The Blindness In Oedipus Rex Essay Research

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The Blindness in Oedipus Rex

In the drama Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, the minor character of Tiresias is responsible for boding Oedipus destiny, developing the subject of sightlessness, and besides exemplifying dramatic sarcasm. Tiresias is responsible for farther developing the subject of sightlessness, by utilizing his ain physical sightlessness to uncover to Oedipus his mental sightlessness. Last, Tiresias is finally responsible for enforcing dramatic sarcasm because of his great cognition of the truth of Oedipus. As a luck Teller, Tiresias is able to see the destiny and devastation of Oedipus life. Tiresias uses his great ability to uncover to the reader the ruins in Oedipus life that will shortly happen because of his quest to cognize his destiny. The character of Tiresias demonstrates the usage of boding in order for the reader to be cognizant of Oedipus destiny.

Tiresias besides foreshadows the self-mutilation and devastation of Oedipus. The undermentioned citation clearly displays the usage of prefiguration by Tiresias, I say you know non in what worst of shame you live together with those nearest you, and see non in what evil predicament you stand. ( Sophocles, pg 14 ) . The predating citation foreshadows the suicide that Oedipus will perpetrate because of the sightlessness that he holds towards his yesteryear and his destiny. Tiresias explains to Oedipus that even though he can physically see now, in the hereafter he will be blinded because he learned the truth of his life. Tiresias clearly utilizes boding to exemplify the ruins that will happen in Oediups fated life.

Tiresias farther develops the subject of sightlessness in Oedipus Rex. Tiresias is a unsighted adult male who can really see the doomed result of Oedipus life. Even though Oedipus has full usage of his physical vision, he is wholly blind of his and his destiny. Tiresias uses his ain sightlessness to do Oedipus aware of his ain mental sightlessness towards the truths of his life. Tiresias reveals to Oedipus that it is Oedipus physical sight that deters him from seeing the truths of his yesteryear. The proceeding transition illustrates the subject of sightlessness as revealed by Tiresias to Oedipus. And since you have reproached me with my sightlessness, I say you have your sight, and do non see what immoralities are about you, nor with whom, nor in what place you are brooding. ( Sophocles, pg 15 ) . This citation clearly depicts the development of the subject of sightlessness, as Tiresias is tell Oedipus that even though he can see physically he is blinded

by his quest to cognize the truth of his life. Tiresias tells Oedipus that he can non see the torture that is a portion of Oedipus life. Tiresias reveals to the reader that to see physically does non intend that you can see mentally, as Oedipus clearly displays towards his yesteryear and his destiny.

Irony is displayed throughout Oedipus Rex and is finally displayed by Tiresias. Tiresias, even though wholly blind physically, can see the misery of Oedipus life. On the other manus, Oedipus, who has complete usage of his sight, is wholly unsighted to his yesteryear and his destiny. The extent of Oedipus mental sightlessness is assisted by his on-going pursuit for the truths of his life, which end up destroying him. It is dry that a adult male who is blind physically can see the agony and lunacy that will come to Oedipus in the hereafter due to his ongoing thrust for cognition. In the event ; for blind alternatively of seeing, and hapless for wealthy, to a foreign land, a staff to indicate his footfalls, he shall travel. Besides to his ain boies he shall be found related as a brother, though their sire, and of the adult female from whose uterus he came both boy and partner ; one that has raised up seed to his ain male parent, and has murdered him. ( Sophocles, pg 17 ) . This transition contains Tiresias uncovering cognition of Oedipus yesteryear to him. Oedipus has merely learned the truth of his yesteryear from a adult male who can non see, which becomes really dry to the reader. It is at this point in the drama where Oedipus learns that cognition or sight of his past brings immorality, hurting, and enduring into his life. It is quit dry that a adult male of such physical disablement can still utilize his mental vision to see the truth and destiny of Oedipus. Since Tiresias had revealed to Oedipus his yesteryear, Oedipus had now found the truth of his life and now that he can see mentally, he can non digest the agony that the truth has brought upon him. It is quit dry that Tiresias, who revealed to Oedipus the truth of his yesteryear in blind physically and now that Oedipus has learned the truth, now blinds himself physically because he can non digest the hurting and agony that his pursuit for the truth has brought upon him.

Last, Tiresias is responsible for showing dramatic sarcasm by utilizing his physical sightlessness to finally uncover to Oedipus his mental sightlessness. Many people in society today are blind to their yesteryear and how the result of certain events affects them. Some of these people think that the lone manner to suppress this sightlessness is to seek out the truths of their yesteryear in order to take a more fulfilled life.

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