Employee retention Essay

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1. Introduction
In these altering times both the employee & A ; employer are under enormous force per unit area to execute. There is ferocious competition non merely in the industry but besides across classs. This new liberalized film editing border engineering driven environment has made employee keeping mind-boggling. The fast tempo alteration across the Earth has made the new employee & A ; employer relationship irreversible. However all corporations non merely in IT sector but besides traditional fabrication sector are trying to stem abrasion. This paper attempts to unknot this paradox & A ; analyze the assorted facts that surround this combustion issue. There are many tactics and schemes used to retain employees in organisations. The basic intent of these schemes is to increase employee’s satisfaction. hike employee morale. and achieve keeping. Sometimes. keeping schemes are non used decently and incorrect keeping schemes are used. As a consequence of this. these schemes fail to accomplish the coveted consequences.

There are costs associated with employee turnover. The impact of employee turnover on organisations is that it frequently engenders far-reaching effects and may endanger attempts to achieve organisational aims ( Hill and Jones. 2001 ) . In add-on. Hill and Jones ( 2001 ) indicated that when an organisation loses a critical employee. there is a negative impact on invention. consistence in supplying service may be jeopardized. and major holds in the bringing of services to clients may happen. A diminution in the criterion of service could besides adversely affect the satisfaction of internal and external clients and accordingly. the profitableness of the organisation. It is for these grounds that the paper sought to measure keeping schemes in organisations and how they affect workers? public presentation. Let us see what “Employee Retention” used to intend

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This entails understanding merely a small history. The term “employee retention” foremost began to look with regularity on the concern scene in the 1970s and early ’80s. Until so. during the early and mid-1900s. the kernel of the relationship between employer and employee had been ( by and big ) a statement of the position quo: You come work for me. make a good occupation. and. so long as economic conditions allow. I will go on to use you. It was non unusual for people who entered the occupation market every bit tardily as the 1950s and ’60s to stay with one employer for a really long time—sometimes for the continuance of their on the job life. If they changed occupations. it was normally a major calling and life determination. and person who made many and frequent occupation alterations was seen as slightly out of the ordinary.

What is Employee Retention?

Employee keeping refers to the assorted policies and patterns which let the employees stick to an organisation for a longer period of clip. Every organisation invests clip and money to prepare a new joinee. do him a corporate ready stuff and convey him at par with the bing employees. The organisation is wholly at loss when the employees leave their occupation once they are to the full trained. Employee keeping takes into history the assorted steps taken so that an single corsets in an organisation for the maximal period of clip. The human resource of an organisation consists of direction and employees.

Human resources are cardinal assets to organisations. Employees have to be motivated to remain in an organisation. When employee keeping schemes function decently. they increase the committedness of employees towards organisational ends. Therefore. if the committedness of employees is won by direction through employee keeping schemes. it increases occupation satisfaction. motivates employees to work hard every bit good as encourages workers to remain in their organisation. Hence. employees will be satisfied with their occupation and be motivated to work hard. thereby taking to improved employee public presentation. Improvement in employee public presentation leads to achievement of organisational ends.


Williams and Dreher ( 1992 ) . rewards is the cardinal factor influence in the employee attractive force and keeping. and play of import function in the enlisting procedure. Highhouse et Al. ( 1999 ) urge that lone wage is non sufficient to retain the employees. He argues that low wage bundle will drive workers out the organisation but it is non necessary that high wage bundle bring and maintain the workers in the organisation. Ultimately. the workers stay in the organisation due to others factors i. e. work environment. colleagues behavior and supervisor support etc. which compel the employee to retain in the organisation.

Harmonizing to Osteraker ( 1999 ) . the employee satisfaction and keeping are considered the Cornerstone for success of organisation. Past survey divided it into societal. mental or physical Dimension. The grouping is based on societal contacts at plants. features of the work undertaking or the physical and material fortunes associated with work. The keeping factors of the mental dimension are work features. employees are retaining by flexible undertakings where they can utilize their cognition and see the consequences of their attempts. The societal dimension refers to the contact employees have with other people. both internal and external. The physical dimension consists of working conditions and wage. order to retain employees the organisation demand to derive information about the kineticss that characterized the motive to work.

