Leadership Styles: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Essay Sample

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A leader’s behaviours or leading manner has a great influence on their followings. In an attempt to accomplish organisational ends. leaders seek to act upon and/or motivate employees in such a manner to successfully accomplish ends. This paper will concentrate on five leading manners: Charismatic. Participative. Authoritative. Entrepreneurial. and Servant. Both positive and negative features associated with each leading manner will be explored. The paper will discourse the good. bad. and ugly comparative to each type of leading manner.

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Leadership Manners: The Good. the Bad and the Ugly

At the bosom of every organization’s success or failure is the construct of leading. The great phenomenon referred to as “leadership” is defined as “the ability to animate assurance and support among the people who are needed to accomplish organisational goals” ( Dubrin. 2007 ) . The manner in which members of an organisation are instructed. empowered. motivated. and rewarded is extremely influenced by the manners and behaviours of an organization’s leaders. Leaderships are the anchor to any organisation. Leader’s have the undertaking of supplying way and penetration to followings in an attempt to follow with the organization’s mission and run into organisational ends. However. whether leaders are able to successfully finish the undertakings depend to a great extent on their attack. their leading manner. Leadership manner is defined as “the comparatively consistent form of behaviour that characterizes a leader” ( Dubrin. 2007 ) . Although many leading manners and tactics exist. this research attempt will analyze the facets of five different leading manners. Charismatic. Participative. Authoritative. Entrepreneurial. and Servant leading manners will be presented and positive and negative features attributed to each manner will be examined. The features of magnetic leading will be discussed foremost.

What precisely is it that emotionally connects President John F. Kennedy. Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. and the Burger King Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer. Greg Brenneman to people? It’s without thought their unobtrusive appeal. personality. and attractive attitudes. besides known as magnetic qualities. These persons can all be categorized as Charismatic leaders. Charismatic leading is derived from a person’s personal appeal. a Grecian word significance “divinely divine gift” ( Dubrin. 2007 ) . Charismatic leaders are known for their appeal and entreaty to others and be given to derive followings from their personality.The magnetic leader is airy. energetic. emotionally expressive. has consummate communicating accomplishments. and possesses a great ability to animate trust” ( Dubrin. 2007 ) .In some cases. magnetic leaders areidea of as heroes who are able to utilize their personal thaumaturgy to take others ( Charismatic Leaders. n. vitamin D ) .

Leaderships who use magnetic techniques tend to “use feeling direction to cultivate a certain relationship with group members” ( Dubrin. 2007 ) . As mentioned above. magnetic leaders are airy. Often times. in an attempt to joint an organization’s vision. the magnetic leader uses metaphors and narratives in ways that everyone can understand ( Charismatic Leaders. n. d. ) . Followings see the leader as one who possesses the ability to visualise the hereafter with lucidity ; nevertheless. more importantly followings see how they fit into this future province and believe it will be better than present conditions ( Charismatic Leaders. n. d. ) . Consequently. they tend to back up the ends of the leader more readily. Charismatic leaders develop followings who feel independent. confident. powerful. and capable.

Charismatic qualities are really similar to those found in transformational leading functions. Charismatic leaders can take organisations into new countries. inspire followings and sometimes even obtain extraordinary public presentation consequences from an organisation. Charismatic leaders can accomplish heroic efforts – turn around ailing corporations. regenerate aging bureaucratisms. or launch new endeavors ( Charismatic Leaders. n. d. ) . The magnetic leader accomplishes these great undertakings by:

While magnetic leaders are frequently heralded as heroes and Jesuss who use their personalities to transform organisations. there is besides grounds that personal appeal can hold negative impacts every bit good. Charisma can be a dual edged blade. and its effects are dependent on the motivations of the leader exerting the personal appeal ( Shahani. 2008 ) .

Charismatic leaders can expose unethical. egotistic behaviours and prosecute visions related more to their ain personal addition than to the improvement of their organisation. Tourish ( 2008 ) inside informations that some magnetic leaders have a strong demand for power. show high assurance. and keep strong strong beliefs. Their egotistic inclinations besides develop oversensitivity to unfavorable judgment. hapless listening accomplishments. a deficiency of empathy. and an unhealthy competitory thrust. Conger ( 1990 ) besides discusses the creative activity of semblances of control through information power and imputing negative results to external causes as common patterns for such leaders.

