Teaching and Learning in Practice Essay Sample

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In the context of life long larning within nursing there are many different survey methods available to us. Half the conflict is won when the person has chosen the method which is most effectual to them. Survey can affect working entirely or with others. and to accomplish ends efficaciously the right method is critical. Unfortunately there is no manner of finding the best method ; it is a instance of test and mistake.

The key to acquisition is to specify and grok what womb-to-tomb acquisition is. Once an person has established this. to be an effectual scholar one has to use it. Life long acquisition is a continuance of larning after one has finished a peculiar class. In the instance of a nursing grade it means remaining up to day of the month with policies and processs and developing new subdivision fortes. but it can be applied to anything from concern to drive.

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In this paper we will seek to reply the cardinal points of modern-day instruction and larning issues within nursing. To get by with this undertaking we will execute extended research in field of larning learning methodological analysiss. Then. by analyzing chief theories and methods larning. we will seek to research different attacks in acquisition and instruction. mentioning by the manner psychological issues in this field. After that we will analyze stop evaluate execution of instruction and acquisition in pattern.

What does the term larning mean? It is a common undertaking we pattern every twenty-four hours frequently without gaining. this is known as inactive acquisition. This is the consequence of frequent exposure and nurses can larn of import things this manner such as the marks and symptoms of unwellnesss that are often encountered on the ward. The job with this is that the nurse does non understand why they occur. Likewise if a nurse copies the accomplishments performed by a more experient nurse she is less likely to be able to modify the accomplishment when a new and somewhat different state of affairs occurs.

Passive acquisition is an inevitable portion of life. but to merely merely copy the behavior of our co-workers is non plenty to show professional pattern. Active larning nevertheless is when a nurse sets out to understand the constructs behind the rules behind the constructs and accomplishments they are required to cognize. It may assist if acquisition is viewed as a patterned advance from the acquisition of cognition through to higher degree mental activities. ( Walsh et al. 2001 ) A diagram explicating the patterned advance of cognition to active acquisition can be found in Appendix 1. This means that larning is non the mere acquisition of facts ; it involves a scope of rational activities.

As a nurse it is critical that a house and extended array of cognition is gained. Nursing is an of all time altering profession and more and more is learnt about the human organic structure and its maps on a day-to-day footing. This is barely surprising as diseases mutate and it is necessary for new drugs to be developed. Life long acquisition is hence indispensable.

It is easy for a individual nurse to develop the cardinal rules during preparation. The Code of Professional Conduct. ( CPC ) . provinces that: “As a registered nurse. accoucheuse or wellness visitant. you must keep your professional cognition and competency. ” This means that one time initial preparation is completed it is necessary for nurses to take part in regular preparation and develop competency and public presentation. As a nurse there is the duty of practising and presenting attention based on current grounds and what is thought to be best pattern harmonizing to current guidelines.

As a individual it is good pattern to put some ends including long term that extend beyond clip at university. This should give some motive to transport on developing accomplishments and cognition enabling the best possible attention to be given to the patients being treated. In order to accomplish ends an action program needs to be made stipulating what needs to be achieved and how it would best be achieved. There are three types of ends to be decided: short term. average term. and long term. They should move as stepping rocks until the single ranges at that place ultimate end.

Nursing is a practical occupation but it is still of import to pass clip reflecting. Abstract conceptualization follows on from contemplation. The construct is the thought ; abstract conceptualization is the apprehension of the thought. As a nurse the ability to reflect is important to develop in-depth cognition and accomplishments and accomplish life long ends efficaciously. Brooding pattern is like any other accomplishment. it can be learned. and become 2nd nature one time learnt.

Goodman ( 1984 ) said that there are three different degrees of contemplation. 1st- To make given aims: Descriptive ; 2nd – Relationships between rules and pattern ; 3rd- Incorporates ethical and political concerns. These different degrees are can merely be obtained through pattern.