Harmonizing to Smith ( 2001 ) money conveying the workers in the organisation but non necessary to maintain them. Harmonizing to Ashby and Pell money satisfies the employee but it is non sufficient to retain the employee means it is deficient factor. Money is non considered as primary keeping factor ( Brannick. 1999 ) . Many organisation implement really good employees retention scheme without offering high compensation or pay based keeping scheme ( Pfeffer. 1998 ) . In such fortunes a broad figure of factors are seems for successful keeping of employees. The being of other keeping factors can non be ignored.

Kehr ( 2004 ) . explains that the inexplicit keeping factors in self-generated. expressive and enjoyable behavior and can be divided into three variables ; power. accomplishment and association. Power refers to dominance and societal control. Achievement is when personal criterions of excellence are to be met or exceeded and association refers to societal relationships which are established and intensified. Implicit and expressed keeping factors relate to different facets of the individual. but both are of import determiners of behavior

Thompson and Prottas ( 2005 ) examined the relationship between employee turnover purpose and organisation support such as supervisor support. flex clip work household civilization and colleague support etc. and they conclude that organisation support reduced the employee turnover purpose.

Pasewark and Viator ( 2006 ) topographic points flexible work agreement as an really of import portion of work household support that plays polar regulation in the keeping of employees.

Ihsan and Naeem ( 2009 ) . indicated that Pharmaceutical gross revenues force rated wage and periphery benefits as the most of import keeping factor which is supported by the findings of past surveies In add-on. it indicate that wage and periphery benefits is extremely valued by the gross revenues force of all demographic Backgrounds. It’s possible account could be that wages and periphery benefits enable sales representatives to carry through their physiological every bit good as esteem demands. Therefore. critical reappraisal of the current inducement strategies is required to do them more effectual to provide to demands of the gross revenues in both transnational and local pharmaceutical companies to retain their endowment workers.

Yanadoria and Katob ( 2010 ) investigated the household support effects at workplace and concluded the statistical importance of relationship between work household support and employee keeping. the recent research recognize that being of household support within the organisation cut down the turnover purpose and assist the keeping of gifted employees in the organisation.

Harmonizing to BC Jobs. in a study commissioned by their company. merely two per centum of executives said employees leave because of lifestyle alterations. such as resettlement. When top performing artists start leaping ship. it’s most frequently for professional. non personal. grounds. In another study commissioned by the same company. executives said that good employees leave chiefly because of limited chances for promotion ( 39 per centum ) . unhappiness with direction ( 23 per centum ) and deficiency of acknowledgment ( 17 per centum ) ( BJ JOBS. 2012 ) .

Employee keeping techniques travel a long manner in actuating the employees for them to bask their work and avoid altering occupations often.

Why do Employees Leave?

Research says that most of the employees leave an organisation out of defeat and changeless clash with their higher-ups or other squad members. In some instances low wage. deficiency of growing chances and motive compel an employee to look for a alteration. The direction must seek its degree best to retain those employees who are truly of import for the system and are known to be effectual subscribers. It is the duty of the line directors every bit good as the direction to guarantee that the employees are satisfied with their functions and duties and the occupation is offering them a new challenge and acquisition every twenty-four hours.

Let us understand the construct of employee keeping with the aid of an illustration: Manisha was a gifted employee who delivered her best and completed all her work within the coveted clip frame. Her work lacked mistakes and was ever found to be advanced and thought provoking. She ne’er interfered in anybody else’s work and stayed off from unneeded chitchats and rumors. She avoided lounging about at the workplace. was serious about her work and no uncertainties her public presentation was ever appreciable. Kumar. her immediate foreman ne’er truly liked Manisha and considered her as his biggest menace at the workplace. He left no rock unturned to diss and demotivate Manisha. Soon. Manisha got fed up with Kumar and decided to travel on.

