“The Devil And Tom Walker” and Romanticism Essay

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The Romantic motion. frequently known as Romanticism. was a literary. rational. and artistic motion get downing in the late 1700’s into the nineteenth century. It originated in and traveled through Europe. animating its authors. Literary plant during this epoch emphasized the reader’s imaginativeness and emotion. They besides had involvements in nature and strive to be different from the criterions that have been set by old plants. Romantic pieces about become unrealistic with its phantasy or imagination. “The Devil and Tom Walker” by Washington Irving is a good illustration of the Romantic motion. This short narrative uses imagination and symbolism including elements of nature. it has the common Romantic subject of disputing the character about their yesteryear and their interior feelings. and the emotions of the other characters are heightened.

“The Devil and Tom Walker” uses a batch of symbols and is really descriptive in the scenes. The black adult male that is mentioned several times in the narrative represents the Satan and the immorality of the “userers. ” The different trees that the black adult male points out during his conversation with Tom represent the different psyches of people. Besides. the swamp is a symbol for Hell ; it is a topographic point of immorality and no 1 wants to travel at that place. That is where the Satan. the black adult male. lives. Nature is a large component in this short narrative.

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The subject of altering your yesteryear and researching your interior feelings was used in a batch of Romantic literary plants. “The Devil and Tom Walker” was written during a clip and puting when Puritans should give their lives to God. Tom decides to sell his psyche to the Satan and travel against his beliefs and influences. When he heard about the inhumed hoarded wealth. he tries to remain strong but falls quarry to his greed for money and wealths. His matrimony to his married woman was non traveling good and both of them in secret wanted a different world ; this and his greed made his focal point alteration to personal addition.

The emotions run high throughout the narrative. Tom’s married woman. particularly. has an active imaginativeness. She wants everything that she doesn’t have and will make
whatever she can to acquire the object of her green-eyed monster. When Tom had declined the black man’s cover the first clip. his married woman had already made up her head that she would claim the wealths. Tom assumes she had died when he found her apron with her bosom and liver. His life becomes one of a money loaner and finally becomes a devout church-going adult male. After all that unhappiness and sorrow. the Satan eventually comes to take Tom’s psyche and he rides off into the swamp.

I believe “The Devil and Tom Walker” by Washinton Irving is a good illustration of the Romantic literary motion. The characters are about in their ain phantasy universe and there is imagination throughout this narrative. It is really similar to other pieces of literature written during this epoch. The characters are connected to their emotions. their interior feelings come to visible radiation. and there are a batch of illustrations of nature and symbols. These grounds all support the fact that this is a Romantic piece of authorship.

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