Motivation Speech Essay Research Paper I AttentionAHookIn

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Motivation Speech Essay, Research Paper

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I. Attention


In America, 1000000s of people are being accused of stealing from the music industry.


Peoples utilizing the Internet, specifically Napster, are being accused of stealing.

II. Needs/Problems/Issues

A.The record companies in America are registering cases against Napster under the footings that they are assisting with buccaneering of their music. However, if they were worried about copying music for free, who do the same record companies, such as Sony, produce tape recording equipments with two slots so you can easy copy tapes?

B.There is no concrete cogent evidence that companies such as Napster cost the record labels any money. In fact, record gross revenues have been every bit high as of all time in the past few old ages since downloading vocals were possible. Many feel that Napster really helps creative persons, since it? s a good tool to seek to acquire people to hear your music if you aren? t popular.

C.The bulk of families use regular phone lines for their internet connexion. With a regular phone line, a vocal on Napster normally takes between 15-20 proceedingss to download. Most people would non desire to seek to download a whole album, as it would take hours to make. Most people still go out to purchase the album.

III. Satisfaction

A.I think the music companies need to halt being hypocritical, and

besides start being realistic and see that things such as Napster does non ache them.

B.Before the record companies to anything, I think they should make research, and they may perchance see that Napster helps their lower-selling creative persons. Besides, there are a batch more sets behind Napster so against them, so it goes to demo that although the record companies try to do it look like the creative persons are acquiring cheated, it merely shows that they are avaricious.

C.Banning Napster is besides unpointed if they think people will halt copying music. There is about person you know that has a Cadmium that you want to copy. If you didn? Ts have Napster, you would still merely borrow it from your friend and transcript it so.

IV. Visualization.

A.If Napster is allowed to go on, many new and approaching creative persons will be allowed to go on this free signifier of advertizement.

B.Discontinuing Napster would non halt buccaneering at all. If you truly wanted to copy a Cadmium, you will happen another manner to make it.

V. Action

A.First thing you can make is to assist back up the different advertizers that use Napster to demo this is really profitable.

B.Next, you could compose to the companies stating them you bought a Cadmium because you heard one of the vocals on Napster.

Again, I feel that while Napster can be used for the incorrect grounds, for the most portion it is helpful for everyone.

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