Gonzaga Education: How I Was Molded Into An Exemplary Individual

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Gonzaga Education: How I Was Molded Into An Exemplary Individual

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            Education has always been an important part of my life. I have always believed that through hard work and dedication, I may be able to fulfill my dreams and aspirations. Furthermore, I am more inclined into becoming one of the most successful graduates our school has ever had. I want to be able to show the world how an individual like me can make a difference in life. My name is Stetson Kniff and I am interested in taking NAME OF COURSE at the NAME OF THE UNIVERSITY.

            I consider myself to be a well rounded individual. As a student, I am proficient with Math, History and Science. Unlike others, I never experienced any difficulty with Math, for I am able to easily interpret and solve mathematical equations. This great fascination also led to an inclination for Science. History, on the other hand, opens my knowledge to greater heights, for I am greatly interested in the circumstances that happened in the past. I believe that being knowledgeable about these things would help me grasp things that happen nowadays.

            Aside from my fascination for education, I am also active in my extra curricular activities. I am a member of a local Lacrosse team, where I have been playing for about a year. Music is also a great part of my personality. I have been playing the guitar and bass guitar for two years, and am now starting to learn the basics of composing my own songs.

            I know that my skills and talents are not enough for me to be considered for a position in your school. All I know is that I am equipped with my determination to succeed and fulfill my dreams. From my experiences, excelling in both co-curricular and extra curricular activities is not easy. Success surpasses just the basics of passing all subjects in school and excelling in them. Success also requires much determination, dedication, hard work and prayers.

            From everything that has been said, I believe that being given the opportunity to study in your institution would be a step closer to my dreams.

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