Yahoo Vs Lycos Essay Research Paper Yahoo

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Yokel! Vs. Lycos Essay, Research Paper

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Yokel! Vs. Lycos

When seeking on the Internet, one may happen it hard sometimes to cognize where to get down. With the apparently illimitable sum of information, one should utilize the resource suitable for the seeker & # 8217 ; s demands and gustatory sensations. Comparing different factors like databases, directory types, strengths and failings of two hunt engines, such as Yokel! and Lycos, can supply an advantage to person looking for a starting block.

To get down with, one of the oldest hunt engines on the web, Lycos continues to boom chiefly by supplying a mix of characteristics. As the tendency with the other major hunt tools, Lycos consists of a conglobation of databases, online services, and other Internet belongingss.

In footings of general searching, Lycos hunt engine displays the new advanced hunt with FAST, which means seeking one of the largest Web page databases. Within the last twelvemonth, Lycos made its chief directory a version of the Open Directory Project. With a end of this directory making the position of the most comprehensive directory of the web, and with over 1.8 million listings in 283,798 classs, it includes more pages than Yokel! . Similar to Yahoo! , Lycos has searchable listings by class and the sites are reviewed and categorized by editors. Humans perform better at doing these sorts of determinations than computing machines, so consequences will frequently overshadow with the other hunt engines.

While Yahoo! can take months to take entries of new Web sites, sites normally start in the Open Directory Project within hebdomads. Most seekers like the easy to understand hierarchal organisation of Yahoo! and selective listings, and the Open Directory Project rapidly develops a slightly comparable informations base that benefits from a fringy sum of quality control.

Basically, the lone restrictions of Lycos as a genuinely great hunt engine include the slow refresh rate of its database, the deficiency of direct Boolean searching, and its demand to supply relevant consequences and extinguish excess pages.

On the other manus, Yokel! continues by far as the most popular manner to happen information on the web of any of the hunt engines and directories. With one of the smallest databases, Yahoo! gets more traffic than Lycos and AltaVista put together.


oo! enjoys success because its quality control is high, supplying users with high quality links without all the excess listings that plague so many of the hunt engines, such as Lycos. Yokel! constitutes more of a directory, non a hunt engine, doing it possible to look up information within classs. In many of the hunt engines, a hunt responds to the caprices of the peculiar algorithm used by the engine and depends on how good the pages match the hunt engines standards, irrespective of the existent existent life relevance of the page and site content. In contrast, Yahoo! uses people alternatively of a computing machine algorithm to guarantee that sites displayed suitably, merely lists valid sites, and by and large merely the place page of a site.

While some consider Yahoo! one of the best ways to happen information on the net, it does hold a figure of restrictions. To happen relevant information can take many stairss through a mire of classs. The lone information in the database, for the most portion, constitutes home page informations. Besides, more and more of Yahoo! & # 8217 ; s listings are outdated and nexus to sites that no longer exist.

But despite its restrictions, Yahoo & # 8217 ; s class index, hunt options and tonss of extra characteristics still merit a high evaluation. If a seeker prefers to seek for a specific subject instead than shop through topics, or hunt within a peculiar class, better consequences will demo if he/she uses Yahoo & # 8217 ; s Search Options page, instead than its place page hunt engine. Here, one can take to seek Yahoo, Usenet, and Email references, and to seek through Yahoo Categories, Web Sites, Today & # 8217 ; s News and Net Events.

In decision, comparing assorted factors such as databases directory types, strengths and failings of Yokel! and Lycos, can supply a topographic point to get down when trying to seek for information on the web.

Plants Cited Page

Notess, Greg. Search Engine Showdown: The Users Guide to Web Searching. 8

Sept. 2000. .

Sullivan, Danny. Search Engine Watch. 8 Sept. 2000.

Westera, Gillian. Comparison of Search Engine User Interface Capabilities. 2

May 2000. Curtin University of Technology. 8 Sept. 2000.

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staffpages/gwpersonal/senginestudy/compare.htm & gt ;

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