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1. Binomial terminology: Linnaeus’s system of calling beings. giving a scientific two-word name to each species- the first portion being the genus. and the 2nd the species

2. Class: systematic group that contains one or more related orders

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3. Categorization: grouping of beings or objects based on a set of standards that helps form. communicate. and retain information

4. Division: systematic term used alternatively of phylum to group related categories of workss and bacteriums

5. Sphere: systematic group of one or more lands

6. Family: systematic group of similar. related genera that is smaller than a genus and larger than an order

7. Genus: systematic group of closely related species with a common ascendant

8. Kingdom: systematic group of closely related phyla or divisions

9. Order: systematic group that contains related households

10. Phylum: systematic group of related categories

11. Taxonomic group: named group of organisms ex: phylum. species

12. Taxonomy: subdivision of biological science that identifies. names. and classifies species based on their natural relationships. CH 17 SEC 2

13. Fictional character: familial morphological or biochemical characteristic that

14. Cladisticss: systematic method that theoretical accounts evolutionary relationships based on shared derived characters and phyletic trees

15. Cladogram: branched diagrams that represents the hypothesized evolution or development of a species or group ; uses bioinformatics. morphological surveies. and information from Deoxyribonucleic acid surveies

16. Molecular clock: theoretical account that uses comparings of DNA sequences to gauge evolutions and rate of evolutionary alteration

17. Phylogney: evolutionary history of a species CH 17 SEC 3

18. Archaea: the species classified in Domain Archaea

19. Fungus: unicellular or multicellular eucaryote that is stationary. absorbs foods from organic stuffs in the environment. and has cell walls that contain chitin

20. Protist: unicellular. multicellular. or colonial eucaryote whose cell walls may incorporate cellulose ; can be plant-like. animal-like. or fungus-like

17. 1 ASSESSMENT Question:
1. It is easier to pass on and retain information about beings when they are categorized into groups.
2. In the name given to an being harmonizing to binomial terminology. the first portion is the genus name. and the 2nd portion is the specific name. or specific name. that identifies the species.
3. In modern categorization systems. people could sort organisms non merely on morphological and behavioural features. but besides included evolutionary relationships.
4. The elephantine coon bear is of the Animalia Kingdom. Chordata Phylum. Mammalia Class. Carnivora Order. Ursidae Family. Ailuropoda Genus and Melanoleuca Species.
5. Since the phyla includes multiple categories. there would be more biodiversity in the phylum than in the category.
6. Taxonomy involves sorting species. but systematics involves detecting new species and relationships. They incorporate information from taxonomy in their surveies.

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