Short Story

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Sans Vie
I don’t remember how I died, but yet I remember the nothingness that submerged my mind when it happened. I could feel everyone around me at my funeral; I could hear the screams of my parents, the cries of my close friends, and the laughter of my enemies; when they heard the news.
0People were right when they say you see a light, but it’s not the light to heaven, it’s a bright white light into nothingness, sort of like when you’re staring into the sun on a warm day and all you can hear is the nature around you, when you get the cold chills from the cool breeze blowing through the hot sun; it’s that kind of light. People like to claim that they’ve seen angels if they have died and been brought back, but not me all I could remember was that feeling of nothing. I never got the answers to the lifelong questions that almost everyone has. I’m not really sure where or what I’m in and I don’t really know what I’m feeling other than numbness.
Emotionless I follow my old friends around watching them morn, and during the night I watch my mother cry as she sits on my bed and smells my sheets trying to bring me back. It wasn’t my fault that she was always too busy while I was alive. Even though I can’t feel the pain I recognize it on my brother’s face as he drives my car trying to forget what happened. My father doesn’t speak much anymore, it seems like he’s became even more empty than before.
As I watch my family and my friends I wonder what things would be like if I were still there, you know back into reality. Curiosity was always a weakness of mine, and it mainly got me in trouble; like when I was ten and decided I’d snort smarties to see if it would hurt and then got grounded because our grade school principal was an idiot and thought I was doing drugs, or the time I snuck out to try alcohol for the first time and got caught coming back in at 5 am.
Dying wasn’t what I thought it would be, not like in the stories where you go to a hot place with…

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