Situation 1 – The HR did non do any attempts to retain Manisha and accepted her surrender. Situation 2 – The HR instantly intervened and discussed the several issues which prompted Manisha to believe for a alteration. They tried their degree best to convert Manisha and even appointed a new foreman to do the things better for her. Situation 1 would most likely leave the organisation in the stumble. It is non easy to happen an employee who gels good with the system and understands the work. Hiring an employee. preparation him and doing him suit to work in an organisation incur immense costs and therefore sincere attempts must be made to retain the employee. Every job has a solution and the direction must examine into the exact grounds of an employee’s displeasure. Employees lodging to an organisation for a longer clip be given to cognize the organisation better and develop a feeling of fond regard towards it. The employees who stay for a longer continuance are familiar with the company policies. guidelines every bit good as regulations and ordinances and therefore can lend more efficaciously than persons who come and go.

10 of import factors that can impact employee keeping in the organisation

Shorten the feedback loop- Do non wait for an one-year public presentation reappraisal or rating to come due to give feedback on how an employee is executing. Most team members enjoy frequent feedback about how they are executing. Shortening the feedback cringle will assist to maintain public presentation degrees high and will reenforce positive behaviour. Feedback does non needfully necessitate to be scheduled or extremely structured ; merely halting by a squad member’s desk and allowing them know they are making a good occupation on a current undertaking can make admirations for employee morale and aid to increase keeping. Offer a competitory compensation package- Any squad member wants to experience that he or she is being paid suitably and reasonably for the work he or she does. Be certain to research what other companies and organisations are offering in footings of wage and benefits. It is besides of import to research what the regional and national compensation norms are for that peculiar place. You can be certain that if your compensation bundle is non competitory. squad members will happen this out and expression for employers who are willing to offer more competitory compensation bundles.

Balance work and personal life- household is improbably of import to team members. When work begins to set a important strain on one’s household no sum of money will maintain an employee about. Stress the importance of equilibrating work and one’s personal life. Small gestures such as leting a squad member to take an drawn-out tiffin one time a hebdomad to watch his son’s baseball game will probably be repaid with trueness and extended employment with an organisation. Beware of burnout- staff adequately to cut down the sum of unwanted overtime a squad member must work. Some employees enjoy the excess money that accompanies overtime hours. while others would instead pass their clip with their households or making other activities they enjoy.

Burnout can be a prima cause of turnover. Acknowledge the warning marks and give employees a interruption when they need it. Supply chances for professional development and growing – offer chances for squad members to get new accomplishments and knowledge utile to the organisation. If an employee appears to be bored or burned out in a current place offer to develop this person in another aspect of the organisation where he or she would be a good tantrum. Cipher wants to experience stuck in their place will no possibility for promotion or new chances.

The ability to supply input and be taken earnestly – everybody has sentiments and thoughts. some are better than others. However every squad member wants to experience that their input is welcome and will be taken earnestly without ridicule or superciliousness. Some of the greatest thoughts can come from the most improbable of topographic points and people. Making a civilization where input is welcome from all degree of the organisational chart will assist your organisation grow and promote long term employee keeping. Management must take the clip to acquire to cognize squad members- it’s non a large surprise that one of the greatest ailments that employees express in issue interviews is a feeling that direction didn’t know they existed. Cipher wants to experience like merely another radius in a large wheel. Directors are really busy – everybody is busy. but it is important that directors and supervisors take the clip acquire to cognize the squad members who work under them. Learn and retrieve a squad member’s name. what skills and endowments they bring to the tabular array. and what their concern involvements are. The clip spent by direction acquiring to cognize squad members is good invested and can extinguish the concerns caused by holding to continually engage and re-train new employees. Supply the tools and developing an employee demands to succeed- nil can be more frustrating to an employee than a deficiency of preparation or the proper tools to successfully finish his or her responsibilities. You wouldn’t seek to construct a house without a cock. so why should an office occupation be any different? Supplying a squad member with the tools and developing she needs to be successful shows a committedness and investing in that employee and will promote the squad member to remain with the organisation.

Make usage of a squad member’s endowments. accomplishments. and abilities- all squad members have knowledge. accomplishments. and abilities that aren’t straight related to their occupation description. but are still utile to an organisation. Using a squad member’s endowments in countries other than their current place will bespeak to an employee that direction appreciates and acknowledge all that an employee has to offer to the organisation. This can besides supply work assortment and helps to interrupt up the mundane swot of work.

