The Time Machine By HG Wells Essay

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The Time Machine by HG Wells

Two more books by H.G. Wells are:

& # 8220 ; The War OF THE WORLDS & # 8221 ;

& # 8220 ; THE INVISIBLE MAN & # 8221 ;

The major characters were the followers:

The Time Traveler & # 8211 ; He inventived the clip machine and traveled

through clip

Filby & # 8211 ; Was really argumentitive, but a really close friend of the Time


The Eloi & # 8211 ; Arace of Sweet, guiltless and child like people.

Weena & # 8211 ; She was one of the Eloi

The Morlocks & # 8211 ; They were a race of man-eaters who raised the Eloi, like

cowss for nutrient.

In the beginning of the narrative the Time Traveler, Filby and some fo their

friends were speaking about infinite and clip dimension. He showed them a working

theoretical account of the clip machine and gave them a presentation.

When they left the Time Traveler went ito his labto acquire into his clip

machine. He stepped into the clip machine sat down. He easy pushed the lever

frontward to travel ahed in clip, as he got used to the controls he went faster.

Through a window he saw he saw everything go oning faster and a dial to

ld him

the day of the month. The manikin in the window besides showed him the altering times.

As he traveled through clip he slowed down to take a closer expression at the

alterations that were taking topographic point, but he ne’er left his lab. Finally hestoped when

he saw a White Sphinx with wings that made it look like it was vibrating. He

stopped to fasted and the clip machine fell on its & # 8217 ; side and he had to draw it

up by a saloon onit & # 8217 ; s side.

He was walking through a wood with trees filled with fruit, until he

came to a big unit of ammunition edifice. Inside the bulding there was nil but tabular arraies

with bowls of fruit on them. He went utside to a riverthere he salvage Weena from

drowning, this was his first brush with the Eloi. The Eloi were simpel

people who were dependent on the Morlocks for nutrient and vesture.

When he returned to the White Spinx his clip machine was gone. The Time

traveller saw that there were paths on the land, made by his clip machine. At

this clip he noticed the paths led behind the bronze doorsof the Sphinx which

was really a gateway to the Morlocks subterraneous metropolis.

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