World Population Essay Research Paper The Present

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World Population Essay, Research Paper

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The Present and Future The growing of the universe s population is a job that many people see as

being addressed at some point in the hereafter. While we live in a state that is harvesting the

benefits of a world power, most of the United States is disconnected from the jobs of

population growing. In this paper, I intend to turn to three major issues. How long will we

be able to back up our planets nutrient demands? How can we cover with population growing in

the present twenty-four hours? And How come certain countries tend to hold larger population growing than

other countries? But foremost in this paper, I will see how the theories of sociologists and

demographists fit into the Earth s population job. THEORIES MARX 1818-1883

Karl Marx viewed a capitalist society as an economic system that was bound to neglect. In

Marx s sentiment this high failure was based in the design of the system. Harmonizing to

Marx, In the capitalist economic system there are two major groups ; the middle class and the

labor. The middle class are those who own the agency of production, have the power.

The labor are those that work for the middle class and are at their clemency. At the

economic system develops, the spread between the middle class and the labor grows wider and

finally all the capital is controlled by a little per centum of the population and the

labor is forced into poorness. To person with small or no sociological background,

the above paragraph has nil to make with population as a societal job. But if you fit

population into Marx s description of the capitalist system, it is more relevant than at first

glimpse. The best manner to do this point clear is to supply two conjectural state of affairss.

Family X is a in-between category household that is making good financially and they tend to hold more

kids than if they are non doing so much money. But as the middle class additions more

and more control, households like Tens have their income driven down and finally have fewer

kids. Families must hold adequate money, nutrient, etc. to last. If they don Ts have these

goods and they can t command their rewards, they must command they must command an facet of

their lives that would let them to last, whether or non to hold kids. Family Z is

an highly affluent household that more or less monopolizes an facet of their economic system. As

the economic system progresses, household Z is able to drive down the rewards of their workers thereby

increasing their net income. Since a household like Z is merely a little per centum of the population, there

is no concern whether or non they have many kids. So in our society, harmonizing to Marx,

we have nil to worry approximately. Equally long as we continue with our economic tendency,

population will repair itself. Now if you look at Marx s theory on the whole, it makes a batch of

sense. MALTHUS 1766-1834 Malthus was a sociologist that was the writer of

Population: the first essay. This essay is about the flawlessness of world. Malthus

describes the different phases that adult male has gone through and he provides theory to command

population. Malthus was certain that we can command population if we are able to utilize moral

restraint. If we can contend against our natural impulses to hold kids, it will maintain population

growing in cheque. One of the grounds that we have to command our natural impulses is that there

will non be plenty nutrient to back up our population. Maltus feels this manner because

population grows at a geometric rate, while nutrient can merely be grown at an arithmetic rate.

So we are in consequence sealing our ain destiny by holding kids. Malthus says that by believing

about all of the adversities that our kids will hold to confront, we will be motivated non to

hold them. So while Marz s theory more or less happens on it s ain, if we are to listen to

Malthus some work is to needed by us. WELD Weld is a modern-day Canadian

sociologist that trades with population jobs from an facet that can be more easy

understood by people of our clip. In one article Confronting the Population Crisis the

twenty one most normally used statements to confuse the issue. In this article, Weld is

able to react to those that don t position population as a societal job. Although I would

like to travel into each of Weld s responses, this is non a paper on her, so I will merely take a

few. Her response to argument 2 is likely the most interesting. The statement is

Technology can do it possible to suit an indefinitely spread outing population.

and Weld s response is a valid 1. Weld explains that when Paul Ehrlich wrote The

Population Bomb about thirty old ages ago, there were about one billion people populating at a

degree above poorness and that there were about 2.5 billion people populating in poorness. But

now, after some great technological progresss there are merely 1.2 billion people that are

populating above poorness and 4.1 billion people populating in poorness. Weld opens her response to

the statement with the undermentioned sentence that sums up this issue, Those who have the

greatest hopes for engineering are those who understand it least. I ne’er truly though

about that facet, but Weld truly gave me a new position on the issue of engineering.

