Importance of Literature Essay

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There are a batch of things that come to mind when a individual hears the word literature. Normally. one thinks of a book. narrative. classical work or some fluctuation of the aforesaid but to inquire person to specify the term literature. proves to be a much trickier undertaking. Many are stumped when asked this inquiry. Peoples frequently answer by giving illustrations of literary plants but fail to really give an embracing definition of the term. Welcome to the universe of Webster ( Dictionary that is ) .

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term literature as the organic structure of written plants of a linguistic communication. period. or civilization. This definition seems be wide but go oning on in the definition there was one portion that truly stood as a more equal representation of what literature is approximately. The definition reads as follows ; the organic structure of written work produced by bookmans or research workers in a given field. This peculiar definition seems to hit at the nucleus of literature ; scholarship and specialisation.

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Some feel that that all written plants are signifiers of literature. I contend that a true work of literature must be written by a individual who has studied a given field ( specialisation ) and produced a work that allows the reader to derive some signifier of a lesson or point of view ( scholarship ) . whether holding with the author or taking an opposing stance of the information set 4th in the work.

This is non to state that these types of plants do non hold any amusement value but they have a type of amusement that wraps the lesson. statement or point of view in an piquant manner instead than being force-fed the authors’ stance. A true work of literature should arouse some signifier of treatment on the plants chief point. A work of literature needs all of the above. non merely to be called a true work of literature but to besides cement its topographic point in history. which is the last piece of the mystifier when specifying the term.

Literature stands the trial of clip and can be discussed by great grandchildren every bit good as great grandmas and all those in between. This all goes to state that the importance of literature is its ability to link a community known as the human race.

Classical plants of literature have been translated so that all human existences can portion in a great piece. even being translated to an sound. so that those who can non read will non be stopped from take parting in the act of community that literature provides. It is astonishing that even though some might non portion the same civilization as others. they could get down a treatment around a piece of literature. The literature in this case acts as a unifier instead than merely a book or narrative. therefore turn outing the power of literature and the overall power of the written word.

A true work of literature must hold scholarship. specialisation. a consolidative human component and an entertaining bringing in order to stand the trial of clip. The points mentioned above give literature standards on which to be compared.

The importance of literature goes far beyond merely holding “a good read. ” Literature possesses an intangible that can hold a great impact on people’s lives. Great works of our clip hold brought states together. stopped feuds. healed lesions. and hold even taught humans how to be “human” once more. Literature is highly of import and necessary to the growing of this universe and for a creative activity of a planetary society.

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