Abraham Maslow Essay Research Paper Abraham MaslowAbraham

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Abraham Maslow Essay, Research Paper

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Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow is known for set uping the theory of a hierarchy of demands, composing that human existences are motivated by unsated demands, and that certain lower demands need to be satisfied before higher demands can be satisfied. Maslow studied model people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglas instead than mentally sick or neurotic people. This was a extremist going from two of the main schools of psychological science of his twenty-four hours: Freud and B.F. Skinner. Freud saw small difference between the motives of worlds and animate beings. We are purportedly rational existences ; nevertheless, we do non move that manner. Such pessimism, Maslow believed, was the consequence of Freud & # 8217 ; s survey of mentally sick people. & # 8220 ; The survey of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can give merely a cripple psychological science and a cripple doctrine & # 8221 ; ( Motivation and Personality ) . Skinner, on the other manus, studied how pigeons and white rats learn. His motivational theoretical accounts were based on simple wagess such as nutrient and H2O, sex, and turning away of hurting. Say & # 8220 ; sit & # 8221 ; to your Canis familiaris and give the Canis familiaris a dainty when it sits, and-after several repeats & # 8211 ; the Canis familiaris will sit when you command it to make so. Maslow thought that psychologists should alternatively analyze the gaiety, fondness, etc. , of animate beings. He besides believed that Skinner discounted things that make worlds different from each other. Alternatively, Skinner relied on statistical descriptions of people.

Maslow & # 8217 ; s hierarchy of demands was an alternate to the cheerless determinism of Freud and Skinner. He felt that people are fundamentally trusty, self-protecting, and self-governing. Worlds tend toward growing and love. Although there is a uninterrupted rhythm of human wars, slaying, fraudulence, etc. , he believed that force is non what human nature is meant to be like. Violence and other immoralities occur when human demands are thwarted. In other words, people who are deprived of lower demands such as safety may support themselves by violent agencies. He did non believe that worlds are violent because they enjoy force. Or that they lie, darnel, and bargain because they enjoy making it.

Harmonizing to Maslow, there are general types of demands ( physiological, safety, love, and esteem ) that must be satisfied before a individual can move unselfishly. He called these demands & # 8220 ; lack needs. & # 8221 ; As long as we are motivated to fulfill these cravings, we are traveling towards growing, toward self-actualization. Satisfying demands is healthy ; barricading satisfaction makes us ill or evil. In other words, we are all & # 8220 ; needs drug addicts & # 8221 ; with cravings that must be satisfied and should be satisfied. Else, we become ill.

Needs are proponent. A proponent demand is one that has the greatest influence over our actions. Everyone has a advocate demand, but that need will change among persons. A adolescent may hold a demand to experience that a group accepts hello

m. A diacetylmorphine nut will necessitate to fulfill his/her cravings for diacetylmorphine to work usually in society, and will non worry about credence by other people. Harmonizing to Maslow, when the lack demands are met:

At one time other ( and higher ) needs emerge, and these, instead than physiological hungrinesss, dominate the being. And when these in bend are satisfied, once more new ( and still higher ) needs emerge, and so on. As one desire is satisfied, another pops up to take its topographic point.

Physiological demands are the really basic demands such as air, H2O, nutrient, slumber, sex, etc. When these are non satisfied we may experience illness, annoyance, hurting, uncomfortableness, etc. These feelings motivate us to relieve them every bit shortly as possible to set up homeostasis. Once they are alleviated, we may believe about other things.

Safety demands have to make with set uping stableness and consistence in a helter-skelter universe. These demands are largely psychological in nature. We need the security of a place and household. However, if a household is disfunction, i.e. , an opprobrious hubby, the married woman can non travel to the following degree because she is invariably concerned for her safety. Love and properties have to wait until she is no longer flinching in fright. Many in our society call out for jurisprudence and order because they do non experience safe plenty to travel for a walk in their vicinity. Many people, peculiarly those in the interior metropoliss, unluckily, are stuck at this degree. In add-on, safety demands sometimes motivate people to be spiritual. Religions comfort us with the promise of a safe secure topographic point after we die and leave the insecurity of this universe.

Love and properties are following on the ladder. Worlds have a desire to belong to groups: nines, work groups, spiritual groups, household, packs, etc. We need to experience loved ( non-sexual ) by others, to be accepted by others. Performers appreciate hand clapping. We need to be needed. Beer commercials, in add-on to playing on sex, besides frequently demo how beer makes for chumminess. When was the last clip you saw a beer commercial with person imbibing beer entirely?

There are two types of regard demands. First is self-esteem, which consequences from competency or command of a undertaking. Second, there & # 8217 ; s the attending and acknowledgment that comes from others. This is similar to the properties degree, nevertheless, desiring esteem has to make with the demand for power. Peoples who have all of their lower demands satisfied, frequently drive really expensive autos because making so raises their degree of regard.

The demand for self-actualization is & # 8220 ; the desire to go more and more what one is, to go everything that one is capable of becoming. & # 8221 ; Peoples who have everything can maximise their possible. They can seek cognition, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, and unity with God, etc. It is normally middle-class to upper-class pupils who take up environmental causes, fall in the Peace Corps, travel off to a monastery, etc.

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