Howell and Avolio ( 1992 ) conducted interview research and concluded on seven types of behaviour associated with unethical magnetic leaders. Such behaviours include:

All of these negative features of personal appeal in leaders can interpret into effects for their followings. Elimination of dissent and the publicity of a homogenous outlook can take to compliant. unquestioning followings who follow blindly down the incorrect way ( Tourish. 2008 ) . Unethical magnetic leaders undermine followers’ motive and ability to dispute bing positions. “They squash self-development. battle. and empowerment” ( Howell & A ; Avolio. 1992. p 49 ) . In times of crisis. followings in this environment easy become dependant on the leader for way and action.

Participative Leadership ( Democratic Leadership )

Harmonizing to the research by the U. S. Army Handbook ( 1973 ) . it has been discovered that participative leading manners involve the leader including one or more employees in the determination devising procedure ( finding what to make and how to make it ) . However. the leader maintains the concluding decision-making authorization. Using this manner is non a mark of failing ; instead. it is a mark of strength that employees will esteem.

Participative leading is usually used when a leader has portion of the information to work out a job. and employees have other parts. Using this manner is of common benefit because it allows employees [ to hold an active function ] in the squad and allows the leader to do better determinations ( U. S. Army Handbook. 1973 ) .

It is stated that Participative Leaders. instead than doing determinations on their ain. seek to affect other people in the procedure. including subsidiaries. equals. higher-ups and other stakeholders. The sum of influence others are given depend on the leader’s penchants and beliefs. The grade of influence can run from non-participative. which would compare to being important ( see following subdivision ) to extremely participative ( Participative Leadership. 2008 ) . The chart below explains behaviours from one extreme to the other.

The degree of engagement may besides depend on the type of determination being made. Decisions on how to implement ends may be extremely participative. while determinations sing low-level public presentation ratings are more likely to be made by the director ( Participative Leadership. ( 2008 ) .

As stated by McCrimmon ( 2007 ) . “there is merely no better manner to do people experience valued than to inquire them. truly. for their advice” ( p 1 ) . Persons can be rewarded and recognized for their attempts ; nevertheless. those tactics are non every bit effectual as affecting them in determination devising ( McCrimmon. 2007 ) . “Employees who play a portion in make up one’s minding what to make. experience a much greater sum of ownership over doing it happen” ( McCrimmon. 2007. p. 1 ) .

While Participative Leadership can add to a team’s coherence and increase squad morale. leaders who engage in participative leading can be viewed as unsure of themselves and the relationship with the group that he/she is troubled to take ( Harding. 1987 ) . To utilize a participative/democratic attack in every state of affairs is non practical. The participative leading manner is non ever the most effectual attack to leading. peculiarly in environments where speedy decision-making is required.

In add-on. participative leading can be a drawn-out procedure when a big figure of persons are involved in doing determinations. When covering with big groups. it is improbable that anything will acquire done because the group may brood on the topic or pieces of item instead than geting at determinations. This manner of leading is clip devouring and can take longer to bring forth consequences. but the consequences tend to be of higher quality ( Harding. 1987. Chynoweth. 2008 ) .

Another drawback to participative leading is that the squad must be motivated plenty to desire to be involved. Consequently. non all group members want to be involved in determination devising. It is up to the leader to do the persons feel their input is necessary and utile. If this confidence is non in topographic point the followings or squad members may go forth because they believe that the leader is an bossy leader utilizing participative manners to set his or her preset thoughts into consequence. This could do lower morale among the followings.

Authoritarian Leadership Style

Authoritarian leaders are steadfast but just. They tactfully provide clear way but leave no uncertainty about what is expected or who makes the concluding determinations. They solicit some. but non much. input from subsidiaries on how to make the occupation and ways to do the occupation easier. Authoritarian leaders see their influence as a keypart of their occupation. They persuade subsidiaries to make the occupation by explicating the “why” behind determinations. They monitor all occupations closely and supply negative and positive feedback to their subsidiaries ( Dubrin. 2007 ) .

The Authoritarian leading manner is characterized by a leader who possesses leading accomplishments such as being decisive. undertaking oriented. and assurance. Despite its really negative intensions. the autocratic leading manner is really good suited for certain environments such as the armed forces. prisons. or anyplace else where speedy determination devising is necessary. It is ideal in environments where determinations are life threatening.

Authoritative leading is besides good for productiveness. In a 2003 survey by the University of Michigan. Authoritarian leading environments were found to be 30 % more productive in footings of work end product than any other leading environment. It besides found that workers were characteristically more obedient than those in a more [ participative/democratic environment ] . What does that intend in a more corporate environment? It means that the bottom-line is certain to profit from such leading.