Never endanger a squad member’s occupation or income – While endangering an employee with expiration or demotion might look like a surefire manner to acquire the consequences needed from him or her. making so will probably do the employee to go forth the organisation. Put yourself in the employee’s places. what is the first thing you would make if your occupation was threatened? Oddss are you would likely update your sketch and get down look intoing for unfastened occupation posters anticipating the worst. If a squad member’s public presentation is non what you had hoped it would be. work with that squad member on ways to better his public presentation. salvaging expiration merely as a last resort.

The Advantages of Employee Retention

Geting Endowment
When organisations retain their employees. they avoid engaging costs. These are frequently concealed costs. The cost to post on occupation boards can be one-year or a erstwhile disbursal. Agencies charge a per centum of an employee’s one-year rewards. Larger companies may hold staffing sections whose exclusive duty is testing and questioning endowment. Other companies may delegate this undertaking to section caputs or other persons in the organisation. The clip an single spends testing and reexamining sketchs takes him off from his chief occupation duties. The hiring procedure is hazardous. Background cheques. personality proving and aptitude testing can foretell a candidate’s capableness. but there is still a hazard.

Training and Development
Retaining workers reduces developing costs. Recruits need to be trained in concern patterns specific to the employer’s package. civilization and office patterns. Training requires one or more current employees to take clip off from their occupation duties to educate the new employee on the organization’s manner of making concern. Two or more people are on the company paysheet bring forthing the consequences of one individual. In the first 90 yearss. a new hire costs the company money. When companies retain employees. developing dollars can be used to further develop the work force. Long-run associates have the experience to reexamine what has worked before and use that cognition to future state of affairss.

Skilled Labour Force
Employment keeping develops a strong staff. Working separately or in squads these persons portion cognition and expertness. The hereafter directors of an organisation semen from this work pool. These employees are the historiographers of an organization’s successes and challenges. and supply mentoring to new hires They are committed to the continued growing of the inception and its work force. These persons have finessed the interior workings of an organisation. As they continue to develop their accomplishments. the organisation benefits.

Impact on Customer Service
Employee keeping has a positive impact on client service. Turnover brings break in client service. loss of concern and possible negative concern impacts. An organization’s client base expects consistent and dependable service. There is a larning curve with new hires and therefore the potency for mistake or hapless communicating with a client. This can impact concern relationships. Long-run employees develop relationships with clients. They know the clients’ penchants and can expect future demands. This cognition develops over clip.

1. 2. Company PROFILE
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. is a pharmaceutical company based in Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh. India. The company was founded by Anji Reddy. who had antecedently worked in the publically owned Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited. of Hyderabad. India. Dr. Reddy’s originally launched in 1984 bring forthing active pharmaceutical ingredients. In 1986. Reddy’s started operations on branded preparations. Within a twelvemonth Reddy’s had launched
Norilet. the company’s foremost recognized trade name in India. Soon. Dr. Reddy’s obtained another success with Omez. its branded omeprazole – ulcer and reflux gorge is medication – launched at half the monetary value of other trade names on the Indian market at that clip. Within a twelvemonth. Reddy’s became the first Indian company to export the active ingredients for pharmaceuticals to Europe. In 1987. Reddy’s started to transform itself from a provider of pharmaceutical ingredients to other makers into a maker of pharmaceutical merchandises. Dr. Reddy’s industries and markets a broad scope of pharmaceuticals in India and overseas.

The company has over 190 medicines. 60 active pharmaceutical ingredients ( APIs ) for drug industry. diagnostic kits. critical attention. and biotechnology merchandises. Dr. Reddy’s began as a provider to Indian drug makers. but it shortly started exporting to other less-regulated markets that had the advantage of non holding to pass clip and money on a fabrication works that would derive blessing from a drug licencing organic structure such as the U. S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) . By the early 1990s. the expanded graduated table and profitableness from these unregulated markets enabled the company to get down concentrating on acquiring blessing from drug regulators for their preparations and bulk drug fabrication workss in more-developed economic systems. This allowed their motion into regulated markets such as the US and Europe.