There are many theories associating to contemplation and it depends on the person which one is followed. Some are really simple such as Maslin – Prothero ( 2001 ) :




Understanding others’ larning manners could enable facilitators to better and accommodate their instruction manners and schemes to run into person’s demands. When hapless consequences and/or non-attentiveness are apparent this may be a accelerator for the pedagogue to reexamine the instruction methods used. It is non every bit of import to calculate out what manner a individual is. as it is to acknowledge how and why a individual is larning in such a manner and how to promote their patterned advance. ( Adey. 1999 )

Research on this subject of larning manners can sometimes look confounding showing accounts that are similar. yet rather distinguishable. A thorough apprehension of these footings is indispensable in order to decently use them in nursing and preparation. One of the clearest pieces of research presented by Curry ( 1990 ) defines these footings as:

The most outstanding characteristic that differentiates Curry’s nomenclature from others is the grade to which they can be observed and understood. For illustration. acquisition penchants are frequently expressed. in stages like “I truly like working in groups” . “I merely can’t come to footings with new constructs unless I discuss them with others” ( Curry. 1990 ) . Similarly. acquisition and cognitive schemes may be noticed by detecting individuals or by leting them to believe aloud as they study.

First manner of acquisition is a pillar of humanitarianism. one of three distinguishable schools into which practicians have split the procedure of instruction: the others being cognitivism and behaviorism. The humanistic attack to acquisition is person-centred and skills-based. and each individual is considered as an person. It is concerned with integrity of experience and the hunt for personal significance. Identify to this humanist attack were the Hagiographas of the influential psychologist Carl Rogers ( 1983 ) . who encouraged the active engagement of individuals in acquisition by researching the theory of “self” : the apprehension of self-actualisation. human growing and the fulfillment of the person.

There are three basic rules of this person-centred attack: genuineness. empathy and unconditioned positive respect. As this was a little group. the author was able to inquire the individuals about their ain experiences. to promote them to demo their feelings and to lend and discourse their thoughts and suggestions. The individuals participated and contributed to the full throughout the session.

Humanist psychological science. which is concerned with persons’ ideas. feelings and experiences. contrasts straight with behaviorism. This is the alteration in discernible behavior brought approximately by the use of the nexus between stimulation. response and support. ignoring feelings and experiences. The behavioral school argues that environment controls behavior and larning hence comes from conditioning ( Thomson 1999 ) . Examples of conditioning in nurse instruction are the manner in which the attitude. behavior and values of facilitators and role-models are copied by individuals ; and where peer esteem or patient satisfaction is achieved ( McKenna 1995 ) . The author feels. nevertheless. that within this model it is hard to set up which patterns are good. and which are non advantageous.

From the three cardinal dogmas of behavioral psychological science identified by Myles ( 1993 ) it is operant conditioning that the author believes is the most good within the nursing instruction context. This is an active procedure which disregards the function of the stimulation and encourages behavior to be spontaneously emitted by the topic. The author was able to positively reenforce of import points within the learning session as reactions and behaviors reached her coveted response. with phrases like “nearly there” . However. the author concurs that the application of behaviorism into the learning procedure can intend that acquisition is perilously dependent on the end product of others and non on the active input of the individual ( Howard 1999 ) .

The last of these three schools. cognitivism. is the procedure of cognizing ( Adams and Bromley 1998 ) and of idea procedures ( Payne and Walker 2000 ) . Cognitivism emphasises internal purposive. mental procedures ( Quinn 2000 ) and covers assorted manners of cognizing. It includes the Acts of the Apostless of problem-solving. logical thinking. imagining and memory ( McKenna 1995b. Adams and Bromley 1998 ) .

