Stereotypes Essay Essay

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Stereotypes | Unreliable. overdone generalisations about all members of a group that do non take single differences into history. | Prejudice | A negative attitude towards an full class of people. such as a racial or cultural minority. | Labeling theory | This is where that the labels people are given affect their ain and others perceptual experience of them. besides imparting their behaviour either into aberrance or conformance. | Part II Select three of the individuality classs below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each:

* Race * Ethnicity * Religion * Gender * Sexual orientation * Age * Disability Category| Stereotype 1| Stereotype 2| Stereotype 3| Race| If a individual is African American so one can pigeonhole them by stating that African Americans do drugs. | If a individual is Latino one can pigeonhole them by stating that they have to many kids to where they can non afford them all. | If a individual is Caucasic so one can pigeonhole them by stating that white people are trailer park rubbish. | Religion| That.

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Catholics like to drink| That Christians believe that they are better than any other faith that is non a portion of their group. | That the Judaic faith is avaricious and money hungry| Disability| That people with disablements merely want to populate off the government| That people with a disablement is less intelligent| That a individual with a disablement can non talk for themselves. | Part III Answer each inquiry in 100 to 150 words related to those stereotypes: * What are the positive facets of the stereotypes. if any?

There can be some good facets about pigeonholing which can be good in mentions and using for occupations. Say that you are of a certain race and that race has a great background for work ethnics. so in return you apply for a occupation ( which you may non be a great worker ) and because of the stereotype of your race you are hired. Besides say you get pulled over and you are besides stereotyped as a race in whole of holding good reputes. and ne’er trouble oneselfing anyone else. so you are free to travel without any warnings or commendations. That’s all I can believe of.

* What are the negative facets of stereotypes? Some negative facets about stereotyping is what it says in itself- stereotype- to judge person before acquiring to cognize that individual merely by the manner they look or speak. Example if an employer is engaging and a adult male comes to the interview with lacerate apparels the employer in return will pigeonhole this individual as a rotter and turn the individual down. If person has been in gaol the community where the individual lives mat stereotype him as a felon. untrusty. a stealer. they may non give this individual a 2nd opportunity and they do non even know him.

Another negative is if person is of another cultural. one will pigeonhole them as different Wyrd. and will besides non give this individual a opportunity. Answer each inquiry in 150 to 250 words related to those stereotypes: * What is the difference between pigeonholing and bias? Use examples to exemplify the differences. Differences between pigeonholing and bias is pigeonholing is where people do non take another person’s differences into history and judge them by what they heard and non by what they can happen out about person.

Bias is where hatred comes into drama on an full cultural group one may hold bias because of a groups colour. or faith. Example an African American male has heard of a concern hiring and has many old ages experiences in this field finds out about the clip and location but merely has old torn vesture to have on. He goes anyhow and is 2nd in line for the interview the foreman sees him walk up and agitate his manus. As this adult male is speaking the employer is pigeonholing the other adult male from his apparels and the manner he talks so he does non hear anything else being said.

The employer shakes the man’s manus and says thank you and we will give you a call to allow you cognize. ( pigeonholing ) On the other manus the same scenario the concern proprietor does non like any other race but his ain. so when he sees the African American male in the anteroom he has his receptionist to inquire the adult male to go forth without even questioning him. ( bias ) * What is the relationship between pigeonholing and bias? The relationship between pigeonholing and bias is that they both take the signifier of judging a individual or a group before even cognizing them merely by what you heard or was taught.

These two are the same by traveling by what you heard about a cultural group for case say there was a group of Caucasians and they lived in a dawdler park now this can be pigeonholing already for the fact that Whites and dawdler Parkss are said to travel together. now for the prejudice side a individual of another cultural can state that these people who live in this dawdler park is white rubbish and that they are deserving nil and dirty.

That they hate them non merely because of the dawdler park but besides because of their race. so both bias and pigeonholing these are both stating that they are trailer rubbish. dirty. and non deserving nil. or would ne’er talk to them without run intoing them. * What can be done to forestall bias from happening?

There can be a batch done to forestall this from go oning first and foremost is to move when person sees this go oning bring consciousness to your milieus. and allow the individual know that is holding this hatred offense done to them that they are non entirely. Another thing is to unify gather friends. household. schoolmates. and members of your community to assist halt this write to your senators and congresswomans to raise more consciousness. and travel to the intelligence to acquire it out at that place quicker.

Support the victims of this offense allow them cognize that there are topographic points to travel. and assist give them a voice. allow them cognize that you are at that place and are traveling to make everything you can make to assist them out. Help learn tolerance this affair is learned find out where/ who taught it to people and travel to the beginning aid educate them and happen out why they are like they are. Look into the issues and assist that split everyone and get down someplace to assist do a base and a difference.

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