By 2007. Dr. Reddy’s had six FDA workss bring forthing active pharmaceutical ingredients in India and seven FDA-inspected and ISO 9001 ( quality ) and ISO 14001 ( environmental direction ) certified workss doing patient-ready medicines – five of them in India and two in the UK. In 2010. the family-controlled Dr Reddy’s denied that it was in negotiations to sell its generics concern in India to US pharmaceutical elephantine Pfizer. which had been actioning the company for alleged patent violation after Dr Reddy’s announced that it intended to bring forth a generic version of Atorvastatin. marketed by Pfizer as Lipitor. an anti-cholesterol medicine. Reddy’s was already linked to UK pharmaceuticals transnational Glaxo Smithkline.

To go a find ruled planetary pharmaceutical company with a nucleus intent of assisting people lead healthier lives MISSION:
To be first Indian pharmaceutical company that successfully takes its
merchandises from find to commercial launch globally VALUES:

In chase of intent of supplying low-cost and advanced medical specialties for healthier lives. Dr. Reddy’s will make an environment of invention and larning while continually making for higher degrees of excellence. Integrity and Transparency: Dr. Reddy’s will continue the highest criterions of unity and transparence in all their interactions. Safety: Dr. Reddy’s are committed to supplying safe on the job environments through uninterrupted betterment of their substructure. work patterns and behaviours.

Quality: Dr. Reddy’s are dedicated to planing quality into their merchandises and procedures to please their stakeholders. Productiveness: Dr. Reddy’s strive to accomplish more with less through a civilization of invention. uninterrupted betterment and a sustained focal point on riddance of waste. Respect for the Individual: Dr. Reddy’s are committed to making a work environment that encourages diverse positions and upholds the self-respect of work and of persons. Collaboration and Teamwork: Dr. Reddy’s will leverage expertness and resources from across their planetary web to make greater value for their stakeholders. Sustainability: Dr. Reddy’s will make value for all their stakeholders in a mode that respects their natural environment and serves the best involvements of the communities in which they live and work.


Dr. Reddy’s board of managers are experts in the diverse Fieldss of medical specialty. chemical science and medical research. human resource development. concern scheme. finance. and economic sciences. They review all important concern determinations and commissions appointed by the board focal point on specific countries.

WHOLE-TIME Director:
G. V. Prasad – Chairman and main executive officer
Satish Reddy – frailty president and managing manager

1. Dr. Omkar Goswami
2. Mr. Ravi Bhoothalingam
3. Mr. Anupam Puri
4. Dr. J. P. Moreau
5. Ms. Kalpana Morparia
6. Dr. Bruce LA Carter
7. Dr. Ashok Ganguly
8. Mr. Sridhar Iyengar

There are seven board- degree commissions at Dr. Reddy’s. viz. 1. Audit Committee
2. Nomination. Governance & A ; Compensation Committee
3. Risk Management Committee
4. Science. Technology and Operations Committee
5. Shareholders’ Grievance Committee
6. Investment Committee
7. Management Committee
The Management Council is the top grade of Dr. Reddy’s company’s direction construction. The direction of Dr. Reddy’s has developed and implemented policies. processs and patterns that attempt to interpret our company’s vision. mission and aim into world. The direction besides identifies. steps. proctors and controls the hazards factors in the concern and ensures safe. sound and efficient operation. The Management Council meets every one-fourth under the chairmanship of the CEO.

Global employee strength of DR. REDDY’S

Fig 1. 2. 1

Employee turnover

Employee turnover Rate
16. 20 %
16. 30 %
14. 30 %
12. 70 %
18. 20 %
18. 00 %
0. 70 %
20. 80 %

Fig 1. 2. 2

Dr. Reddy’s has tonss of single and team-based awards that recognizes teamwork. invention. institution-building. and societal Dr. Reddy’s uses extended structured training to promote continual duologue between directors and employees to heighten employee battle. As good. the company has a formal system in which senior directors wise man employees and occupation wise mans serve as wise mans in workss.

Respect for the Individual: They are committed to making a work environment that encourages diverse positions and upholds the self-respect of work and of persons. They have begun to hold more presence at campuses. they have announced higher wagess for squad members on successful referrals of adult females or otherwise able professionals to the administration and they continue to promote employees to switch within the administration to different spheres and maps through internal occupation posting chances. One of the cardinal efforts of the leading at Dr. Reddy’s is to enable each one of their gifted employees to see the cathedral they are assisting to raise. and give them a manus if they run into unsmooth musca volitanss. Constructing this environment to animate are several elements drawn from planetary HR experiences and the best of direction intuition.