Cognitive psychological science is concerned with the interrelatedness of component parts to a whole system. and this expansionistic attack has become more popular since the development of the digital computing machine in the 1950s ( Hayes 1984. Quinn 2000 ) . It is in the cogency of acquisition by find as an of import dogma of cognitivism that two of the taking advocates of the school differ. David Ausubel ( 1978 ) believed that most schoolroom acquisition is receptive. and that a find manner of acquisition is non executable as it requires greater clip and resources – so the apprehension of particulars is merely possible by the comprehension of general constructs. Jerome Bruner ( 1960 ) believed that particulars could be used to place cosmopolitan constructs. an inductive manner of larning. After new information was acquired. he felt. it had to be analysed. processed and so evaluated ( Quinn 2000 ) . Learning for Bruner. so. was by isolation and classification of objects. The deduction for this instruction session based on Bruner’s theory was that the rules of unwritten attention in forestalling infection must be to the full explained at the beginning – nevertheless this was excessively complex a undertaking. in footings of clip and deepness.

Ausubel’s receptive manner of acquisition was the most good. but how could information about oral cavity attention be put across and retained by the individuals? The cognitive theoretician Robert Gagne ( 1975 ) had found that the short-run memory is merely capable of seven-item storage. He examined a manner in which information could be organised and presented so it could be passed into the long-run memory and easy retrieved when required. The author examined Gagne’s theories and made an attempt to roll up information in the session in a assortment of different ways. The chief points of the instruction session were displayed on an overhead projector – the images were enhanced. and the text was easy to separate and non overcrowded. A figure of press releases were distributed. and a quiz was besides used as an educational game method. Pictures of the anatomy of the unwritten pit were distributed. and. after a period of bipartisan interaction. individuals were able to place and label them. Skills of non-verbal communicating were besides of import: face-to-face position. oculus contact and paralinguistic communication. ( Quinn 2000 ) .

The instruction procedure can be defined in many ways. A learning approach/theory has been developed to cover each facet. all of which are outlined below. The behaviorist attack is more normally known as classical and operant conditioning and is based on a stimulus-response. Pavlov foremost introduced classical conditioning. He observed the behavior of Canis familiariss and their salivation at the sight of nutrient. Pavlov deemed this an unconditioned response. He developed this farther and sounded a bell with a repast and discovered the Canis familiaris would salivate upon hearing the bell merely. Pavlov called this a learned response.

However. Skinner ( 1968 ) introduced operant conditioning. Skinner experimented with rats. He designed boxes for the rats. which housed a mechanism that delivered nutrient pellets each clip the lever was pressed. In the rats’ natural behavior. it makes inadvertent contact with the lever three or four times and nutrient is delivered. After this the rat demonstrates an knowing behavior. This indicates larning has occurred.

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow developed the Humanistic attack in America in the 1960’s in a reaction against the two other outstanding psychological science attacks. The accent is placed upon the person and the stimulation. which motivates persons to execute certain behaviors. Maslow’s hierarchy of demands demonstrates this. ( Culan 2000 ) .

Bruner developed the Cognitive attack. in the late 50’s and early 60’s. Bruner compared the head to a computing machine. saying that we excessively are information processors. He studied the internal mental procedures between the stimulation we receive and the responses we make. Cognition means to cognize and the cognitive procedures refer to the ways in which cognition is gained. used and retained. Cognitive psychological science is the most dominant attack to psychology today. Constructivist larning attack is a follow on to the cognitive attack. However the accent is placed upon the persons self consciousness and position on their ain acquisition. ( Reece 1997 )

A sphere of larning attack was developed by Bloom ( 1972 ) . He identified the three phases in which larning occurs as the:

Research and grounds has proven that no individual theory can cover all facets of acquisition ( Hartley 1984 ) . Classical and operant conditioning emphasis the importance of immediate feedback in larning to keep a positive attitude to acquisition. However. Cognitive and the spheres of larning. enable clients to develop job work outing accomplishments and the underpinning cognition of theory and accomplishments. Each theory has pros and cons. finding which theory relates to your personal state of affairs. will help in effectual acquisition.

