Mississippi Department of corrections Fails Essay

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Mississippi Department of corrections Fails to supply proper attention and carry through their constitutional duties to captives in in private owned prison. MDOC considers themselves above the jurisprudence. and fails to keep up their duties under constitutional Torahs. They do what they want when they want without concern to anyone. They do non supply adequate and safe repasts. nor do they supply proper wellness attention. and in general do non stay by the Mississippi province Torahs they have committed to penalizing others for.

They give contracts to in private owned companies from other provinces. whom candidly could care less about the inmates or the people of Mississippi and are merely taking the contracts for the intent of money addition. MDOC hit with case over” Inhumane conditions” at prison! ! ! Chris Davis on May 30th. 2013 filed a case in Jackson. Ms. Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Southern poorness Law alleges the Mississippi Department of Corrections has forgotten it’s constitutional duties to its captives at the East Mississippi Correctional installation. a in private run prison under province supervising in Lauderdale County.

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The suit seeks “injunctive relief” significance Mississippi must better conditions to the satisfaction of the complainants to settle the suit “ East Mississippi Correctional Facility is a finish for persons who suffer from mental illness” . says Owens. Unfortunately. while they are supposed to acquire intervention. they get nil of the similar. The behavior that happens there is a daze to the scruples of a civilised society. The most vulnerable continue to be exploited. abused and in some instances tortured. There are besides state of affairss where inmates are non provided with proper attention or life conditions. ( Judy Owens Audio ) ” some of the conditions are inmates who ask for intervention have been responded to with fire asphyxiators and/ or faced with Piper nigrum spray. merely for inquiring for aid. News Mississippi instantly reached out to the Ms. Dept. of Correctionss for their reaction and their remark was ; “we have non been served. we will react in tribunal. ” said spokesperson Tara Booth. Owens said the SPLC tried to run into with MDOC but was turned down.

Owens besides says he knows about budget jobs within the section but he believes that does non alleviate them of their constitutional duties to captives. “This is a instance about decency and handling people with regard. ” said ACLU Att. Gabe Eber. ” When you take a group of earnestly mentally sick people and house them in foul conditions. deny them basic medical and mental wellness attention. you beat them and allow them endure abuse… . that’s a predictable formula for catastrophe. But it’s got a hole! ! ! World Wide Web. newsms. m/corrections-hit-with-lawsuit-over-inhumane-conditions-at-prison- We need a program to repair the prisons and a committedness to follow through with that program. I personally believe one solution to repair this job is that Mississippi should pull off their ain prisons and halt engaging the occupation out to private out of province direction contractors. that could care less about the people in our province. This would besides salvage our province a batch of money to travel toward much better things like homeless shelters for our stateless people or to feed our hungry people. What do you believe? Shouldn’t Mississippi take attention of their ain?

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