Medieval Castles Essay Research Paper Medieval CastlesMedieval

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Medieval Castles Essay, Research Paper

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Medieval Palaces

Medieval Castles were immense protection cantonments made to

protect the male monarch. They had every sort of defence known to

mediaeval adult male. From slaying holes, to arrow-loops, a palace had it.

Medieval palaces were normally built on a high rocky drop

located by H2O. Castle locations were really difficult to happen and

sometimes months were spent looking for one. A fosse was built

around the palace and was normally filled with sewerage and bathroom

dainties. All these things played an of import portion in maintaining

the palace strong and ready to contend.

A twosome other defenses the palace had were murder holes ;

soldiers would dump many things on the sieging warriors. Another

maneuver was the arrow-loops ; a little slender cut in the palace wall

that arrows could be shot out from but non in to. See Diagram.

Castles besides had immense 20-foot walls to be protected from.

Merely two-ways in or out from the wall were present. One in the

forepart of the palace where two Fe Gatess had to be broken. Another

& gt ; gate was located someplace towards the dorsum of the palace. It was

a secret gate that was really difficult to happen, and merely the male monarch knew

where the gate had been hidden. The gate was used during an

onslaught to get away from the besieging.

In the center of the palace there was a immense edifice called

the support. This is where the male monarch and queen slept, the kitchen and

armoury was besides located indoors. The booming quarters ( the largest

room inside ) was used really frequent and many employees were

assigned to it.

The palace was the bosom and psyche of the state. The male monarch

and queen and all of their loyal retainers were indoors, running the

state. That s why scoundrels would bust the palaces for land or

money, cognizing that they could keep the male monarch and queen for


A interesting fact about palaces were the childs who s occupation was

to travel to a certain topographic point inside the palace and topographic point the ear on the

land listening for any sound that represented work forces delving. This

helped the soldiers inside the palace to delve and run into the excavation


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