Consequently. there are many ways to construe acquisition manners. David Kolb ( 1986 ) has written extensively on the topic and his theoretical account is often used. Kolb identified two separate larning activities:

Each of these distinguishable acquisition activities has inherently opposite stances to each other. For illustration some people perceive information utilizing physical experiences such as. feeling. touching. seeing. and hearing. while others perceive information abstractly. by mental or ocular conceptualization.

Once information is perceived it must be processed. Some people process information efficaciously by active experimentation ( making something with the information ) while others perceive best by brooding observation ( believing about it ) .

Kolb describes four acquisition dimensions in his theoretical account ( see Appendix 2 ) :

Active experimentation coupled with concrete experience green goodss. chiefly a “hands-on” scholar. a scholar that relies on intuition instead than logic. One that relies on other people’s analysis instead than their ain. and enjoys using their acquisition in existent life state of affairss. Learners that can unite concrete experience with brooding observations progress better by looking at points of position. and watching others instead than taking action. They gather information and make many classs for things. Imagination plays a big portion in their job work outing techniques and develops sensitiveness to their acquisition. Brooding observation coupled with abstract conceptualization manners of larning green goods scholars that like work outing jobs. happening practical solutions to their acquisition. Technical accomplishments are dominant and societal and interpersonal are shied off from.

Abstract conceptualization when focussed together with active experiments tends to guarantee scholars are really concise and logical. Peoples issues do non look of import where as abstract thoughts are. Logical accounts are used more frequently than practical 1s. Kolb’s theoretical account is merely one of many. Anthony Gregorc modified Kolb’s dimensions by concentrating on random and consecutive processing of information. This is similar to top-down and bottom up treating. Top-down scholars look at the whole undertaking ( random ) while bottom-up scholars proceed one-step-at-a-time ( consecutive ) . ( Gregorc. 1984 )

Kolb’s ( 1986 ) Learning Cycle and Gibbs Reflective Cycle ( see Appendix 2 ) are both really similar but travel into more item than Maslin – Prothero. The benefits of contemplation are high in nursing. It helps the development of nurses’ independent pattern. and it develops cognition. Reflection nevertheless is merely valuable when it is brooding pattern and non merely thoughtful pattern. There is a difference between merely believing about an experience and in – deepness geographic expedition of it. To successfully reflect the person should be unfastened minded. responsible. nonsubjective. willing to research emotions and. adaptable to alter.

Another attack to preferred learning manner is David Hunt’s impression of cycling through all four of Kolb’s dimensions ( Entwhistle. 1981 ) . That is. first experience the job so reflect on it. so analyse it. so act on it. In this attack the scholar will acknowledge that some manners in the rhythm come more of course to them than others and will be able to place the manners of larning that require farther work. Later research conducted by Honey & A ; Mumford ( 1992 ) modified Kolb’s rhythm and suggested four acquisition manners matching to each of the phases. They identified four chief acquisition manners: the militant. the theoretician. the pragmatist. and the reflector. The Activist enjoys new experiences and challenges. an environment of altering activities and appreciates the opportunity to develop thoughts through treatment and interaction with others. The Reflector appreciates the chance to reflect before doing a determination. prefers to listen and detect others debating and discoursing issues. and prefers to work entirely. The Pragmatist likes associating theory with pattern. enjoys job – work outing. and appreciates the chance to develop practical accomplishments. The Theorist enjoys theories and theoretical accounts. and thrives on job – work outing when it involves understanding and doing sense of complex issues.

Honey and Mumford’s theory on the four chief acquisition manners is really successful but. may non the best manner for nurses to accomplish their ends efficaciously. Learning as a nurse would affect integration and blending these larning manners as they do non truly provide for a nurses demands. In footings of long term ends The Pragmatist is the most ideal learning manner for a nurse as it involves larning practically with some component of theory. This is necessary as when covering with patients. nurses need to cognize the right method of making something and needs to understand why they do it. but pattern means that a nurse feels confident to set the theory into pattern. hence feeling confident about their abilities and more able to reassure the patient.

