Biological Paper

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Biological Psychology
The scientific study of Biological Psychology is about the study of biology and behavior. Biopsychology focuses on the neural mechanisms of behavior but also emphasizes the evolution, genetics, and adaptive of behavioral processes (Pinel, 2009). The field is also referred to as psychobiology, behavioral biology, or behavioral neuroscience (Pinel, 2009). Biopsychology is a biological approach to psychology rather than psychological approach, and psychology is a scientific study of behavior, such as learning, memory, motivation, perception, and emotion (Pinel, 2009). Biopsychology does not have a long and complex history, as it develops more in this field, biopsychology an infant compared to physics, chemistry, and biology (Pinel, 2009). Biopsychology research can however involve either human or nonhuman subject; it can form either formal experiences or nonexperimental studies, and this can be either pure or applied.The study of the biology of behavior has a long history, but biopsychology did not develop into a major neuroscientific discipline until the 20th century (Pinel, 2009). Although it is not exactly known of the exact date of biopsychology a publication came out call, The Organization of Behavior in 1949 written by D.O. Hebb (Pinel, 2009). Hebb played a key role in the emergence of this field. Hebb developed the first comprehensive theory on complex psychological phenomena, for example; perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and memories, in how this can produced the brain’s activity (Pinel, 2009).Those that have contributed their ideas and discoveries to science are many, but the few others that come to mind are Darwin, and James. Darwin discoveries were his form of function, and motivation by explaining this through biology for a biological necessity (Pinel, 2009). William James was a believer that the scientific study for psychology begins with biology. William James wrote the book, The Principle of Psychology in the…

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