Exit interviews: Exit interviews are conducted with going employees merely before they leave. From the employer’s position. the primary purpose of the issue interview is to cognize the grounds for the person’s going. on the footing that unfavorable judgment is a helpful driver for organisational betterment. Good issue interviews should besides give utile information about the employer organisation. to measure and better all facets of the on the job environment. civilization. procedures and systems. direction and development. etc.

2. Aim

To happen out the Factors that make employees retain in the organisation for a long period of clip. To cognize the grounds why employees move out of the organisation How is Dr. Reddy’s seting attempts in understanding employees? What are the stairss taken by the company to retain their employees? What are the of import elements that an employee looks in an organisation to work?

3. Scope

The range of this undertaking was to concentrate on employee keeping in DR. Reddy’s Laboratories CTO1 Bollaram. Hyderabad. India ( pharmaceutical company ) . The range is limited to R0 and R1 employees in the organisation. The approx. figure is 100. The sample size is 40 employees out of 100 R0 and R1 employees.

No proper inputs were provided by Dr. Reddy’s laboratories CTO1 direction. Dr. Reddy’s has alternatively to restrict the inquiries in a questionnaire to 10. Duration for of the undertaking was merely two months.

4. Research Methodology

4. 1. Research Design
In this survey where we translate a research job into questionnaires. and so utilize the questionnaires to make informations and besides indicated that study is a procedure of inquiring many people the same inquiries and analyzing their replies. Hence. respondents were asked the same inquiries. The purpose of a study is to obtain information which can be analyzed and comparings made

4. 2. Sample Choice
The mark population for the survey was all employees working in DR. Reddy’s. The list of all the workers in the organisations served as the sampling frame. Out of the sampling frame. the trying units were identified. The single individuals in the organisations such as R0 and R1 classs of employees were used as trying units for the survey. The survey population was junior and senior staffs DR. Reddy’s. The entire figure of employees in these classs is about 100. Out of the 100. 40 respondents were selected to specifically supply information that would be relevant to the survey. The sample size was obtained by ciphering 40 % on the entire population.

4. 3. Datas Collection

Methods for Roll uping Primary Data
Questionnaires were the tools used for roll uping the primary informations for the survey. The questionnaires contained closed-ended inquiries. The inquiries focused on employee’s work satisfaction in the organisation. Questionnaires and face-to-face interviews were effectual methods used in roll uping the primary informations. Questionnaires were utile for the research since I could make many respondents within a short clip. Furthermore. the face-to-face interview besides enabled me to detect the milieus and gestural communicating of respondents. The linguistic communication that was used for the face-to-face interview was English. Hindi and Telugu.

5. Analysis AND Interpretation:

1. How long have you been employed at Dr. Reddy’s?

Graph 5. 1

As per the respondents 0 % of employees mentioned that they have been employed at Dr. Reddy’s for less than 1 twelvemonth. 15 % of employees mentioned that they have been employed at Dr. Reddy’s from 1-3 old ages. 30 % of employees mentioned that they have been employed at Dr. Reddy’s from 3-5 old ages. 35 % of employees mentioned that they have been employed at Dr. Reddy’s from 5-10 old ages and 20 % of employees mentioned that they have been employed at Dr. Reddy’s for more than 10 old ages.

2. What factors have influenced you to stay with Dr. Reddy’s? SCORE 3 as most preferable. 2 as 2nd preferable and 1 s last preferable )

Graph 5. 2

As we can see in the above graph. leading ( trade name ) has got bulk mark. which is really retaining the employees in the organisation. Benefit bundles. working conditions and displacement plants are besides motivate employees in a big graduated table to retain in DR. Reddy’s. Pay has got the lowest mark as per the respondents i. e. 8. 75 %