Harmonizing to educationists. this theoretical account offers an first-class model for planing. developing and presenting diverse acquisition experiences for all ( Rowntree. 1992 ) No 1 has a “pure” manner. Each of us has a alone combination of natural strengths and abilities. By larning some of the common features of each of the four combinations used by Gregorc. Kolb and Honey and Mumford. ( Dunn et al. 1999 ) facilitators can acknowledge and value how individuals learn best. Facilitators can so assist them to better in aspects of the acquisition manners that they least use and understand.

Although nurses invariably learn through pattern it is a good thought to develop good survey methods as a back up to the pattern. Achieving this means gaining house cognition. and ability to larn new and specialist accomplishments. Information can be sought by reading relevant stuffs. Diaries are a good manner of having information on new and revised policies. There are an copiousness of diaries available. The information may come from a general nursing magazine or from a diary that focus’ on a specific subdivision of such as pediatric nursing. It is besides good pattern to get down reading newspapers and listening to intelligence studies.

Equally good as reading and researching into the techniques that are required. it is besides of import to pattern. As a nurse it is of import to go familiar with the modus operandi and guarantee that the undertaking will be carried out with assurance. It is of import that a nurse feels confident transporting out the different undertakings that may be asked. It makes the patient feel more relaxed in a really nerve-racking state of affairs.

‘Confidence comes with pattern. ’ ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www. preparation. org. uk/ ) Practice may non ever be thought of as a acquisition method. It is nevertheless one of the most valuable larning experience to anybody. An person can be taught things and be the most skilled and competent individual but. could that individual put it into pattern in a existent state of affairs.

Communication is a good acquisition method every bit good as assisting the nurse expression more confident and competent. Life long larning involves being able to pass on efficaciously. By speaking to co-workers and holding a good comprehension of them new accomplishments can be learnt. Quite frequently nurses will larn from each other and good communicating accomplishments are imperative.

Does a nurse know everything there is to cognize about nursing? No

Does a nurse know when they know everything about nursing? No

So how can a nurse perchance know when larning terminals?

Therefore. many nurses will portion the same end. to go the best nurse that they can perchance be. This means that larning within nursing will ne’er stop. As antecedently stated it is one of the few of all time altering professions and so to go a competent nurse it is necessary to remain up to day of the month and go on larning throughout life.

David Boud et Al ( 1993 ) . present five propositions of experiential larning that they go on to discourse throughout the book. I shall briefly outline these propositions and explicate the ways in which they relate to and hold informed my ain pattern. First in the ways they relate to my ain pattern as a ‘learner’ facilitator and secondly. in the manner I integrate considerations associating to these propositions into my instruction pattern and inform my development and criterions of effectual pattern.

At the beginning. it was of import to see the age and background of the group: 10 grownup. junior. receptive individual nurses. An andragogical attack would be the most effectual for this group. Andragogy as applied to instruction is the art and scientific discipline of enabling grownups to larn ( Knowles 1984 ) . the design of positive acquisition environments and effectual acquisition chances – which enables the grownup individual to lend his or her old cognition into the procedure of larning. By utilizing an andragogical attack. individuals can be autonomous but supported. The facilitator and individuals are able to handle each other as peers. The individuals can take duty for their acquisition and can show their ain cognition and outlooks.

It was appropriate to get down the instruction session by placing the larning results to the individuals and doing clear to them what they should get from the session ( Quinn 2000 ) . Equally. it was of import to take a grade of dialogue. flexibleness and treatment into history. among other techniques of andragogical acquisition. By inquiring the individuals to portion their experiences at the beginning and by asking as to their present comprehension of the importance of unwritten attention. the author was able to construct a sense of informality and inclusiveness in the group and set up a peer-to-peer attack. with each individual larning as an person.

