The Earth Essay Research Paper Did u

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The Earth Essay, Research Paper

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Did u cognize that our planet, Earth wasn? T ever thought of as a planet? Until the 16th century when Capernicus figured out that the Earth was another planet, which revolved around the Sun, Greek uranologists thought the Earth was the centre of the solar system. Besides Earth is the lone planet that its name didn? t semen from Greek/Roman mythology.

When Earth was foremost discovered, uranologists were merely able to analyze it with out ballistic capsule. It was non until the 20th century that we had maps of the full planet. Pictures taken of the planet are really of import, non merely because they aid in conditions anticipations, but they are besides really beautiful.

The Earth is divided into seven beds: the crust, upper mantle, passage part, lower mantle, D? bed, outer nucleus, and inner nucleus. ? The crust varies well in thickness ; it is thinner under the oceans, and thicker under the continents? . ( Arnett1 ) The inner nucleus and crust are solid, and the outer nucleus and mantle beds are fictile or semi-fluid. Most of Earth? s mass is in its mantle and the remainder is in its nucleus.

Most of the nucleus is made of Fe, but there may be lighter elements in it excessively. Temperatures at the centre of the nucleus can be every bit high as 7500K, which is hotter than the surface of the Sun.

? Unlike the other bouldery planets, Earth? s crust is divided into several separate home bases, which float about independently on top of the hot mantle below? . ( Arnett1 ) This is called the home base tectonics theory. This is created by two procedures. The first is distributing which occurs when two home bases move off form each other and magma gets in, making a new crust. The 2nd is subduction, which is the opposite. When this happens two home bases collide and one ends up being destroyed in the mantle. There are eight major home bases: The North American Plate, South American Plate, Antarctic Plate, Eurasiatic Plate, African Plate, Indian-Australian Plate, Nazca Plate, and Pacific Plate. Other than these home bases are about twenty little home bases.

The surface of the Earth

is about 4.5 ~ 4.6 billion old ages old, although the oldest stones are about 4 billion old ages old. This is said to be rare because they are older so 3 billion old ages old.

Water makes up 71 per centum of the Earth? s surface. Earth is besides the lone planet that can hold H2O as a liquid on its surface. Water is really of import on Earth because we need it to populate, and without it we would be non-existent.

The Earth? s ambiance is made up largely of N and O, but besides has Ar, C dioxide, and H2O. The ground there isn? t as much C dioxide in the Earth today is because it has turned into carbonate stones, was dissolved into the oceans, and consumed by life workss. The C dioxide that remains is really of import for the Earth? s surface temperature via the nursery consequence. ? The nursery consequence raised the mean surface temperature about 35 grades C above what it would otherwise be ( organize a cold -21C to a comfy +14C ) ; without it the oceans would stop dead and life as we know would be impossible? . ( Arnett1 )

The free O on Earth is outstanding. Oxygen is good because under normal fortunes it could unite in a speedy mode with other elements. If we were non in being so free O wouldn? T be either.

The electric currents in the nucleus green goods Earth? s magnetic field. When the Earth? s magnetic field and upper ambiance interact with the solar air current an auroras takes topographic point. An dawn is a freshness in a planet? s ionosphere caused by the planet? s magnetic field and charged atoms organize the Sun. ? The Earth? s magnetic field and its interaction with the solar air current besides produce the Van Allen radiation belts, a brace of ring shaped rings of ionised gas ( or plasma ) trapped in orbit around the Earth.

The Earth? s orbiter, the Moon, is its lone natural orbiter, but placed in orbit around the Earth are 1000s of little unreal orbiters.

From this study I have learned many facts about the Earth that I didn? Ts know before. I hope to larn as much about the other planets as I did approximately Earth.

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