It is besides of import to observe that while it may look that the bottom-line is the lone benefit a company can deduce from the autocratic leading manner ; Authoritarian leading can besides be used in concurrence with other manners. For case. a leader could be autocratic when it comes to doing determinations about a certain country of work. Employees would cognize non to oppugn this undertaking and make as the leader says. This would be perfect if say the environment was a revenue enhancement house and the leader was autocratic when it came to apportioning the revenue enhancement returns. Workers would hold speedy and efficient counsel for the biggest ball of their concern.

The biggest drawback to important leading is that leaders tend to do all the determinations and pass the directives to subsidiaries who are expected to transport these out under really close supervising. Any effort to inquiry said directives is extremely discouraged. The bossy leader is “someone who normally needs to rule other squad members” ( Hudson. 2004. p. 4 ) . As a consequence. the bossy leader’s attack is frequently confused with shouting and take downing behaviour. Another disadvantage to important leading harmonizing to Phelps ( 2000 ) . is that members under this type leading may be “uncooperative or resentful” and may non be prepared to react to important waies in a crisis” ( p. 8 ) .

The directivestyle is least effectual “when applied to undertakings that are more complex than straightforward. over the long term. or with self-motivated. capable employees” ( Mathews. 2008 ) . For illustration. this manner may work for drill teachers in boot cantonment. but non for all leaders in the fleet. In the fleet. leaders need to be mentoring and helping the professional development of single people who have merely the basic thought of what the military life is approximately. The autocratic manner asks for no input or advice from others. The bossy manner could be interpreted as an maltreatment of power when directed towards unmotivated people.

Harmonizing to Anello & A ; Hernandez ( 1996 ) . “the autocratic leader gives orders and expects immediate obeisance. The paradigm of this mental theoretical account is military bondage. When working in groups. the reaction of the group members is resentment. entry or defiance. Furthermore. negative effects on group working are cryptic jobs and lags. Group members feel defeated because no focal point is placed on their ideas or on their development potential” ( Anello & A ; Hernandez. 1996. p. 3 ) .

The disadvantages of autocratic or bossy leading manner may really good outweigh the advantages. This leading manner is decidedly non recommended when working in groups or when there is non a demand for urgency or speedy action. If a leader uses this method of leading for the long term. it will ensue in decreased employee motive of capable employees. which in bend. will ensue in loss of focal point on the organization’s ends and aims.

Entrepreneurial Leadership

The construct of Corporate Entrepreneurship has transformed over the last four decennaries and the definitions have varied well over clip. In the universe of concern. enterprisers are described as aggressive accelerators that cease chances that others would see as pandemonium. contradiction. or confusion. Additionally. entrepreneurial leading has been branded as the symbol of concern doggedness and accomplishment. Not merely is it an built-in constituent of the reclamation procedure that pervades and defines market economic systems. but it is besides the critical foundations for any net addition in planetary employment ( Kuratko. 2007 ) .

Entrepreneurial leaders lead by agencies of personally demonstrated values as opposed to commit policies. while actuating by mission instead than fright ( Housing Zone. 2002 ) . Entrepreneurs are the anchor of this state. If it were non for enterprisers taking a opportunity by making a merchandise or a service to offer to the populace. where would we be in footings of employment ( Washington. n. vitamin D ) ?

As organizations’ leading manner penchants displacement to include those who have an entrepreneurial sense. organisations will happen it easier to actuate and promote employees because of the rules that entrepreneurial leaders value and support. Entrepreneurs have a strong sense of accomplishment which drives them to work long hours and take reasonable hazards to carry through ends ( Dubrin. 2007 ) . Additionally. enterprisers tend to expose enthusiasm and creativeness to a great grade which makes them successful at the art of persuasion. They besides tend to be retentive visionaries who focus on the hereafter.

Besides. the popularity of this leading manner is exceeding to the planetary concern market. The use of this manner has been adopted by a figure of Asiatic states including China.

A well-known illustration of a present twenty-four hours leader who embraces an entrepreneurial leading manner is Robert Edward “Ted” Turner III. The awards that he is noted for includes establishing both TBS and CNN. Turner transitioned his father’s hoarding concern into a media imperium (Ted Turner. 2007 ) . Turner. like many other entrepreneurial leaders. was able to efficaciously transition vision and an awkward ability for send oning believing into action and consequences.

