ISIS Case Study Essay

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ISIS is a terrorist group that has brought much play and fright to many of late. ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. They had really begun as an Al Qaeda sliver group. The purpose of ISIS is to make an Islamic province across Sunni countries of Iraq and in Syria. It’s chiefly known for killing tonss of people at a clip and transporting out public executings. crucifixions and other Acts of the Apostless. The group controls 100s of square stat mis. It ignores the international boundary lines and has a presence from Syria’s Mediterranean seashore to South of Baghdad. ISIS regulations by Sharia Law. the custom-based organic structure of jurisprudence based on the Koran and the faith of Islam.

The leader of ISIS is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. There is non much known about him refering to where he is from. but he earned a doctor’s degree in Islamic surveies from a university in Baghdad. Al-Baghdadi was detained for four old ages in Camp Bucca. a U. S. run prison in southern Iraq. He was captured and imprisoned in 2005. which means he was released in 2009. After ISIS declared the creative activity of the alleged “Islamic State. ” he began to travel by the name Al-Khalifah Ibrahim. Now. all of his followings no longer name him by Al-Baghdadi.

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A large ground why Americans are going worried about ISIS is that ISIS presently has about 300 members/militants with U. S. passports. Washington D. C. functionaries fear that American ISIS combatants will go place and utilize their panic preparation to establish hideous onslaughts at either a individual or multiple locations in the United States. I believe this is a major job. My position on ISIS is that we need to set a force on them and handle them as we treated al Qaeda. Yes. it may non be right to state that we should direct the Mariness and army out to Middle East once more. but it is necessary in order to maintain the United States safe. ISIS’ programs are to destruct people in their manner. and there are a few things halting them from taking over the Middle East. One of the things halting them is the United States.

ISIS instilled fright on everyone in the state when they released pictures of their executings on captives. The executings varied from chopping off caputs to crucifixions. That merely leads you to believe what sick-minded things they have planned if they of all time want to assail the United States. I believe it is merely right if we go into entire protection manner. Not one individual in this universe wants to see another calamity like September 11th to go on once more except for the terrorist tarriance around the universe. ISIS has made themselves good known to the universe. It has put the universe on ticker. and has everyone fixing themselves for protection and perchance war.

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