3. How satisfied are you with your calling development within Dr. Reddy’s?

Graph 5. 3

As per the respondents 0 % of employees mentioned that they are dissatisfied with the calling development at Dr. Reddy’s. 17. 5 % of employees mentioned that they are slightly disgruntled with the calling development at Dr. Reddy’s. 27. 5 % of employees mentioned that they are impersonal with the calling development at Dr. Reddy’s. 70 % of employees mentioned that they are satisfied with the calling development at Dr. Reddy’s. 10 % of employees mentioned that they are really satisfied with the calling development at Dr. Reddy’s

Sing the publicities and hikings within the organisation. bulk of the employees seem to be satisfied. This is a good mark. but still Dr Reddy’s laboratories ltd direction demand to work on this issue as this plays a critical function in retaing employees in the organisation for a longer period of clip

4. What is your degree of satisfaction with the attitude of teamwork within Dr. Reddy’s?

Graph 5. 4

As per the respondents 32. 5 % of employees mentioned that they are impersonal towards the degree of satisfaction with the attitude of teamwork at Dr. Reddy’s. 67. 5 % of employees mentioned that they are satisfied with the degree of satisfaction with the attitude of teamwork at Dr. Reddy’s and none of the employees choose the remainder of the options i. e ; dissatisfied. slightly disgruntled and really satisfied.

Most of the employees seem to be satisfied with their co-workers which will in bend reduces the internal struggles between the employees.

5. I feel that my part is respected and appreciated by the section.

Graph 5. 5

As per the respondents 0 % of employees mentioned that they strongly disagree that their part is respected and appreciated by the section. 0. 05 % of employees mentioned that they disagree that their part is respected and appreciated by the section. 42. 5 % of employees mentioned that they are impersonal that their part is respected and appreciated by the section. 47. 5 % of employees mentioned that they agree that their part is respected and appreciated by the section and 0. 05 % of employees mentioned that they strongly agree that their part is respected and appreciated by the section.

Approximately 50 % here agree that their work is appreciated by the section which is a good mark. But Dr Reddy’s laboratories ltd demands to work more in this country to increase these figures in a positive manner.

6. I have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s.

Graph 5. 6

As per the respondents 0 % of employees strongly disagree that they have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s. 20 % of employees disagree that they have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s. 57. 5 % of employees are impersonal that they have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s. 22. 5 % of employees agree that they have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s and 0 % of employees strongly agree that they have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s

Coming to career development within the organisation employees are non much satisfied and they are on a diplomatic side by replying impersonal.

7. The work load placed on forces is just and realistic.

Graph 5. 7

As per the respondents 0 % of employees strongly disagree that the work load placed on forces is just and realistic. 7. 5 % of employees disagree that the work load placed on forces is just and realistic. 17. 5 % of employees are impersonal that the work load placed on forces is just and realistic. 52. 5 % of employees agree that the work load placed on forces is just and realistic and 22. 5 % of employees strongly agree that the work load placed on forces is just and realistic.

These figures tell us that Dr Reddy’s research labs ltd is a friendly environment to work with. where there is no work force per unit area.

8. Have you of all time considered go forthing Dr. Reddy’s?

Graph 5. 8

As per the respondents 32. 5 % of employees mentioned that they considered go forthing Dr. Reddy’s and 67. 5 % of employees mentioned that they ne’er considered go forthing Dr. Reddy’s.

It’s a good mark were about 70 % of the employees are non sing to go forth Dr Reddy’s laboratories ltd.

9. If your reply was yes to the old inquiry ; what would be the grounds? Previous inquiry ( Have you of all time considered go forthing Dr. Reddy’s? )

Graph 5. 9

We can detect as bulk of the employees i. e. 48. 75 % of employees want to go forth the organisation for better wage and benefits. Better chances and resettlement are besides playing a critical function in employees go forthing the organisation. Merely 6 % of employees feel there is no proper communicating in the organisation.

6. Findings

Retention is all about pull offing people. If an organisation manages people good. employee keeping will take attention of itself. Organization should concentrate on pull offing the work environment to do a better usage of human resources. As
per the study. Dr Reddy’s laboratories ltd employees like to work where these are present.

Appreciation for the work done by the employee.
More chances to turn within in the organisation.
A friendly and concerted environment between the employees. A feeling that the organisation is 2nd place to the employees.

