The Birthmark Essay Research Paper Mirror Mirror

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The Birthmark Essay, Research Paper

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Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Our society tends to be obsessed with the thought of physical flawlessness. Why does our society manifest that compulsion? How is & # 8220 ; The Birthmark & # 8221 ; an early version of our modern compulsion with physical flawlessness? Nathaniel Hawthorne uses these inquiries to haunt Aylmer to build a life endangering experiment on his beloved. This compulsion shows how the thirst for scientific cognition can be a unsafe and deathlike class.

In the & # 8220 ; The Birthmark & # 8221 ; , Georgiana and her hubby Aylmer are seeking for physical flawlessness, much like we do today. Georgiana was born with a ruby nevus in the form of a manus located on her cheek. One twenty-four hours Georgiana discovers that this nevus & # 8220 ; dazes & # 8221 ; her hubby and she is profoundly bothered by it. Georgiana eventually realizes this after Alymar says & # 8220 ; Georgiana. . . has it of all time occurred to you that the grade upon your cheek might be removed? & # 8221 ; ( 10 ) This whole incident, and many others, shows how Aylmer loves scientific discipline more so his ain married woman. He is willing to put on the line her life to derive scientific cognition. After discoursing the nevus several times with her hubby, a gifted scientist, Georgiana decides to hold it removed by him. At one point in the narrative Georgina says to her hubby & # 8220 ; If there be the distant possibility of it. . . allow the effort be made at any risk. & # 8221 ; ( 13 ) This is the point at which Georgina shows what she is willing to give up to be beautiful, her life! Unfortunately Georgiana dies because of trying to take the nevus.

Our society has many ways of attesting its compulsion with physical flawlessness. In our societ

Y people go to extreme lengths to accomplish this flawlessness. The “The Birthmark” , written more than a century ago, is an early version of our modern compulsion with physical flawlessness. Aylmer tells Georgiana that the surgery will be a simple one, and that there is no manner that it would neglect. He does non state her that his earlier experiments had failed, or about the dream he had. Aylmer says, ” Dearest Georgiana, I have spent much thought upon the topic, and I am convinced of the perfect practicableness of its removal.” ( 13 ) Aylmer tells her that her grade is her 1 and merely desert. All in all Georgiana is caught up with the fact that she can look perfect. Aylmer says to her, ” whether to term a defect or a beauty, dazes me, as being the seeable grade of earthly imperfection.” ( 11 )

Society manifests its compulsion with physical flawlessness by holding surgical processs done on a day-to-day footing. These surgeries allow for about any decorative transmutation. For illustration a individual can hold anything from taking a nevus to holding a tummy tuck done on their organic structure. Georgiana wanted this process done no affair what the cost, & # 8221 ; life is a load which I would fling down with joy, take this awful manus, or take my deplorable life! & # 8221 ; ( 13 ) These processs enable society to accomplish what they call, & # 8220 ; outward flawlessness & # 8221 ; , much like Georgiana longed for in the & # 8220 ; The Birthmark & # 8221 ; .

The narrative & # 8220 ; The Birthmark & # 8221 ; is a perfect illustration of an early version of our modern compulsion with physical flawlessness. Georgiana and Aylmer manifested their compulsion with physical flawlessness much like we would today. The consequence was a simple lesson, do non mess with the individual God has created.

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