‘Big 5’ personality traits Essay

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For each trait. supply an illustration of how it might lend positively to an individual’s public presentation. 1. Extraversion- A individual that is extraverted is person that is surpassing and full of life. Most people like to believe of extroverts as those people in a societal group that love to be the centre of attending or outspoken. Harmonizing to Kendra Cherry. author for About. com and psychological science usher. “ [ vitamin E ] xtraversion is characterized by sociableness. garrulity. assertiveness and irritability. ” ( Cherry. 2013. par1 ) she besides explains how. “ [ a ] ccording to research workers. extroversion is associated with leading behaviour. Since extroverts are more likely to asseverate themselves in groups. it makes sense that these persons frequently take on leading functions when working with other people. ” ( Cherry. 2013. par6 ) . An illustration of how this trait may be good to an individual’s public presentation is by assisting them to pass on better with others and at the same clip give off positive influences or thoughts that they may profit those around them.

2. Agreeableness- I see agreeableness as person that does what they can to delight another individual in order to travel on with a undertaking at manus. It doesn’t mean that they have to to the full subject to the others wants. nevertheless it is a signifier of give uping one’s ain will in order to accomplish a end or to come to an apprehension with another in order to travel frontward. Many people pattern this trait on a day-to-day footing. for illustration some people accept occupation demands from their foremans. some tell their childs. “OK. you can hold fifteen more proceedingss before bed. ” . and others even prosecute in full graduated table one manner listening accomplishments of others ideas’ in joint venture chances. An interesting fact about amenity conducted in a survey at the University of California. Berkeley. and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ( Vol. 84. No. 5 ) is how. “ [ a ] greeableness alterations most in your 30s when you’re raising a household and demand to be nurturing” ( Kersting. 2003. par6 ) .

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3. Conscientiousness- As defined in the book “Organizational Behavior” written by Nelson and Quick is a individual that is hardworking. organized. and reliable. ( Nelson/Quick. 2013. pg. 39 ) An illustration of how this personality trait helps people in their public presentation at work is by leting them a better chance for promotion in any organisation through dependability and promptness on the occupation. These people can be counted on when the concern needs them most and can greatly act upon development within a company’s structural capablenesss

4. Emotional Stability- I see this trait as being able to command your emotions. Many people look at emotions as a negative personality trait when it comes to making concern. nevertheless. it is my belief that emotions can be controlled and used to help us in doing the right determinations depending on the fortunes at manus. For illustration. state a company director for “Johnson and Johnson” was told to utilize a merchandise that was risky to the environment until he could happen the right replacing merchandise. Ethically that director would utilize their emotional stableness trait to do the right determination and turn down the offer made by the maker. Alternatively of following their weak emotions of concern. fright. and haste because of the merchandises deadline their emotional stableness would assist them to do the right determination.

5. Openness to experience- Peoples with this trait seek new mercantile establishments or advanced ways to making things and believing on things. These people search for new experiences and are ever working on new undertakings ; they are willing and ready to larn more and are disposed to seeking new ways of carry throughing ends and making new highs in organisations. I like to see myself as holding this trait because I am ever intrigued by freshly learned undertakings and am ever looking to larn something new or pick up another trade through experience and custodies on. Michael Hogan. Ph. D and lector in psychological science explains how. “ [ P ] eople who are high on Openness to see are by and large receptive to entertaining new and ambitious aspects of cultural life. every bit good as personal ideas and emotions ( McCrae & A ; Costa. 2003 )

Cherry. K. ( 2013 ) . What is Extraversion? Retrieved from:
hypertext transfer protocol: //psychology. about. com/od/trait-theories-personality/f/extraversion. htm Costa PT Jr. Fozard JL. McCrae RR. Bosse R. ( 1976 ) . Relationss of age and personality dimensions to cognitive ability factors. Retrieved from:

hypertext transfer protocol: //www. psychologytoday. com/blog/in-one-lifespan/201211/openness-experience-and-intellectual-ability Kersting. K. ( 2003 ) . Personality alterations for the better with age. Retrieved from:
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. apa. org/monitor/julaug03/personality. aspx
Nelson/Quick. ( 2013 ) . Organizational behaviour. Retrieved from: pg. 39.

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