Planing and presenting instructions. is a complex process integrating many factors. If these are covered in a logical order. so an effectual instruction with positive results should happen. To guarantee this occurs. a procedure known. as APIE should be followed. If you Assess. Plan. Implement and Evaluate. so your instructions effectivity is mensurable. One of the most of import factors is to make up one’s mind what to establish your learning on and place your mark audience. larning environment. barriers to larning and relevant policies.

My instruction was based upon rehabilitation with respects to exert. aiming grownups from a multi cultural society who were due to be discharged from infirmary. In order to do my instruction suited for the grownup scholar. I understood it had to be flexible. with respects to day of the month and timing of the meeting. Use larning theories/ manners with the accent on treatment and dialogue and put them in control as this contributes to the cardinal system of life long larning. ( Redman 2001 ) . Recognizing the person is besides highly of import. as understanding their single demands is imperative. Research has been carried out by psychologists to foreground the different ways in which we approach and process information. However. due to the nature of the instruction. it was highly of import for myself to keep a grade of control. in order to steer patients through an uneventful recovery.

The instruction followed an active format. with group engagement and presentations and cognition at the same clip. The instruction session was based upon the Social acquisition theory and the cognitive attack. The societal acquisition theory was most relevant due to its constituents of positive and negative support and imitation. When larning within the group state of affairs. persons frequently can experience intimidated by others. nevertheless if all patients worked together. so they copied each other. imitated and internalized with one another. This was a positive result from the engagement position of the session. nevertheless the patient or patients who began to roll from the exercising government for illustration. exercised more than was recommended. so their recovery had a possibility of being delayed and other patients sometimes imitated this behavior or felt belittled and depressed as they couldn’t exercise every bit much or every bit frequently.

In order to cut down these factors. positive and negative support were used. Patients were praised on their accomplishments and patterned advance and a more negative attack was used to those who were rolling from the programme although congratulations was given for their committedness and enthusiasm. The cognitive attack was used as a usher for guaranting the patients had the underpinning cognition about the exercisings. This attack likens the human head to a computing machine. utilizing a stimulus-response mechanism. besides similar to classical and operant conditioning. One hoped the patients would internalise the theory given to them. which included exercisings and possible side effects if excessively much or excessively small was carried out and compare it to themselves with the response being any side effects they incurred.

The two theories were used consequently as one thought the cognitive attack reduced the figure of negative factors with the societal acquisition theory. The pros and cons with each theory and found the societal acquisition theory to be indispensable for group engagement but didn’t history for individualisation. which the cognitive procedure accounted for. When used together. they supported my instruction manner suitably. Not all theories work together. it is finding your personal instruction manner. mark audience and instruction topic which is most of import and the theories are a mention.

If the instruction session were to be repeated in the hereafter. one would trust to be able to capture a wider audience from within and outside of the health care profession. utilizing current feedback to construct upon and build a more effectual instruction. One believes the instruction. which has been delivered. was of a positive result as the focal point was concentrated on showing motive and a high grade of involvement. which was shown in the feedback.

The ideal learning would integrate every facet required. nevertheless due to clip limitations and limited installations it is virtually impossible to present a instruction which is suited to every client. The one solution to this. would be to split clients into groups. of similar age. cultural groups and physical and mental ability. nevertheless due to equal chances. disablement Acts of the Apostless and race dealingss. this could ne’er happen. One hopes this would ne’er go on in the hereafter as every client brings something alone and positive to them to each session. We all learn from one another and one believes if another instruction were to be. carried out it would be improved. due to see.

Having carried out the research and set about the instruction. the importance of client instruction is highly of import. Government policies are get downing to foreground this loophole and wellness professionals are get downing to visualise society in the hereafter if client instruction doesn’t occur.

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hypertext transfer protocol: //www. trainer. org. uk/

hypertext transfer protocol: //www. reexamining. co. uk/

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