting while work forces make all the determinations that count.

Young people see the heavy male-dominant function vanishing in most matrimonies. In its topographic point is a sharing of work, play, child-care and child-rearing. Women will go on to work before and after child-rearing. Many adult females will unite the two. Husbands and male parents will play a greater function in housekeeping and child-care. A male parent may take a leave of absence to take attention of the kids. If the married woman is offered a better paying occupation in a distant metropolis, the hubby will look into his ain occupation possibilities in that same metropolis.

Some sociologist say an educated adult female has three chief mercantile establishments for her energies, aspiration, and engagement. She can show herself through her ain calling, engagement in her hubby & # 8217 ; s calling, or through her kids. Most pour much of their energies into their ain callings, although many rear kids and assist their hubbies. In contrast, most adult females who stay home devote their clip and energies in advancing their hubby & # 8217 ; s calling and are profoundly involved in kid attention and child-rearing. As more and more adult females seek higher instruction and/or employment, communities will necessitate increasing Numberss of well-trained child-care replacements.


Life is really unsure any longer. Couples marry and divorce so frequently. It is hard to be unafraid. I sometimes wonder if the tendency for adult females obtaining better callings is because of the high divorce rate or if divorce happens because adult females are more into their callings. Whatever the instance may be, I recommend puting ends and lodging to them but be flexible for your altering demands and fortunes. Womans need to be involved in family fundss and, if working, need to set up their ain 401k histories to protect them for the hereafter. If work is most of import to a adult female, she should set off holding kids until she is perfectly ready to prorogue calling aspirations. Most significantly, a adult female needs to follow her bosom because neither her, her hubby or kids will be happy unless she is happy.

As for raising kids, I hope my small ladies grow up with the cognition that no affair what they choose in life-a stay-at-home ma, matrimony and calling, or matrimony, calling and family- what is of import is how they feel about the state of affairs and what fits in to their values, ends and lifestyle. I want my girls to take what is right for them and non do a pick based on what other people think. I don & # 8217 ; t want them to stagger like I did. I want them to cognize that whatever they choose is great every bit long as it makes them happy and it is what they want. I think the best advice I can give them ( though kids normally don & # 8217 ; t listen to parents about long term advice, they normally have to larn for themselves ) is to get down explicating ends every bit early as possible. For case, if my oldest girl wants a full-time, successful calling, she should concentrate on accomplishing that and non allow an early matrimony or kids slow her down. She can easy get down a household subsequently. Or if my youngest girl would wish to hold a big household, or be largely involved in her kids and hubby, so she should take a firm stand on that and communicate with her hereafter partner so they can both work together to accomplish that end. I wished I would hold been that mature.

Last, hopefully my misss will understand that no affair what they choose, it won & # 8217 ; t be easy but deserving the attempt and forfeit in the long tally. I particularly hope I raise them to non let sexual prejudices get in the manner and to accomplish what they want irrespective if it is deemed a adult male & # 8217 ; s occupation or adult female & # 8217 ; s occupation. In fact, my kids see me make both. I mow the lawn, wash the autos, take out the refuse and make dishes, wash and clean bathrooms. I besides work, travel to school but love to hold fun water-skiing, snow-skiing and coaching and playing playground ball. My new hubby does the same except he is so the bread-winner of the household. That to me is a reasonably all-around parental illustration. I hope my kids excel me, at parallel age degrees, in all ways.

University of Phoenix


Theories and rules related to the past and present position and function of adult females in work, behavioural, and socialisation forms impacting calling picks and leading abilities. Dual calling twosomes, child-raising issues, and the hereafter of the household. Particular jobs of re-entry adult females and current statute law impacting adult females at work.

General Education: SOCIAL SCIENCE

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