Findingss sing Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories

Effective leading is besides actuating them to work with Dr. Reddy’s. Wages are non up to the outlooks of the employees in Dr. Reddy’s. Dr. Reddy’s is holding an employee friendly environment. Where employees experience more comfy while working. Dr. Reddy’s has cross-functional undertaking squads. promote employees to switch within the organisation to different spheres and internal occupation posting chances. Dr. Reddy’s SPEAK OUT plan is a communicating channel unfastened to all employees.

The plan is conducted every month by the Senior Managers of the several locations encourages the employees to open up and discourse any issues be it professional or personal. Dr. Reddy’s REACH OUT plan similar to talk out. which encourages employees to utilize bead boxes to convey their suggestions. rise or highlight any issue which they may non be comfy to come frontward or if they wish to keep namelessness. Dr. Reddy’s has a team-based award that recognizes teamwork which in bend motivates employees.


Retention has emerged as one of the dominant subjects in direction surveies during the past decennary. The end of this study was to understand the grounds behind employee’s keeping in the organisation. The study attempts to supply the facts with a better apprehension of employees and their demands. The employee demands such as good working conditions and holding development chances are merely two factors to be mentioned. Dr. Reddy’s research labs should hold good communicating. engaging direction with strong human relation accomplishments. supplying growing chances and confer withing with employees. officially and informally. will beef up the bond with the organisation. but will non vouch their trueness. Herzberg. through his motivation-hygiene theory suggests that occupation satisfaction and occupation dissatisfaction are produced by different work factors. What makes people unhappy is non what they do but how good they are treated.

Though Dr Reddy’s research labs ltd is making a great occupation it can still better its working conditions to hold work satisfaction in the employees and to retain them for a longer period of clip. Dr. Reddy’s direction can supply support in the signifier of work-life balance. Work life balance includes Flexible hours

Alternate work agendas
Dr. Reddy’s direction should give little more importance to the Career growing and development of the employee within the organisation. A director plays a function of a wise man. they are the 1s who involve employees in the work. So they need to engage directors who can do and keep good dealingss with their subsidiaries. Promoting squad work will better the relationship between employees. This can take to good and healthy competition and relation between the employees. Management of Dr. Reddy’s can back up employees by supplying them acknowledgment and grasp.


1. How long have you been employed at DR. Reddy’s?
1. Less than 1 twelvemonth
2. 1-3 old ages
3. 3-5 old ages
4. 5-10 old ages
5. More than 10 old ages

2. What factors have influenced you to stay with Dr. Reddy’s? ( SCORE 3 as
most preferable. 2 as 2nd preferable and 1 s last preferable ) 1. ___ Wage
2. ___ Benefit Package ( Health Insurance. ect. )
3. ___ Promotional Opportunities
4. ___ Work hours/Shift work
5. ___ Loyalty to community
6. ___ Team culture/peer dealingss
7. ___ Working conditions ( i. e. Safety )
8. ___ Leadership ( Dr. Reddy’s merely )
9. ___ Training
10. ___ Retirement program
11. ___ Contribution to the Organization

3. How Satisfied are you with your calling development within Dr. Reddy’s? 1. Dissatisfied
2. Slightly Dissatisfied
3. Impersonal
4. Satisfied
5. Very Satisfied

4. What is your degree of satisfaction with the attitude of teamwork within Dr. Reddy’s? 1. Dissatisfied
2. Slightly Dissatisfied
3. Impersonal
4. Satisfied
5. Very Satisfied

5. I feel that my part is respected and appreciated by the section. 1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Impersonal
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

6. I have a comprehendible class for calling promotion inside Dr. Reddy’s. 1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Impersonal
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

7. The work load placed on forces is just and realistic.
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Impersonal
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

8. Have you of all time considered go forthing Dr. Reddy’s?
1. Yes
2. No

9. If your reply was yes to the old inquiry ; what would be the grounds? ( SCORE 3 as most preferable. 2 as 2nd preferable and 1 s last preferable )

1. Wage and benefits ____
2. Better chance ____
3. Family grounds ____
4. New challenges ____
5. Resettlement ____
6. Leadership ____
7. Poor or no communicating ____
8. Job security ____

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