In all of their battles. one trouble Entrepreneurial Leaders brush is the inability of others to hold on the vision because many persons are afraid of alteration. On many occasions. enterprisers lack support in their pursuit for new frontiers. An thought can go a dream. which can go an innovation. which can so go world ( Wolter. 2007 ) .

Dreams die when they are non allowed to birth. which brings us to the other trouble shadowing the entrepreneur’s dreams – fiscal backup. Hans K. Hvide ( 2007 ) researched this analysis and stated that “One of the oldest thoughts in the survey of entrepreneurship is that enterprisers may be unable to set up a venture at an efficient graduated table due to liquidity-constraints originating from capital market imperfectnesss. This thought can be traced back to Adam Smith. who in the Wealth of Nations stated that enterprisers: ‘have all the cognition. in short. that is necessary for a great merchandiser. which nil hinders him from going but the privation of sufficient capital’” ( Hvide. 2007 ) . Harmonizing to the National Association of Small Businesses Investment Companies’ ( NASBIC ) President Lee Mercer. in an article written by Crystal Detamore-Rodman ( 2003 ) stated. “venture dollars. along with the banking industry’s reserve to impart to little concerns. has contributed to an overall capital deficit. Banks that had been out making subordinated debt funding had gotten out a small spot further on the hazard curve than normal. The Bankss own propensity and the regulators sort of forced a tieback. So at that place has been a enormous tieback in bank recognition available even for little concerns that have had longtime banking relationships” ( p. 3 ) .

Furthermore. moral support every bit good as fiscal backup should non be allowed to discourage the spirit of creativeness. Our state was and still is built upon dreams and alteration. Entrepreneurial leading features reflect an person who is a strong winner. hazard taker. partisan. dreamer. Godhead. and airy. merely to call some ( Dubrin. 2007 ) . In absorbing this. it is non so hard to presume that there could be jobs for a leader to keep such energetic character. An entrepreneurial leader should get fiscal and moral support from the get downing instead than happening themselves trapped in a weakness concern venture in the terminal.

Servant Leadership

Coined and defined by Robert Greenleaf in 1970. the construct of Servant Leadership is one of the most popular leading tactics used ( McCrimmon. 2008 ) . The end of Servant Leadership is to “enhance the growing of persons in the organisation and increase teamwork and personal involvement” ( Servant Leadership.2008. p. 2 ) . Servant leaders are encouraged to function others while endeavoring to accomplish organisational ends and continuing the organization’s values and unity ( Servant leading. 2008 ) . Servant leading focuses chiefly on actuating employees or squad members. Such leading “makes those in charge think harder about how to esteem. value and motivate people describing to them” ( McCrimmon. 2008 ) . In an attempt to function their followings. servant leaders frequently engage in behaviours such as:

An advantage environing Servant leading is that the tactic focal points on coaction. trust. empathy. and the ethical usage of power ( Servant Leadership. 2008 ) . One primary feature of a servant leader is the natural desire to “serve foremost. ” ( Servant Leadership. 2008 ) . The purposes of the servant leader are positive and as a consequence. servant leaders frequently place the demands of their followings in front of their ain. They do non prosecute in activities to increase their ain power or influence. Other illustrations of servant leader qualities include the followers:

Although there are many positive features environing the thought of servant leading. the leading manner has several drawbacks. Many argue that a disadvantage of the leading manner is that the attack overshadows the thought of seeing leaders and employees as spouses ( McCrimmon. 2008 ) . Alternatively. leaders are thought of as retainers. Harmonizing to McCrimmon ( 2008 ) . “Serving people’s demands creates the image of being slavish or subservient. [ which is ] non a really positive image” ( p. 1 ) . Critics suggest that leaders should “consider” employees’ concerns. but non be a servant to them. Although many see the servant leading manner as admirable. they tend to hold that it is the “image of [ a servant ] with its slave-like intension that is debatable and misleading” ( p. 1 ) .


The leading manners that were discussed above represent a part of the manners that exist. It is of import for an organisation to find and prioritise the ends and values prior to choosing a leading manner. There is no best leading manner because each organisation is different. therefore holding different leading demands. In fact. many organisations use a combination of the leading manners discussed. In order to implement a manner that will profit the organisation. direction should take their leaders based on features that are consistent within the way in which the organisation desires to travel. Regardless of the type of manner selected. leaders should hold the ability to actuate employees through their leading tactics. More significantly. leaders should understand that what works for one employee may non work for another. Choosing a leading manner is of import ; nevertheless. leaders must guarantee that the chosen manner will be good instead than detrimental to the organisation.


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