Food & Drink in the Elizabethan Era Essay

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Food and drinks were different depending on your position. and wealth. “In the early medieval times meat was a mark of wealth. ” ( Elizabethan Food ) . What you hunted for nutrient depended on your position. “Only Lords and Nobles were allowed to run cervid. beloved. Sus scrofa. hares. and rabbits” ( The Last Colony ) . In the Elizabethan Era. most of the repasts were cooked utilizing an unfastened fire. by: “spit roasting. being fried. baking. boiling. smoke. and salting. ” ( Elizabethan nutrient ) .

Salt was used to continue the meat because they would kill the animate beings before winter and the meat would hold to last when they weren’t eating it. “Peacock plumes were used to adorn the nutrient for the feasts that Royalty had” ( Elizabethan Food ) . Banquets so and now are still the same ; they both are made for particular occasions and made to look good with particular effects. Most nutrient had to be purchased from markets. meat from farm animal markets. dairy from big metropoliss. and veggies from big metropoliss.

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Many Godheads and Nobles had rotten and black dentition. because of their diets and how they snubbed veggies and merely ate sugary nutrients. “Water was non clean in the in-between ages and people hence drank vino and ale” ( Elizabethan Food ) . Different spirits were added to ales and beer for better gustatory sensations. Most of the diets in the Elizabethan times were bread. meat and fish. but biscuits were a convenience nutrient. ( used when they were a small hungry and needed a bite ) . The People from the Elizabethan times normally ate three times a twenty-four hours. merely as we do now.

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