Atom And Qi Essay Research Paper Atom

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Atom & A ; Qi

The atom is the smallest part of a substance that is non perceivable by human senses. The impression of atoms was conceived by ancient Greeks and was developed over 1000s of old ages of scientific enquiry. The construct of chi as the most basic substance of which the universe ( everything ) is comprised, was understood by the ancient Chinese. Both atom and chis are believed to be by human existences and both are considered to be unobserved objects ( until we could see atoms late ) . However, they lead to different readings of natural phenomena: the construct of the atom was developed in relation to materiality, whereas chi is relavant to spiritualty. The historical patterned advance towards a belief in atoms promoted the tax write-off of atoms throughout centuries. Presents, the atom is universally believed by people to be as the consequence of scientific grounds. In contrast, chi is non believed to be a scientific phenomena and is considered a spiritual or superstitious belief. As a consequence, in order to show the being of chi and do it imaginable by modern physicists, the usage of the scientific method becomes the chi research workers best tool. In add-on, while chi and the atom were both conceived by ancient philosophers, the impression of the atom was better developed by scientists than the thought of chi. Therefore, by looking back at the historical patterned advance towards a belief in atoms and the tax write-off of their construction, we know how scientists built up the atomic theory. Consequently, the construct of historical patterned advance will assist us understand why the impression of chi is difficult to specify by physicists, and how it could be developed into a scientific theory.


The construct of the atom originated in Grecian doctrine around six hundred B.C. with the inquiry: What is the universe made of? ( Sachs, 9 ) . Thales foremost suggested that H2O [ is ] the basic edifice block of the universe, and air, sand, and rock could be different signifiers of one cardinal substance ( web page ) . Yet, Anoimenes believed mist or air was the basis of affair ( Clagett, 49 ) . These ancient minds made simple and direct averments about affair. Subsequently, the thought of the atom was conceived and developed by Leucippus and Democritus in the 5th century B.C. and concluded that there must be parts which are partless such as sand, rock, H2O, or even a nothingness which have the uninterrupted and consistent visual aspect of a pure object though are non true constructions ( Young, 18 ) . Therefore, the first conceived construction of the atom was thought to be uninterrupted. Any one component that fundamentally consists of discontinuous and indistinguishable substances would be called atoms ( Young, 21 ) . Further, Democritus defined the atom as different in form, order, and place, placed thinly apart and packed together, traveling in changeless gesture ( Young, 19 ) . The nature of atoms were intuitively thought out and deducted from ancient doctrine, therefore no ground or grounds was applied. After Democritus, Lucretius ( 50 eight B.C. ) realized that atoms were organic structures partially [ as ] first-beginnings of things, partially those which are formed of a brotherhood of first-beginnings ( Young, 19 ) . In fact, the being and features of atoms were ab initio depicted and believed in by ancient Greeks as an abstraction. Yet, the basic thought of the atom was redeveloped and investigated in ulterior coevalss. To turn out the abstract construct of atoms, reason was considered, the key to scientific cogency by Renaissance scientists. To apologize Democritus thought of the continuum of affair, Descartes noted that everything around us has an extension so there is no nothingness because null [ by definition is nil, and ] can non hold extension ( Boorse, 6 ) . Later on, the theory of cosmopolitan gravity reveals Newton s atomic natural doctrine that discernible affair is basically an gathering of spots, interchanging common forces at a distance, thereby doing each other to travel in the manner they do [ like sets of stationary orbits ] which reveals atomic gesture. ( Saches, 31 ) . Using this theory, Newton taught us to visualise the unobserved objects by comparing them to the solar system as a means to understand their map through observation. Therefore, Descartes and Newton both perceived the thought of the atom in a logical manner, and farther, a procedure of mathematical and logical tax write-off was used to accomplish a testable decision ( Young, 43 ) . In 19th century natural philosophies, the period of Determinism, mathematics was used to show the constructs of natural philosophies and it became the lone tool to do new finds in the natural universe ( Sachs, 50 ) . Newton s construct of the atom was determined by mathematics and was positively conceptualized. The quantum theory of measuring based on Newton s impression of the atom was claimed to be a concluding truth about the cardinal nature of simple affair ( Young, 64 ) . Therefore, the impression of the atom became theorized in natural philosophies with no more inquiring. However, in the 20th century a new position developed out of quantum theory which transformed the position of the atom as a billiard ball. The cardinal Torahs were no longer deterministic, but became probability maps ( Sachs, 65 ) . Due to the inapplicability of old positions of the atom to find Torahs regulating the atom, chance was used as a tool of find ( Sachs, 80 ) . Although the belongingss of atoms could non be proved visually, strong accounts for the atomic theory are supported by modern engineering. Rutherford demonstrated the construction of the atom through experiments in which a beam of alpha atoms is scattered from a gold foil mark and stated that the mass of an atom is concentrated in a really bantam fraction of its volume ( Sachs, 80-81 ) . Further, his statement against 20th century physicists belief of the size of nuclei being much greater than the negatrons led to a contradictory scientific theory. However, Bohr argued that the atomic system is similar to our solar system- the cardinal karyon has most of the mass of an atom and plays the function of the Sun while the negatrons orbit about the karyon at a distance similar to the planets in the solar system ( Sachs, 91 ) . Therefore, these two contradictory statements show how scientists maintain different sentiments in happening the truth.