Argument 6 is another great response by Weld. The statement is, Those who express

concern about planetary population are racist I think that many people feel this manner about

attempts to command the universe s population. Possibly people are scared of thi

s issue because

that they fear a eugenics run. But Weld makes a great point in her response, she

says that about 95 % of planetary population growing occurs among colored people. But

Weld says that many people shy off from this issue because they fear being labeled as a

racialist. She says that those who are population deniers, fault other factors than population

for 3rd universe wretchedness. Weld raises many points that I was able to truly look at in a few

different ways. Weld goes into item on all 21 statements and explains about

every facet of population jobs in her responses. The article was really helpful for this

paper. MEADOWS Meadows is the writer of a book called Beyond the Limits, which

negotiations about the hereafter of our planet in regard to such things as pollution, oil production,

life anticipation, etc. Meadows provides several scenarios of what can go on to the Earth

if the current tendencies continue, and they are non good. Here is an illustration of one of

Meadows scenario in graph signifier:


In Meadows eyes, we as a planet have some black times in forepart of us if we don t alteration


NEEDS? Ecologists at Cornell University have come up with some really interesting

findings on this issue. They say that the Earth s optimal population would be anything

less than 2 billion people ( 200 million in the US ) . With the projections of the universe

population interrupting 12 billion in 50 old ages, that is reasonably chilling. They say that if people

can non command the universe s population, it will be done through famishment and disease. One

of the tendencies that they looked at for this information was the worsening productiveness of

cropland and the handiness of clean imbibing H2O. The ecologists say that some of the

effects can already be seen in China today. ( Pimentel 1 ) I think that we as a society have

gotten to the point where Numberss don T scare us any more. The above paragraph said that

in 50 old ages, the universe population is traveling to be over 12 billion people. Are we truly

aware of how much this is? The United States Census agency has a population counter

that they call the POPClock, it calculates the universe population and gives monthly

appraisals on them. On April 1, 1999 the universe population was 5,976,870,741 ( U.S.

Census Bureau ) . So in 50 old ages, when today s college pupils are old and grey, the

universe s population will hold doubled. I don t think that people understand that the Earth

is finite. There is merely so much land to populate on and to farm and there is merely so far that you

can bore for natural resources before coming up empty. ISSUE 2 HOW CAN WE DEAL


at population today, you have to retrieve that drastic steps won t work. We should

do elusive alterations, which don T resemble eugenics run that may get down to alter

the impulse of population growing. Here is a list of possible alterations in the United

States ; 1 ) Take away revenue enhancement write-downs for holding kids. 2 ) Raise life and wellness insurance

rates for people with kids. 3 ) Give revenue enhancement interruptions to people without kids. 4 ) Raise

child support for divorced parents It would be great for the United States to decelerate its

population growing but we can make small or nil about other states where much of

the population growing is traveling on. So even if a world power can alter their ways, no 1

can state hapless states what to make. Publish 3 HOW COME CERTAIN ARES HAVE


population interrupt down in the universe, you will see that there are some countries that grow

much faster than others. An interesting facet to look at is the clip estimated for a

state s population to duplicate. It will take the United States 116 old ages to duplicate their

population, Japan will take 330 old ages to duplicate, and the United Kingdom will take 433

old ages to duplicate. When I saw these Numberss, I thought that population wasn t much of a

job. But if you look at state s duplicating clip, you see a different narrative. For

illustration, it will take El Salvador merely 28 old ages, Somalia is 22, and Pakistan is 25. These

are hapless counties that have population turning faster than the remainder of the universe. With the

population turning every bit fast as they are, the farming area and clean imbibing H2O are traveling to

become scarce. Plus in states like those mentioned, kids may be seen as a mark of

position, and they are decidedly inexpensive labour. Besides, households may hold many kids with the

hope that one of the kids will do it in the universe. I don t truly cognize how to handle

the people of other states. But there must be a enormous alteration in the criterion of

life in these states and their population growing doesn T slow, migration into

states like the United States will increase. So we must non sit back and merely worry

about ourselves, and there must be some alteration. CONCLUSION The universe s population

should be viewed as a bigger job than it is. The inexorable fact remains that we may already

be excessively late to salvage a batch of wretchedness to Earth s inhabited. If I had to take a peculiar

theory that best describes my position, it would be Karl Marx s theory. I think that money is a

really powerful thing and I think that in the terminal, greed will seal our destiny.

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