Besides atoms, there are other illustrations of unobserved objects in nature such as radio-waves, microwaves, and X raies. These are wholly considered as non discernible by human senses, but are widely

used by human existences. Peoples use radio-waves to reassign information ; usage microwaves to cook nutrients ; and use X raies in medical specialty or to observe arms. Such unobserved objects that modern physicists developed are influential in our society, and ease our life environment. Furthermore, in contrast to the Grecian tax write-off of the atom, modern physicists reading of atomic gesture became dematerialized taking to a quantum theory of the atom which is difficult to conceive of in comparing to other concrete things which can be seen.


The impression of chi as another illustration of an unseeable and untouchable object is non widely accepted by modern physicists. The external chi is produced by qigong practicians. Qigong was originated in antiquity and viewed as a engineering for human flawlessness has been applied to acupuncture, Feng-shui, massage, soldierly art, and doctrine. Traditional qigong theories stress that materiality and spiritualty are one and the same, and therefore inseparable ( Lu, ix-x ) . This thought of a merger of two contradictory impressions is in contrast to the material quality of the existence as viewed by modern physicists. Since the impression of spiritualty is abstract and un-measurable, it is frequently categorized in the rank of superstitious notion and faith. Therefore, during the Cultural Revolution in 1966, qigong was labeled as old thought, old civilization, old usage and old wonts, that qigong practicians were oppressed that no 1 daring to pattern qigong in public ( Lu, 2 ) . The reacceptance of qigong by mainstream society was due to the fact that it helped people retrieve from the physical and mental wellness job ( Lu, 2 ) . This has propelled a group of immature scientists to happen the truth of its enigma. The book, Scientific Qigong Exploration published in 1997 demonstrates a series of scientific experiments with the emanation of external chi. These experiments proved that the external chi emitted by a qigong practician carries different information than the chi of a non-qigong practician ( Lu, 5 ) . In one of the experiments, the external chi of the qigong practician was altering the spectrum of infrared radiation from the thenar of his manus. Further, a different qigong practician in the same experimental scene produced a different spectrum which confirmed that the consequence of the experiments depends on the practician s energy, and the information contained in their external chi was different. This experiment demonstrates that the affair that we think is changeless and can non be changed by modern scientific engineering is in fact altered under the emitted external chi. However, with the application of the scientific method physicists require testable theories, and therefore, the chi experiments described in this book do non follow with two grounds. First, because the qi emanation depends on the qigong maestro, the degree of external chi is related to their physiological, physical, and psychological province, and the consequences of the experiments are non indistinguishable ( Lu, 121 ) . Second, the external chi experiments frequently produce consequences that may look hard to explicate utilizing modern scientific cognition and engineering ( Lu, 121 ) . In add-on, they frequently produce unusual phenomena that are beyond common sense. For illustration, a sixteen-year old miss who is a qigong practician did non devour anything but H2O for six old ages, and she is physically, and mentally healthy as other people ( Lu, 285-7 ) . This impossible illustration is non easy to explicate by modern scientific theories, hence farther scientific enquiry is required to understand.


To prove the scientific cogency of chi, modern physicists would necessitate the experiment be conducted as follows:

1 ) Find a figure of colored people ( people who have no peculiar involvement in chi or modern scientific discipline ) and split them into two groups. Teach one group to larn qigong and develop them to breathe chi from their ain energy.

2 ) Bring them ( both groups ) to a thermodynamically closed room with all kinds of sensors, because harmonizing to the Torahs of thermodynamics, energy will ne’er vanish, and the upset ( or information ) of an stray system ever increases ( Lecture, 99/10/18 ) . Therefore, if the emitted chi carries some kinds of energy, and changed the construction of a substance we can happen out what sort of energy the emitted chi is by the reaction of those sensors.

3 ) We further train those qigong practicians harmonizing to degrees, divide them, and do them re-do undertaking 2 to see how they differ from one another, while mensurating the measure and/or quality of the chi s weight, size, temperature, ionising radiation, electric and magnetic Fieldss, etc. In this manner, we will cognize the construction of chi better, and construct an empirical theory.

4 ) Since external chi is related to their physiological, and psychological province, we should besides make some probe on chi in an inanimate object or internal chi. Using the belongingss of the external chi we found, and compared to the internal chi, we will cognize the possible energy of emitted chi inherent in a organic structure.

5 ) Print the consequences and pass on them to other physicists to acquire feedback and suggestions on the theoretical and experimental facet of chi. By making so, more modern physicists will go involved in the scientific research of chi and advance the impression of chi.

6 ) Increase diverseness in experimentation to cognize the belongingss of chi in greater item. This will promote the tax write-off of chi, and the development of chi into a theory.


In footings of the development of atomic theory, we learned that the tax write-off of the atom occured through the scrutinies of former averments, and new readings of the discovered truth. Therefore, to turn out the cogency of chi, we are required to utilize modern scientific methods. The construct of the atom through its historical patterned advance from philosophical thought to a scientific apprehension indicates the relationship between human belief and scientific grounds. That the atom was ab initio believed and conceived by ancient philosophers and subsequently developed as scientific truth, it is clear that human belief is required for scientific development. Therefore, in order to specify chi as a scientific jurisprudence, a foundation of belief must foremost be. By comparing the impressions of chi and the atom, we learn about the existence in its mercenary signifier, while taking into consideration its religious quality and energy.

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